Автор: Евгений Бажанов
Издательство: Дашков и К
Жанр: Биографии и Мемуары
isbn: 978-5-394-03511-1
In Europe countries, which used to confront each other for centuries, now successfully cooperate in regional institutions such as European Union, OSCE and others. In Southeast Asia former adversaries also work together in ASEAN. Russia has in its turn managed to forge institutional links with former republics of the Soviet Union – now independent states.
5. It is understandable, of course, that rapprochement among Middle Eastern states may be helped or, on the contrary, hindered by policies of outside powers. In this connection it is worthwhile to discuss American policies.
The ofёcial American doctrine divides nations of contemporary world into four categories, and one of these categories are so-called “rouge” states. A “rouge” state is the one, which does not respect democracy, market economy and international law, mistreats its neighbors and, most importantly, does not accept American leadership, challenges it.
In the Middle East, according to American way of thinking, there are four states of the above-mentioned category: Iraq, Iran, Libya and to a lesser degree Syria. The American political and defense doctrines presuppose a relentless struggle against such “rouge” regimes employing every method available, including military one. The USA is ready to continue this struggle till the end, until the opponent is defeated and the “rogue” regime is replaced with the one more to the American likening. In its determination to fall the “rogue” regimes down the United States does not want to be constrained by international law and UN resolutions. It is perfectly prepared to act on its own.
Having framed itself into this set of mind Washington conducts such policy vis-a-vis the above mentioned “rogue” states of the Middle East. Many specialists in the United States see positive trends in foreign and domestic policies of Iran, notice that a new generation of Iranian elites favors cultural diversity and openness to the outside world, especially the West. The American experts emphasize the fact that Iran fastly develops a genuine political system and a stable, effective economy. It is admitted as well that containment of Iran has lacked international support and therefore has been ineffective. And yet, the White House and the US Congress continue the containment policy against Iran.
The United States makes unreasonable demands to Iranian authorities, provoke Gulf states to oppose Iran, direct Israeli-Turkish military partnership against Teheran’s interests etc.
Unrestrained pressure against Iraq is equally counterproductive. Such policies make Housein even more intransigent and security-conscious, increase criticism of the USA and provide fertile soil for extremist movements and terrorism.
6. Now let’s turn to terrorism, extremism and separatism. They pose a rising threat in the Middle East. They heat up controversies among states, create internal problems, threaten lives and property of population.
For Russia it is also a grave problem. Events in Chechnya unfolded back in the early 1990s as separatist in nature. Russian government could not just sit and watch how an integral part of the Federation was being snatched away. No state in the world would tolerate it, and, as a matter of fact, no one does tolerate. By now separatists have proved to be pure terrorists and extremists who even dared to attack other parts of Russia. As a result, our armed forces have to repel the aggressor.
If other states or organizations choose to support the terrorists and extremists in Russia, they simply give “green light” to this dangerous phenomenon everywhere.
7. Social and economic problems in the regional countries aggravate security threats. It is not a secret that the Middle East suffers from such phenomena as demographic growth outpacing economic growth, declining economic performance challenging regime legitimacy, growing dissatisfaction with corruption and inaccessible rulers etc. As Russia itself experiences internal difёculties, it can understand very well challenges facing local countries. We are certainly ready to cooperate with Middle Eastern states in tackling common threats.
So, as we can clearly see from the whole range of the issues, analyzed above, the Russian Federation has profound interests in the Middle East, shares many concerns with countries of the region and is prepared to work with them together for a better future for all.
24 января 2000 года, 21:55
Наши выступления и ответы на вопросы по Чечне оказались весьма популярными. Все подряд просили тексты докладов. Многие хвалили ответы. Были и просьбы о новых интервью, в том числе ТВ на завтра.
Уехали в 16 часов с помощником военного атташе Евгением Валерьевичем. Очень приятный молодой парень. Возил в новые для нас магазины. Купили скатерти на стол, видели различных кукол, в том числе и красивых, но опять курды, азеры. А выяснилось следующее. Купили мы вовсе не персов, а мужчину-курда и женщину-азербайджанку. Они, конечно, иранцы, граждане этой страны, но не настоящие персы! Видели пару персов из Хорасана, но Киске они не понравились. Ладно, подождем, может быть, купим в Исфахане.
Услышанное от Е.В.:
1. Многие дома пьют. Пили же при шахе – куда это могло деться? 2. Рестораны, кроме забегаловок, чистые.
25 января 2000 года, 9:05
Папулин день рождения, пишу в зале, где проходит конференция, поэтому получается так криво (держу тетрадь на коленях).
Слушаем лекции о нефти Персидского залива. Народ и вчера «поредел» после обеда, а сегодня нас еще меньше (т. е. как в России). Узнали, что Исфахан в среду отменяется, может быть, в четверг. Это любопытно. Что же нам делать? Кстати, голландец, живущий в нашей гостинице, тоже жалуется – люди звонят и ничего не выполняют.
Возвращаюсь во вчерашний день. Нас принял замминистра Садак Харази. Вел себя высокомерно. Признался, что не помнит меня (хотя СКАЧАТЬ