Primary Command. Джек Марс
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СКАЧАТЬ too fast for Audrey to come out here and pile on.

      “Well, I have an assignment.”

      He noticed himself fudging. He didn’t call it a mission. He didn’t call it an operation. What kind of assignment was it? Was he going to interview a local craftsman for the weekly newspaper? Maybe it was a high school science project?

      Instantly, she was wary.

      Her eyes stared deep into his, searching there. “What is it?”

      He shrugged. “It’s a diplomatic snafu, really. The Russians took three American archaeologists prisoner, and confiscated their little submarine. They were diving in the Black Sea, looking for the wreck of an old trading ship from ancient Greece. They were in international waters, but the Russians felt they were too close to Russian territory.”

      Her eyes never wavered. “Are they spies?”

      Luke took another sip of his beer. He let out a sound, a short bark of laughter. She was good at this. She’d already had a lot of practice. She went right for the open vein.

      He shook his head. “You know I can’t tell you that.”

      “And you’re going to go where, and do what?”

      He shrugged. “I’m going to Turkey, to see if we can get them released.” The statement was true, as far as it went. It also overlooked an entire continent’s worth of detail. It was a sin of omission.

      And she also knew that. “To see if we can get them released? Who are we?”

      Now it was a chess match. “The United States of America.”

      “Come on, Luke. What are you not telling me?”

      He sipped the beer again and scratched his head. “Nothing of substance, hon. The Russians are holding three guys. I’m going to Turkey. They want me there because I have experience in the kind of mission that led to this. If the Russians are willing to negotiate, I probably won’t even be directly involved.”

      Behind Luke, the screen door slammed. Becca’s eyes looked past him for a second. Dammit! Here came Audrey.

      Becca’s eyes were suddenly angry. Tears welled up in them. No! The timing couldn’t be worse. “Luke, the last time you went abroad, I was almost nine months pregnant. You were going to Iraq to arrest someone, remember? A police job, I think you called it. But it turned out you were going to rescue the president’s…”

      He raised a finger. “Becca, you know that isn’t true. I did go to arrest someone, and the arrest was uneventful…”

      That was a lie. Another lie. The arrest was a slaughterhouse.

      “…daughter from Islamic terrorists. Your helicopter crashed. You and Ed fought Al Qaeda militants on a mountaintop.”

      “All of that happened after we were already there.”

      “I’m not stupid, Luke. I can read between the lines of newspaper reports. The articles admitted that dozens of people were killed. That tells me there was a bloodbath and you were right in the middle of it.”

      Luke raised his hands a tiny amount, as if she had just pulled the world’s tiniest gun on him. The baby was still there, suckling away as if none of this was happening.

      “It’s an assignment, hon. It’s my job. Don Morris…”

      Now she raised a finger. “Don’t you Don Morris me. I don’t even blame Don anymore. If you didn’t want to go on these suicide missions, then he couldn’t get you to go. It’s really that simple.”

      Now she was crying, the tears pouring down.

      “What’s going on?” a voice said. The voice was too eager. It sensed blood in the water, and was moving in for the kill.

      “Hi, Audrey,” Luke said, without even turning around.

      Becca stood and handed Audrey the baby. She looked down at Luke, her eyes hard. Her entire body was shaking now from the tears.

      “What if you die?” she said. “We have a son now.”

      “I know that. I’m not going to die. As always, I’m going to be very careful. Even more so now, because of Gunner.”

      Becca stood there next to her mother, her hands balled up in fists. She looked like a toddler who was about to start shrieking in the middle of the supermarket. Her mother, in contrast, was calm, simpering, self-satisfied. She bounced the baby in her thin, birdlike arms and cooed to him in quiet baby talk.

      “It’s going to be okay,” Luke said. “It’s going to be fine. I know it is.”

      Abruptly, Becca stormed off, up the small hill toward the house. A moment later, the screen door slammed again.

      Now Luke and Audrey stared at each other. Audrey had the sharp, predatory eyes of a hawk. Her mouth opened.

      Luke raised a hand and shook his head. “Audrey, please don’t say a word.”

      Audrey ignored him. “One day, you’re going to come back here and you’re not going to have a wife anymore,” she said. “Or a house to live in, for that matter.”


      8:35 p.m. Eastern Standard Time

      The Skies Above the Atlantic Ocean

      “Rock and roll,” Mark Swann said.

      “Hip-hop, son,” Ed Newsam said. “Hip-hop.”

      He held his big hand out across the narrow aisle of the small jet plane and Swann gave him a smooth, slow tap. Then Swann turned his own hand over and Ed appeared to place a few coins in Swann’s palm. They had just acted out the whole “gimme five, keep the change” brother man hand jive.

      Since the last mission, Newsam and Swann had become unlikely friends.

      Luke watched them. Ed lounged in his seat, steely-eyed, huge, neatly dressed in khaki cargo pants and a form-fitting SRT T-shirt. Ed’s job was weapons and tactics. Both his hair and his beard were close-cropped and the edges perfectly even. He looked exactly like what he was—no one to mess with.

      Meanwhile, Swann looked like anything other than a federal agent. His wore black-framed glasses. His hair was pulled into a long ponytail. He wore a T-shirt that said BLACK FLAG, with a photo of a man diving from a stage into a swarming crowd. He stretched his long legs out into the aisle, an old pair of ripped jeans on his skinny legs, with a pair of bright yellow Chuck Taylors as an obstacle for any passersby. His feet were huge.

      The two men had originally bonded over a love of the 1980s rap group Public Enemy, and a similar sarcastic sense of humor. Now they were bonding over God only knew what. Youthful male energy? Unlimited possibility?

      The guys were enjoying themselves, ramping up for another trip to the back of beyond. That was good. These guys needed to be dialed in and razor sharp.

      Luke himself didn’t feel half as much enthusiasm. He felt exhausted, more emotionally than physically. Of course, he was the only one here with a newborn baby, an angry wife, and a conniving СКАЧАТЬ