The Surprising Adventures of Baron Munchausen. Rudolf Raspe
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СКАЧАТЬ shot went off, and I killed fifty brace of

      ducks, twenty widgeons, and three couple of teals. Presence of mind is

      the soul of manly exercises. If soldiers and sailors owe to it many of

      their lucky escapes, hunters and sportsmen are not less beholden to it

      for many of their successes. In a noble forest in Russia I met a fine

      black fox, whose valuable skin it would have been a pity to tear by ball

      or shot. Reynard stood close to a tree. In a twinkling I took out my

      ball, and placed a good spike-nail in its room, fired, and hit him so

      cleverly that I nailed his brush fast to the tree. I now went up to him,

      took out my hanger, gave him a cross-cut over the face, laid hold of my

      whip, and fairly flogged him out of his fine skin.

      Chance and good luck often correct our mistakes; of this I had a

      singular instance soon after, when, in the depth of a forest, I saw a

      wild pig and sow running close behind each other. My ball had missed

      them, yet the foremost pig only ran away, and the sow stood motionless,

      as fixed to the ground. On examining into the matter, I found the latter

      one to be an old sow, blind with age, which had taken hold of her pig’s

      tail, in order to be led along by filial duty. My ball, having passed

      between the two, had cut his leading-string, which the old sow continued

      to hold in her mouth; and as her former guide did not draw her on

      any longer, she had stopped of course; I therefore laid hold of the

      remaining end of the pig’s tail, and led the old beast home without any

      further trouble on my part, and without any reluctance or apprehension

      on the part of the helpless old animal.

      Terrible as these wild sows are, yet more fierce and dangerous are

      the boars, one of which I had once the misfortune to meet in a forest,

      unprepared for attack or defence. I retired behind an oak-tree just when

      the furious animal levelled a side-blow at me, with such force, that his

      tusks pierced through the tree, by which means he could neither repeat

      the blow nor retire. Ho, ho! thought I, I shall soon have you now! and

      immediately I laid hold of a stone, wherewith I hammered and bent his

      tusks in such a manner, that he could not retreat by any means, and must

      wait my return from the next village, whither I went for ropes and a

      cart, to secure him properly, and to carry him off safe and alive, in

      which I perfectly succeeded.


      _Reflections on Saint Hubert’s stag – Shoots a stag with cherry-stones;

      the wonderful effects of it – Kills a bear by extraordinary dexterity;

      his danger pathetically described – Attacked by a wolf, which he turns

      inside out – Is assailed by a mad dog, from which he escapes – The Baron’s

      cloak seized with madness, by which his whole wardrobe is thrown into


      You have heard, I dare say, of the hunter and sportsman’s saint and

      protector, St. Hubert, and of the noble stag, which appeared to him

      in the forest, with the holy cross between his antlers. I have paid my

      homage to that saint every year in good fellowship, and seen this stag a

      thousand times, either painted in churches, or embroidered in the

      stars of his knights; so that, upon the honour and conscience of a good

      sportsman, I hardly know whether there may not have been formerly, or

      whether there are not such crossed stags even at this present day. But

      let me rather tell what I have seen myself. Having one day spent all my

      shot, I found myself unexpectedly in presence of a stately stag, looking

      at me as unconcernedly as if he had known of my empty pouches. I charged

      immediately with powder, and upon it a good handful of cherry-stones,

      for I had sucked the fruit as far as the hurry would permit. Thus I let

      fly at him, and hit him just on the middle of the forehead, between his

      antlers; it stunned him – he staggered – yet he made off. A year or two

      after, being with a party in the same forest, I beheld a noble stag with

      a fine full grown cherry-tree above ten feet high between his antlers.

      I immediately recollected my former adventure, looked upon him as my

      property, and brought him to the ground by one shot, which at once

      gave me the haunch and cherry-sauce; for the tree was covered with the

      richest fruit, the like I had never tasted before. Who knows but some

      passionate holy sportsman, or sporting abbot or bishop, may have shot,

      planted, and fixed the cross between the antlers of St. Hubert’s stag,

      in a manner similar to this? They always have been, and still are,

      famous for plantations of crosses and antlers; and in a case of distress

      or dilemma, which too often happens to keen sportsmen, one is apt to

      grasp at anything for safety, and to try any expedient rather than

      miss the favourable opportunity. I have many times found myself in that

      trying situation.

      What do you say of this, for example? Daylight and СКАЧАТЬ