Time. Sergey Semashko
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Название: Time

Автор: Sergey Semashko

Издательство: Издательские решения

Жанр: Драматургия


isbn: 9785005009548


СКАЧАТЬ of being free, but do not want to understand what freedom is in/truth, and what to do to achieve it. In fact, freedom does not exist at all. Every person, whether he wants it or not, depends on many provisions, such as food, sex, money, living space, and so on… But it is a mistake to think that if you get all this, you will become free. “Not at all!“a Russian officer of the eighteenth century said and shot him in the forehead. Freedom can only be in our imagination. Freedom is imagination. Freedom of thought. And here to do and speak, not everything turns out. Some/any is easy gymnast does a somersault on the beam. Freely. But for a tractor driver with thirty years of experience – such freedom will seem unthinkable. He’ll break his leg at best if he tries to climb the log. On the other hand, if it is properly pricked with painkillers, and give a sniff a couple of tracks of cocaine, it is in this state, it is able to dance the Lambada not only on the log – on a tightrope under the dome of the circus. This is about doping. When I worked in construction, in plumbing and carpentry shop, covering in the shop, in the workshop for the finishing of the car, in the office for the sale of medical equipment, the installer of plastic Windows, loader, assistant agronomist, explosive technician, nurse city hospital, a security guard dairy plant tectorum in the bakery, Plugarul the glass processing, stempelen for the production of bricks, the clamp and prominately on the asphalt, a dobyvatel in karrah gypsum deposits, I often met people who are not able to work without a hundred grams after Breakfast. I literally annoyed everyone with my sobriety. Although, you know, my mother died from the effects of alcoholism. She often hung out in the men who could not live a day without a glass of vodka. Obviously, it had a strong impact. Not that I despise people who like to drink. I despise alcoholism. And I don’t drink alcohol for one reason only – I’m afraid I won’t be able to stop. Who likes – let him drink. Unless someone against. If only I was not imposed. All the more, I after all only alcoholics despise. What’s the difference between a drunk and a simple drink, by the way? Or even – a drunkard and a simple man who drinks only on holidays? Or even – a drunk and a simple man, overturning a glass in his bosom, just for the sake of maintaining the company? Systematic drinking is alcoholism. Even the regularity in a plain drink is latent alcoholism. The funny thing is that only when a person really understands the danger of alcohol, drugs, gambling, casual relationships, only then he ceases to touch all this. The ancients drank wine only in those cases… however, also to drink in earnest. Omar Khayyam drank not by the will of Heaven. Basically, drink, of course, from boredom. And if you really go deep, then there is a lot tied to the functional work of the brain. A normal, creatively active person does not need to resort to surrogates and substitutes for pleasure. It the pituitary gland produces this amount of alcohol and drugs, that there, sorry, even us rock stars would envy. And all this, I want to note, is achieved in an absolutely natural way. Look at the children – they are constantly experiencing a whole range of sensations. And what about the two lovers? What about the four lovers? Well, I’m joking, of course. And then, we, nor God willing, will appear in the multifunction family. God forbid if the state allows polygamy. Gay/some/where permitted. In powerful and ancient Egypt pharaohs fucked not only with their wives, whom even by name did not know – they fucked daughters, daughters, daughters, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Well, of course they were perverts. It’s the stuff they show in movies and tell you in books. I’m telling you, at the time, sex was a religious thing, and it often went too far. As, for example, there was a time when the Buddhists had to undergo hardships, and was not as popular as it is now. Now, instead of Buddhism began to flourish homosexuality. I don’t remember what age it happened. And the oldest that lived, forever wandering from one place to another, the sex took the form of an ordinary Orgy. That is, they gathered the tribe around the campfire, rolled the binge or high “cultural” plants, and it all ended in a crazy fucking under the stars. Almost the same thing the Romans did in their baths. Almost the same thing the Egyptians did in their palaces. Almost the same, did the Japanese in their chambers. Almost the same thing we do when we gather in saunas and brothels. What do you want, if in England already naked running around the streets. And about the nudist beaches – generally silent. The Communists will probably burst with anger now. They and the family/it is not too encouraged to talk about sex. What there to speak about the rest of the. Well, they’re Communists. Who/W have to restrain human passion. Bang/exhale/inhale – hold. It may be said, but it is worth considering why it is so difficult for outstanding people, in their essence, valuable people to achieve recognition by society? There was a time when mathematicians, for fun, gathered around the fence and painted with coal on the boards of puzzles. And the people gathered. Although, maybe it’s all a fairy tale. I read it in some encyclopedia of the seventy-fourth edition. In the Soviet Union, this would have been possible if it had not collapsed, or it had not collapsed. I even heard that then people worked at the plant on this principle to increase labor production, they something like forty-five minutes worked at the machine, and then, at the machine, did physical exercises. This, of course, is hard to believe. But rumors the world I remember. By the way, it’s not so bad to feel like a woman. Body, as if honey is poured. In women, the center of gravity is very low, so when they go on/something in a hurry, then slightly lean forward. Chained to the ground. There are, of course, disadvantages. For example, to take a certain height, it is necessary to apply Titanic efforts. And anger, out of nowhere. The moodiness of the character. Changeability. Why wasn’t I born a woman? The world would fall at my feet. I’d get everything I could ever want. At the same time, not doing a damn thing. The task of the mother is to cultivate the feminine principle in children, so that they can survive in a difficult situation. Well, when a person is equally developed and the feminine and masculine. Such a person will not disappear anywhere. But men are afraid, of course. Because pride, vanity, self-centeredness. Men do not know how to be a support for others. This only have women can be learn to. And although, say, that men not crying. That depends. It happens even more often than women. Sometimes, from mere trifles. From sadness, the case, or melancholy. But, men are able to open new. This can only be learned from men. But, the men great enthusiasts. However, the memory of many short. Woman remembers everything. Everything to the smallest detail. No, God forbid, her what/either to argue. She remembers what was said three or five years ago. A virtuoso of the lie. Even without a hint of conscience. Why? But themselves – horror, as acutely react to a lie. A sailor loves a sailor from afar. The sea mile is almost five kilometers. Among sailors, by the way, homosexuality thrives. It’s almost like a prison. Who/W was not invented to bring women on the ship. Superstition masks vices. Someone/the coined, at all, on the sea walk. Someone, once was the first. Pioneers always remain in the shadow of the past. Always. And the best seafarers are known to be women. Although the story of do not know. Elisabeth, Catherine, Zoe Kosmodemyanskaya and Jannu Dark. You heard these two highly successful the legend in a spirit of thousand and one night? Lovely! What talented, however, people lived under the Soviet Union. No denying it. From this we can draw an iron conclusion that in social countries the population is much more educated than in any other. Where people are fed, dressed, have a roof over their heads and opportunities to realize their talents, there is always culture at the highest level. And not without taste. Who can say that the United States of the fifties did not have good taste? They knew how to dress, listened to jazz, understood science and understood art. Communism came from France. And when the French had bad taste. As far as we know, there is an abundance of these tastes. But in any culture, in principle, it is possible to recognize good taste. Take at least the inhabitants of the Pacific Islands, whose intellectual abilities and imagination are limited to laying shells and stones on the sandy shore. Also, a kind of exotic, alluring curiosity. The prototype of learning. Newton compared himself to a boy collecting seashells on the seashore. “Exotic” means remote. In the world, in fact, so much interesting, good, beautiful. Elephant hunting. It’s epic. Desert storm. Twelve-ball storm. Jaw. Eruption. Whale migration. Sharp-nosed mountain peaks. Lush sea. Severe and clean glaciers. Agile penguins. Australian kangaroo. Bustling Tokyo. Safe haven. A lonely lighthouse. The rustle of the dense jungle. Gangs Of New York. Perhaps the US has always been a gangster country. wild West. Eldorado. Wall Street. Whether it is worth taking an example from them at all. Although they have СКАЧАТЬ