War and Peace: Original Version. Лев Толстой
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Название: War and Peace: Original Version

Автор: Лев Толстой

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Классическая проза


isbn: 9780007396993


СКАЧАТЬ my dear, kind princess,” said Anna Mikhailovna, grabbing hold of the document case with one hand so tightly that it was clear that she would not let it go easily. “My dear princess, I beg you, I implore you, have pity on him. I implore you.”

      The eldest princess said nothing. The only thing to be heard were the sounds of the struggle for the document case. It was evident that if she were to speak, it would be to say something unflattering to Anna Mikhailovna. Anna Mikhailovna was clinging on tight, but despite that, her voice remained as sweet and syrupy as ever.

      “Pierre, come over here, my friend. I think he has a place in a family council, does he not, prince?”

      “Why do you say nothing, cousin?” the eldest princess suddenly screeched so loudly that they heard it in the drawing room and took fright at the sound of her voice. “Why do you say nothing, when anyone who wishes to can take it upon themselves to interfere and make scenes at the door of a dying man’s room? Schemer!” she whispered venomously and tugged on the document case with all her strength, but Anna Mikhailovna took a few steps forward in order not to be separated from the case and renewed her grip.

      “Oh!” said Prince Vasily in reproachful amazement. He stood up. “This is absurd. Come now, let go, I tell you.”

      The eldest princess let go.

      “And you.”

      Anna Mikhailovna did not obey him.

      “Let go, I tell you. I take everything on myself. I shall go and ask him. I … enough of this from you.”

      “But prince, after such a great sacrament, allow him a moment’s peace. You, Pierre, tell us your opinion,” she said to the young man, who had come right up close to them and was staring in astonishment at the princess’s embittered face that had lost all decorum, and at Prince Vasily’s twitching cheeks.

      “Remember that you will answer for all the consequences,” Prince Vasily said severely. “You do not know what you are doing.”

      “Loathsome woman,” screeched the eldest princess, unexpectedly throwing herself at Anna Mikhailovna and snatching away the document case. Prince Vasily lowered his head and spread his arms in despair.

      At that moment the terrible door at which Pierre had been looking for so long and which had always opened so quietly, was noisily thrown wide open, banging against the wall, and the middle princess ran out fluttering her arms in the air.

      “What are you doing?” she said in a desperate voice. “He is dying, and you leave me alone!”

      The eldest princess dropped the document case. Anna Mikhailovna quickly bent down, snatched up the object of contention and ran into the bedroom. The eldest princess and Prince Vasily came to their senses and followed her. The first to emerge a few minutes later was the eldest princess, her face pale and cold and her lower lip bitten. At the sight of Pierre, her face assumed an expression of irrepressible spite. “Yes, now you can rejoice,” she said, “this what you were waiting for.” Bursting into sobs, she hid her face in her handkerchief and ran out of the room.

       THE STRUGGLE FOR THE DOCUMENT CASE Drawing by M.S. Bashilov, 1866

      The eldest princess was followed out of the bedroom by Prince Vasily. He staggered as far as the divan on which Pierre was sitting and fell onto it, covering his eyes with his hand. Pierre noticed that he was pale and his lower jaw was jerking and shuddering feverishly.

      “Ah, my friend,” he said, taking Pierre by the elbow, and there was a sincerity and infirmity in his voice that Pierre had never noticed in it before. “We sin so much, we deceive so much, and all for what? I am over fifty, my friend … for me … Everything will end in death, everything. Death is terrible.” He burst into tears.

      Anna Mikhailovna was the last to emerge. She walked across to Pierre with slow, quiet steps.

      “Pierre!” she said.

      Pierre looked at her enquiringly. She kissed the young man on the forehead, wetting his face with her tears. She paused before speaking.

      “He has passed away …”

      Pierre looked at her through his spectacles.

      “Come with me, I will walk with you. Try to cry; nothing brings more relief than tears.”

      She led him into the dark drawing room, and Pierre was glad that no one there could see his face. Anna Mikhailovna left him there, and when she returned he was sound asleep with his head lying on his hand.

      The next morning Anna Mikhailovna said to Pierre:

      “Yes, my friend, it is a great loss for all of us, and especially for you. But God will support you, you are young and now, I hope, the owner of immense wealth. The will has not yet been opened. I know you well enough to be sure that it will not turn your head, but it imposes obligations on you, and you must be a man.”

      Pierre said nothing.

      “Afterwards perhaps I shall tell you that if I had not been there, God only knows what might have happened. You know that two days ago my uncle promised me not to forget Boris, but he had no time. I hope, my friend, that you will carry out your father’s wish.”

      Pierre did not understand anything and, blushing shyly, which was something that he rarely did, he stared at Anna Mikhailovna without speaking. After her talk with Pierre, Anna Mikhailovna drove back to the Rostovs’ house and went to bed. On waking in the morning, she told the Rostovs and all her acquaintances the details of Count Bezukhov’s death. She said that the count had died as she herself would wish to die, that his end was not merely touching but edifying, that she could not recall it without tears, and that she did not know who had behaved best during those terrible and solemn moments, the father, who had remembered everything and everyone in his final moments and spoken such touching words to his son, or Pierre, who had been a pitiful sight, he was so crushed, and how, despite that, he had tried to conceal his sorrow in order not to distress his dying father.

      “It is hard, but it is salutary; the soul is exalted when one sees such people as the old count and his worthy son,” she said. She also spoke, in disapproving terms, of the actions of the princess and Prince Vasily, but only in a whisper and as a great secret.


      At Bleak Hills, the estate of Prince Nikolai Andreevich Bolkonsky, they were expecting the arrival of the young Prince Andrei and his princess any day, but this anticipation did not disrupt the strict order which life followed in the home of the old prince. Ever since he had been exiled to the country under Tsar Paul, General-in-Chief Nikolai Andreevich Bolkonsky, known in society as the King of Prussia, had never left Bleak Hills, living there with his daughter, Princess Marya, and her companion Mademoiselle Bourienne. Even during the present reign, although he had been granted permission to enter the two capitals, he had continued to live in the country without leaving it once, saying that if anybody needed him, then that person would have to travel the one hundred and fifty versts to Bleak Hills, but he had no need of anyone or anything. There were, he would say, only two sources of human vice: idleness and superstition; СКАЧАТЬ