Nein!: Standing up to Hitler 1935–1944. Paddy Ashdown
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Название: Nein!: Standing up to Hitler 1935–1944

Автор: Paddy Ashdown

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Историческая литература


isbn: 9780008257057


СКАЧАТЬ Major General William ‘Wild Bill’ – Head of the US intelligence agency (OSS)

      Duebendorfer, Rachel – Alias ‘Sissy’. ‘Dora Ring’ agent

      Dulles, Allen – OSS representative in Bern

      Eden, Anthony – British foreign secretary

      Farrell, Victor – MI6 head in Geneva

      Fellgiebel, General Fritz Erich (known as Erich) – Chief of the German army’s Signal Establishment and a key plotter

      Foote, Alexander – Alias ‘Jim’. Radio operator, ‘Dora Ring’

      Franck, Aloïs – Paul Thümmel’s Czech spy-handler

      François-Poncet, André – French ambassador in Berlin at the time of Munich

      Fritsch, Colonel General Werner von – Commander-in-chief of the German army until his dismissal on trumped-up charges of homosexuality in January 1938

      Gabčik, Josef – Operation Anthropoid Czech agent

      Gersdorff, Rudolf-Christoph von – Henning von Tresckow’s staff officer; volunteered to assassinate Hitler by suicide bombing on 21 March 1943

      Gibson, Colonel Harold ‘Gibby’ – Head of the MI6 station in Prague

      Gisevius, Hans Bernd – The ‘eternal plotter’ in the Abwehr. Key early conspirator and Canaris’s conduit to Halina Szymańska

      Goerdeler, Anneliese – Carl Goerdeler’s wife

      Goerdeler, Carl – Key early plotter. Ex-mayor of Leipzig

      Groscurth, Lieutenant Colonel Helmuth – Canaris’s liaison officer with the army at Zossen

      Guisan, General André – Head of the Swiss army

      Haeften, Lieutenant Werner von – Von Stauffenberg’s adjutant

      Halder, Colonel General Franz – German chief of staff under von Brauchitsch

      Halifax, Lord Edward – British foreign secretary under Chamberlain and a key appeaser

      Hamburger, Ursula – Née Kuczynski. Code name ‘Sonja’. Soviet spy who arrived in Switzerland in 1936

      Hamel, Olga and Edmond – ‘Dora Ring’ radio operators

      Hassell, Ulrich von – German ambassador in Italy before the war. Liaison between Beck and Goerdeler

      Hausamann, Captain Hans – Founder of the Büro Ha, a private intelligence bureau in Switzerland

      Heinz, Lieutenant-Colonel Friedrich – Leader of the commando who were to kill Hitler in 1938

      Henderson, Sir Nevile – British ambassador in Berlin before 1939

      Hoare, Sir Samuel, MP – One of Chamberlain’s leading appeasement supporters

      Hohenlohe von Langenberg, Prince Maximilian Egon – Freelance spy. Friend of Dulles, Canaris and Himmler

      Jelinek, Charles and Antoinette – Owners of ‘De Favoriet’ bric-à-brac shop in The Hague

      Keitel, Field Marshal Wilhelm – Chief of the German armed forces high command

      Kleist-Schmenzin, Ewald von – German emissary of the opposition to Hitler; saw Churchill in London in August 1938

      Kluge, Field Marshal Günther von – Commander of Army Group Centre. Reluctant plotter

      Kordt, Erich – Head of Ribbentrop’s office in Berlin

      Kordt, Theo – Brother of Erich. Official at the German embassy in London

      Kubiš, Jan – Operation Anthropoid Czech agent

      Lahousen, Major General Erwin von – Head of the Austrian Abwehr and then senior officer in the German Abwehr. Close to Canaris and a key plotter. Lover of Madeleine Bihet-Richou

      Manstein, Field Marshal Erich von – Commander of Army Group South and mastermind of the Kursk offensive

      March, Juan – Mallorcan businessman and prime mover in Spain – contact of Canaris and MI6

      Masson, Roger – Head of Swiss intelligence

      Mayr von Baldegg, Captain Bernhard – Staff member of Swiss army intelligence; Waibel’s deputy head

      Menzies, Sir Stewart – Head of MI6

      Mertz von Quirnheim, Colonel Albrecht – Friend of Stauffenberg; involved in the 20 July 1944 plot

      Moltke, Count Helmuth von – Founder of the ‘Kreisau Circle’

      Morávec, Colonel František – Head of the Czech intelligence service

      Morávek, Václav – Resistance leader in Prague

      Mueller, Josef – Canaris’s spy in the Vatican

      Navarre, Henri – Madeleine Bihet-Richou’s French intelligence ‘handler’

      Niemöller, Martin – Anti-Hitler Lutheran pastor

      Olbricht, General Friedrich – Key plotter. Involved in the 20 July coup

      Oster, Colonel Hans – ‘Managing director’ of the attempted 1938 coup. Head of Z Section in the Tirpitzufer

      Pannwitz, Heinz – SD officer in charge of finding the ‘Dora Ring’

      Payne Best, Captain Sigismund – MI6 officer captured at Venlo

      Puenter, Dr Otto – ‘Dora’ agent – also in touch with MI6

      Radó, Sándor – Head of the ‘Dora’ spy network

      Ribbentrop, Joachim von – German ambassador to London and later Hitler’s foreign minister

      Rivet, Colonel Louis – Head of French military intelligence (SR)

      Roessler, Rudolf – Codename ‘Lucy’. Private purveyor of intelligence in Switzerland

      Sas, Gijsbertus Jacobus – Dutch military attaché in Berlin; contact of Oster and Waibel

      Schacht, Hjalmar – German minister of economics and president of the Reichsbank

      Schellenberg, Walter – Heydrich’s protégé and mastermind of Venlo

      Schlabrendorff, Fabian von – German lawyer. Liaison between Tresckow in Russia and Beck in Berlin

      Schneider, Christian – Alias ‘Taylor’. Swiss businessman. Cut-out supplying information from Roessler to the Dora Ring

      Schulenburg, Friedrich-Werner von der – Pre-war ambassador to Moscow and senior resistant

      Schulte, СКАЧАТЬ