Josephine Cox 3-Book Collection 2: The Loner, Born Bad, Three Letters. Josephine Cox
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СКАЧАТЬ in the headlights, Dave couldn’t take his eyes off her. With a voice like a Sergeant Major, he expected to see a burly woman with arms resembling tank-turrets and feet like shovels. Instead, this woman whom he assumed to be the dreaded Maggie, was remarkably handsome, with twinkling light-brown eyes, a shapely, ample figure and only the occasional grey streak in her brown hair. ‘I did wipe my feet,’ he said lamely. ‘Twice.’

      ‘This is Dave Adams.’ Lucy quickly stepped off the sheepskin rug, while behind her Dave bent to brush the flattened areas where he and Lucy had been standing. ‘He was the one who saved Daddy from Madden, and now he might be coming to work here.’

      ‘Hmh! It’s a pity he didn’t let that lunatic horse carry your father over the hills and faraway. It might have taught the silly old fool a lesson.’ With that she ushered them out of the room and falling to her knees, began a thorough inspection of her precious sheepskin rug.

      ‘Crikey!’ Dave felt as if he’d been through the wars. ‘For a minute there, I thought she was about to horse-whip the pair of us.’

      Lucy laughed. ‘When you get to know her, you’ll find Maggie is more bark than bite.’


      His first encounter with Seamus was quieter, and infinitely more sinister.

      Lucy was taking him round the stables when they fell foul of Frank’s head groom. ‘This is Molly’ Reaching over the stable door, the girl gently stroked the mane of the big chestnut horse. ‘She’s Daddy’s favourite, and about to foal any day now.’

      Dave watched as the mare paced the stable. ‘She’s magnificent!’ he exclaimed. ‘Can I get in with her?’

      ‘I don’t know if you should,’ Lucy answered guardedly. ‘She can be a bit temperamental, especially now she’s in foal and near her time.’

      ‘Best not disturb her then.’ Through his travels, Dave had learned a great deal about horses, and she was the finest he had ever seen. The last thing he wanted to do was upset her.

      On reflection, and considering how he had safely stopped the stallion in his tracks, Lucy told him to go in. ‘She’ll be fine, I’m sure.’

      Slowly, and with great care, Dave went in with the mare. For a time he kept his distance, talking softly to her and holding out his hand. ‘You’re a real beauty, Molly,’ he murmured. ‘No wonder you’re the boss’s favourite.’

      Slowly, slowly, the horse came to him, at first snorting and hesitant, but then trusting Dave implicitly, she stood before him, allowing him to stroke her neck and seeming to enjoy it.

      ‘BACK UP, YOU DEVIL!’ The sharp crack of a horse-whip startled them both, and when the whip was flicked over the horse’s rear end, the pregnant mare went up on her back legs, lashing out at anything in her way.

      Taken by surprise, Dave had neither time nor space in which to calm the animal, and with her being in foal, his best option was to scramble out of there.

      ‘What the hell d’you think you’re doing?’ The man who spoke was in his mid-twenties, thickset and strong-featured, with piercing dark eyes and a surly manner. ‘Who in blazes gave you the right to go in there?’

      ‘You crazy fool, Seamus!’ Shaken, Lucy turned on him. ‘It was me who told him to go in. You could have killed him, doing what you did.’

      ‘How was I to know he was a friend of yours? I didn’t see you in the shadows,’ he lied. ‘All I saw was this stranger in the stable with your father’s favourite mare. What was I to do? If anything happens to Molly, your father will have my hide.’

      ‘And he’ll have your hide if I tell him how you flicked that whip against her rump! It’s a wonder she hasn’t harmed herself. She could even have lost her foal.’

      ‘And will you tell your father?’

      ‘I can’t think of any reason not to!’

      Lowering his voice, he told her to go ahead. ‘And while you’re at it, you’d best tell him how you let a stranger into the stable with her, unsettling her and making her jumpy. She was terrified – you must have seen how she was trembling?’ Seamus was very clever with words when it suited him.

      Taking an instant dislike to the man, Dave duly apologised. ‘It was my fault, not Lucy’s.’ He sought to protect her. ‘But you’re not altogether blameless. It was you who sent the horse into a panic with that damned whip! Were you never told “whip a horse and you’ll whip up the temper in him”?’

      The groom laughed in his face. ‘Wherever did you hear such rubbish?’

      ‘From an old gypsy, who knew more about horses than you or I will ever know.’

      Seamus gave a sly little smile. ‘So, you’re a gypsy, are you?’ The smile gave way to a sneer. ‘Why am I not surprised?’

      ‘I’m no gypsy. Neither am I an expert. But I’m always ready to learn from the masters. So, if I do come here to work, I won’t be looking to you for advice on how to treat a horse.’

      Seamus was taken aback. ‘You, working here, in my stables? Huh! Not if I have my way, you won’t.’

      ‘That’s not for you to say,’ Lucy angrily intervened. ‘Don’t pride yourself on being anything but a hired hand.’

      ‘I’ll not forget this,’ came the reply. ‘In fact, I reckon it’s my duty to tell your father what’s been going on here.’

      ‘Feel free!’ With that, Lucy led the way out of the stables, leaving him quietly fuming.

      Once outside, Dave muttered, ‘I’m sorry. I seem to have caused trouble for you.’

      ‘You haven’t. Seamus was the one who caused trouble – he can’t help himself.’ Though he could be charming one day and moody the next, she had never seen him so incensed. ‘Strange, that,’ she murmured. ‘He’s not usually so aggressive to strangers.’

      Dave had known immediately why Seamus had gone for him like that. ‘He’s obviously fond of you. Maybe he saw me as a threat.’

      ‘That’s silly!’ Lucy was shocked. ‘He has no reason or right to be jealous. Oh, he may have partnered me to our annual barn dance last year, but that’s all. I’ve never given him any encouragement, and I never would.’

      Dave wisely changed the subject. ‘What if he tells your father about me going into the stable?’

      ‘He won’t. And even if he did, he would tell a different tale from the truth.’

      ‘But would your father believe him?’

      Lucy thought for a moment. ‘He might. Dad has a great deal of respect for Seamus. He took him on about nine years ago, when Seamus was seventeen, and so far he’s never put a foot wrong with the horses.’

      ‘What would he say if he knew how Seamus had laid the whip on the mare?’

      ‘He’d raise the roof – probably sack him on the spot.’ She gave a worried little СКАЧАТЬ