Tommy’s War: A First World War Diary 1913–1918. Andrew Marr
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Название: Tommy’s War: A First World War Diary 1913–1918

Автор: Andrew Marr

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Историческая литература


isbn: 9780007389414



       Thursday, 22 January

      Agnes in bed as much as possible today.

       Saturday, 24 January

       Sunday, 25 January

      Wild, stormy day. Agnes worse again today. Lily came in for a little in the afternoon to see her. Third Sunday after Epiphany. First Sunday after pay day.

       Thursday, 29 January


       Friday, 30 January

      Doc up again seeing Tommy. His temperature still 102°. Got him a bottle to reduce same. Doctor puzzled. Wee man cheerier at night.

       Saturday, 31 January

      Doctor up today. Wee man just the same. Doctor can’t tell what’s wrong. We are getting a bit anxious about Tommy. Poor wee man.

       Sunday, 1 February

       Monday, 2 February

      We did not sleep much during the night. The oil did its duty right nobly and we were kept on the hop. I was at work early, to wit 6.45 a.m. to let some engineers in. Wee man much better, temperature down to normal. Doctor was here. Agnes about pegged out now.

       Tuesday, 3 February

      Wee Tommy up for an hour and a half at night. Quite shaky on his feet. He was very cross all day. Agnes’ patience exhausted by night. Sad times.

       Wednesday, 4 February

      Doctor up. We are to get Tommy’s tonsils cut. Holy Moses.

       Saturday, 7 February

       Tuesday, 10 February

      Chased a mouse at night. Nobody hurt but myself.

       Wednesday, 11 February

      Agnes at doctor with Tommy arranging about the amputation of his tonsils. He is coming on Sunday to do the dismal deed. Agnes bought a mousetrap so set it at night with great expectations.

       Thursday, 12 February

      Looked at the trap this morning. The mouse had eaten the bait but left the trap as it couldn’t eat it also. Better luck next time.


       Friday, 13 February

      A small mouse was in the trap this morning. Agnes most melancholy. Sad times. It’s getting near Sunday. Poor wee man.

       Saturday, 14 February

      Caught another mouse. Weeping skies today. Doctor up at night saying he could not come tomorrow as his assistant doctor would be away, so we have put it off for a week. Another weary week. This is St Valentine’s Day.

       Sunday, 15 February

       Thursday, 19 February

      Stuffed up the hole where the mice come in to see us, in case we are devoured.

       Friday, 20 February

      Wee man very restless during the night, so we slept not, perchance a flea was chewing him, or perhaps it is some new trouble. ‘Mon père’ here at dinner time, and Mrs and Miss Gordon in the afternoon.

       Saturday, 21 February

      It’s getting nearer tomorrow. My hair is getting grey.

       Sunday, 22 February

       Monday, 23 February

       Wednesday, 25 February

      Wee man still finds it difficult to swallow and has a stiff neck.

       Thursday, 26 February

      Mrs Gordon up in the forenoon, also the doctor. Tommy got a very bad cold and his neck has to be rubbed with olive oil. Lily up for a little in the afternoon. Tommy very wretched at night. Not well at all.


       Friday, 27 February СКАЧАТЬ