Outlaw: The Story of Robin Hood. Michael Morpurgo
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Название: Outlaw: The Story of Robin Hood

Автор: Michael Morpurgo

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Книги для детей: прочее


isbn: 9780007465941


СКАЧАТЬ they were in under the trees and swallowed by shade. For just a few brief moments, Robin knew they would be invisible to the sheriff’s men as they followed them out of the sunlight into the dark of the forest. Hauling his father behind him, he plunged into the undergrowth and then went to ground in a thicket, lying still as fawns do. There were voices in the forest now, barking commands, the jingle of harness, horses breathing hard, pawing the ground. Robin looked up into the trees above him. Something had caught his eye, a white moon in the branches that suddenly fell out and downwards. A great whooping filled the forest and there were men crying out, their screams cut suddenly short. By the time Robin stood up moments later, the slaughter was over. The bodies of the sheriff’s men lay where they had been struck down. Their terrified horses could still be heard galloping away into the forest. And from out of the trees all around him came the Outlaws, Will Scarlett amongst them. “We shouldn’t have been here but for Marion,” he said, looking around in horror at the dead.

      “Where is she?” Robin asked.

      “Behind you, Robin,” said Will, and when Robin turned he saw she was leading his father towards him.

      Robin took his father’s hands in his. “I’m here, Father, I’m here.”

      “Who are these people?” his father asked.

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