Simon Tolkien Inspector Trave Trilogy: Orders From Berlin, The Inheritance, The King of Diamonds. Simon Tolkien
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СКАЧАТЬ what you usually drink with your breakfast.’

      Ava smiled, grateful to Seaforth for defusing the tension.

       CHAPTER 9

      Fifteen minutes later, the doorbell rang. Ava knew straight away that it had to be Thorn. She couldn’t believe that she had forgotten he was coming, or maybe she’d unconsciously not wanted to tell Seaforth for fear that he would leave in order to avoid an encounter with his enemy. She couldn’t be sure Bertram wouldn’t come back, and she didn’t want to be left alone.

      ‘Who is it?’ Seaforth asked. Something about her change of expression made him think that she knew who was at the door.

      ‘Alec Thorn,’ she replied, looking embarrassed.

      ‘You’re joking,’ said Seaforth, horrified. ‘Of all people …’ He looked as if he were going to say more but stopped himself.

      ‘I’m sorry,’ she said. ‘I called him earlier before you came. I needed help. I should have told you, but with all that’s happened since you got here, it went out of my head. I’ll see if I can get rid of him.’

      The doorbell rang again and she went out into the communal hallway and opened the front door. As she’d suspected, Thorn was waiting on the step.

      ‘Ava, are you all right?’ he said, giving her a hug as he went past her into the hall. ‘I came as quick as I could. I got a taxi all right, but there are lots of roads blocked off. The bombing was bad last night, all along the Embankment down as far as Putney.’

      ‘I’m fine,’ she said. ‘And Alec, I’m really sorry to have put you to all this trouble, but I’ve got the police coming and I think maybe it’s better if I see them on my own …’

      She was nervous and her words came out in an incoherent rush. But it wouldn’t have made any difference if she’d talked slowly, enunciating every syllable, because Thorn wasn’t really listening, and by the time she’d finished speaking, he’d already pushed open the door of her flat and was going inside.

      ‘You need to tell me everything that’s happened,’ he said, talking to her over his shoulder. ‘And I want to be here when Bertram gets back, police or no police. I won’t have him hitting you again.’

      Ava followed him into the kitchen with her heart in her mouth. It wasn’t Bertram hitting her that she was worried about any more; it was Alec hitting Seaforth or being hit himself. She’d seen what had happened at the funeral, and she didn’t want a repeat of it in her own flat. But there was no sign of Seaforth. She guessed he was behind the door in the bedroom. That was the obvious hiding place. It made her feel strange to think of him in there, standing at the foot of her unmade bed – she felt nervous and excited and ashamed of being excited all at the same time.

      ‘Like I told you on the phone, Bertram hit me. That’s what happened,’ she said, sitting opposite Thorn at the kitchen table and making the information sound as matter-of-fact as possible. She was glad that Seaforth had thought to get rid of the whisky bottle.

      ‘Why did he hit you? There must have been a reason.’

      ‘We haven’t been getting on for some time, and everything came to a head …’

      ‘And so you called the police – because of his violence?’

      ‘No, not exactly,’ said Ava, unwilling to lie.

      ‘What do you mean, not exactly?’ Thorn demanded. ‘I don’t understand.’

      ‘I found some evidence that may connect Bertram to my father’s murder.’

      ‘What evidence?’

      ‘A cuff link. It matches one that the police found outside my father’s flat, near where he was struggling …’

      ‘I see,’ said Thorn. Ava thought he sounded disappointed, although she could think of no reason why he should be. He and Bertram had never been friends. ‘Where did you find it?’ he asked.

      ‘In his bureau,’ she said, pointing over at Bertram’s desk in the living room. The drawers were still open and the papers that she’d pulled out were strewn all over the floor.

      ‘Were the drawers and the lid locked?’ he asked, going over to look at the bureau himself. He knelt down, examining the keyholes.


      ‘And yet you picked them open? I’m not sure you’re capable of something like that, Ava,’ he said suspiciously. ‘Whoever picked these locks knew what they were doing.’

      Ava looked away, not knowing what to say. Thorn watched her eyes stealing away to the door of the bedroom. He’d noticed how she’d kept glancing in that direction ever since he’d come in.

      ‘You had help, didn’t you,’ he said accusingly. ‘And whoever helped you is still here, hiding in your bedroom, if I’m not mistaken,’ he added, crossing quickly to the door and pulling it open.

      ‘Hello,’ said Seaforth as he walked out into the living room, smiling that same thin, cold smile that Ava remembered from her father’s funeral.

      Thorn’s face turned red with fury, and he clenched his fists.

      ‘Don’t, Alec,’ Ava said sharply, seeing what was about to happen. ‘It isn’t what you think.’

      ‘Well, what the hell is it, then?’ demanded Thorn, looking outraged. ‘He was in your bedroom, for God’s sake.’

      ‘I just stepped in there out of the way to avoid you making a scene like the one you’re making now,’ said Seaforth. ‘I know how angry you get when there’s something that upsets you, and so it seemed a good idea to take evasive action.’ He spoke quietly and reasonably, as if he were trying to take the heat out of the situation, yet Ava had the impression that he was in fact trying to do the opposite – mocking Thorn for his impotent temper tantrum and trying to provoke him into a violent outburst that would alienate her once and for all.

      And he seemed to be succeeding. Thorn took a step towards Seaforth, and Ava didn’t know what would have happened if he hadn’t been distracted by the clanging of bells and the sound of a car screeching to a halt outside the kitchen window. Ava went out into the hall and returned moments later, accompanied by Inspector Quaid and two uniformed policemen.

      Immediately Seaforth came forward and held out his hand. ‘Are you Inspector Quaid?’ he asked. And when Quaid nodded, he went on smoothly: ‘I’m Charles Seaforth. We’ve spoken on the phone. It’s a pleasure to meet you.’

      ‘And you too,’ said Quaid. Ava was struck by the unexpected warmth with which Quaid responded to Seaforth’s greeting and shook his hand, before turning to Thorn, who was watching angrily from the doorway to the living room. ‘And you, sir – who might you be?’ he asked.

      ‘Alec Thorn. And I’ve got a good reason for being here, unlike him,’ said Thorn, gesturing towards Seaforth. ‘Mrs Brive phoned and asked me to come because she was worried about her husband.’

      Quaid СКАЧАТЬ