Angel Babies: And Other Amazing True Stories of Guardian Angels. Theresa Cheung
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Название: Angel Babies: And Other Amazing True Stories of Guardian Angels

Автор: Theresa Cheung

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Личностный рост


isbn: 9780007336838


СКАЧАТЬ to you about a dream I had the night before my son was born. We thought we had the perfect name picked out for him: Brian. But then I had the dream and just had to rethink my choice.

      In the dream I was waiting to pick my son up from a football match. I was shouting his name, but he didn’t respond. Eventually I said, ‘John!’ and he turned around and said, ‘Hi, Dad.’ In the early days of my wife’s pregnancy we had thought about calling a boy John for a while because it was my dad’s middle name and by happy coincidence also my wife’s dad’s first name, but we eventually decided against it. My wife’s boss at the time was called John as well and she didn’t get along with him and really didn’t want to be reminded of him in any way at home.

      When the baby was born I told my wife about my dream and said how could we name him Brian after a dream like that? She still wasn’t keen on the name John, but eventually agreed and our son was christened John Brian.

      A year later to the day that my brilliant son was born, my wife’s father was killed in a hit and run accident. We like to think he lives on in our son.

      Another parent who wrote to me about a fascinating angelic experience during pregnancy was Nadine.

      A Story about Hope

      I lost my beloved mother to cancer in December 1989 and before she died I promised her that if I had a daughter I would call her Hope and she would be our hope for the future.

      In the middle of 1992 I found out I was pregnant, which was a surprise as I was just recovering from my second ectopic pregnancy and had been told I wouldn’t be able to have any further children due to all the scarring.

      Even after the doctors had confirmed that the baby was in the right place and was doing fine, I couldn’t get rid of the fear of something going wrong. Then when I reached about seven months I started to have dreams in which I could see a baby crying in a cot but I wasn’t allowed to go near it. I would wake up crying myself, feeling totally frustrated. I had this dream every night for over a month. One day I asked my mum in spirit to somehow let me know what was going on, as it was breaking my heart. That night I had the dream again, but this time I was allowed to go to the cot and look at the baby and I saw it was a dark-haired baby girl and my mother was standing next to the cot smiling.

      When I woke up I felt at peace and I didn’t have the dream again. But on 8 May 1993 I went into labour. The baby was born but didn’t cry and I hadn’t been able to see her arrive, so for a moment I panicked, but my husband said, ‘Hope is here. Hope has arrived.’ I didn’t believe him, but the nurses confirmed it. Then she cried, and it was the same cry from my dreams and when they laid her in my arms it was the same baby and I felt a hand take the weight off my shoulders.

      A week later, when I arrived home from hospital, there on my dressing table was an old photograph. It was a baby photograph of my mother and I realized that my daughter and my mother looked exactly the same.

      Nadine believes that the miracles surrounding the birth of baby Hope had started several years earlier:

      I had two ectopic pregnancies and the second one nearly cost me my life. At the maternity hospital the head of department wanted to remove my tubes and give me a hysterectomy and the young resident wanted to do an experimental procedure that had never been performed before. They stood arguing at the foot of my bed and the young resident asked me what I wanted to do. I told him to go ahead and do what he wanted, as someone had to be the first and it might as well be me, and that way I might just be able to have more children (the odds were 5,000 to 1).

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