The Secret Of Mind And Body. Gianluca Pistore
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Название: The Secret Of Mind And Body

Автор: Gianluca Pistore

Издательство: Tektime S.r.l.s.

Жанр: Спорт, фитнес


isbn: 9788873043027


СКАЧАТЬ (causing me a hernia) I managed to flip the bird to the doctor who delivered me

      When I was three years and half old, two children knocked me over, I injured some cervical vertebrae remaining paralyzed at the hospital. Then, may be after a miracle, I continued to move.

      When I was 6 years old, I have enrolled for a Karate course. I win several championships.

      When I was 16 years old, my physical situation become worse, they advised me (read: forced) to not train yet.

      I was growing up being scared to bless me and convinced to be weak. I confess that I’d never picked up a girl being afraid that my back couldn’t take the strain.

      During the training, I was weak and continuously feeling pain to neck, back, arm and any other part of the body. A day when I was at the gym I didn’t realised that the press was loaded with a weight which was more than the double I lifted at my maximum effort. I raised it as warm-up and when I understood that I’d only a mental block, all changed completely.

      I began to be intrigued by the study of mind and how it can modify the results which we obtain in the financial, sport and personal field.

      I started to study PNL with the best teachers in the world, I followed the seminary of Anthony Robbins, I walked on the hot coals and I realised that we have an unlimited potential inside us.

      Then, I’ve known Oreste, I think that I’d never devastated nobody with questions like him: he knows really everything! I began to train using his workout routines and my mental techniques to increase performances.

      I’ve talked with him about my idea, we’ve analysed the attained results and then he told me that our message was a too beautiful message to keep it for us, we should have opened it to everybody.

      Then we’ve decided to reveal The Secret of The Mind & Body.


      THE END

      No, we’re not become crazy, neither the editor inverted the book pages.

      We want that this book would represent the end of your current way of being, the end of your grumbling, the end of your flops.

      We’ve deeply studied the human being potentialities and, even if they are infinite, we’ve found the Secret which has been lost for centuries. The Secret that champions and successfully people would never say you. The Secret is now revealed.

      Don’t try to look for it by yourself. It takes you time, money, patience and mistakes. We’ve already done it, take advantage of our experience.

      We’ve also applied a low price for the time spent in doing the research and writing the book, since we want that the Secret is passed on to as many people as possible following its essence.

      Today the man is too lazy and far from nature to discover and hear the Secret. But, despite of it, many successful persons managed to do it.

      What’s successo (success)?

      In semantic it’s the past participle of the verb “succedere” (to occur). Then, each time that you achieve what you have established for you in advance, you have been successful.

      There’re many ways to achieve the success. We’ve not the pretention to have found the best one. By hearing and following what we’ll tell you in the following pages, therefore, we assure you the achievement of all your goals. In a single word, we guarantee you the real Success, that with the capital "S".

      You can imagine where you’ll want to be in the next two years from now, and think about all the things that you’ll have been carried out, knowing that the way may’ve been long, but that it has brought you just to what you wanted, just to what you’ve become. Then turn you back, you’ll join the pieces of the big puzzle and you’ll notice that they fit perfectly together, they’d always fitted, but you were too short-sighted to notice it.

      This is an inspiring and motivating book, that makes you dream: the story of a guy who, after having lost his identity, founded it again thanks to the scrupulous work of two mentors. It’s also an essay about the achievement of full body and mind potentialities.

      If you really seek to lost weight and change your life, then turn the page and continue to read since this will be the most important reading of your life.

      Make you a real gift, tell yourself: “I must know the Secret, I must to pass on the Secret, I must become the Secret now!"

      Follow us. Follow us and you’ll not regret it.

      Turn the page and make yours “our” Secret, we’ll see on the other side...

      To your success!

      Oreste and Gianluca.


       “The book making you love ancient truths would be really new and original.”




      That poster obsessing Carlos for months was posted to a shining window of a gym in Rio: "First prize 80 thousand dollars."

      Those who were used to live one day to the next, with less than 200 dollars a month, could be only dream that amount. And Good only knows how many poor people living in the favelas of Rocinha were tempted by that amount of money.

      Rocinha is a quarter of the Southern area of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

      It is one of 700 favelas composing the town of Rio. It’s the biggest favelas in the world and it counts more than 150 thousand of official inhabitants.

      As often occurs in the poor quarters, there are fights among different trafficker gangs, the Amigos dos Amigos and the Comando Vermelho, to take the control of the favela.

      Carlos was born and grew up in that favelas, always suspended between life and death.

      That amount of money could have changed his life.

      Carlos had never seen all that money at once and he just needed it.

      It was the money necessary to give a kick to his past.

      It was thinking about it constantly, day and night.

      Finally, he decided to go and ask him, the legendary man, one of whom everybody knows the deeds and nobody dares contradict.



      I remember that Monday of April. In Rio, it was hot, very hot. It was the typical spring day where people prefers to stay laid down on a beach than to work in their office with the conditioned air. And I remember also that phone call to me in my headquarter, my “Warrior Den", a meeting point for all the iron lovers, for all the old style passionate. "Halo, Himenes, George Himenes’s СКАЧАТЬ