Friarswood Post Office. Yonge Charlotte Mary
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СКАЧАТЬ of heart now, and the hope of what is to come hereafter.’

      Alfred made no answer, but his eyes shewed that he was thinking; and Mr. Cope rose, and looked out of window, as a gleam of sunshine, while the dark cloud lifted up from the north-west, made the trees and fields glow with intense green against the deep grey of the sky, darker than ever from the contrast.  Ellen stood up, and Alfred exclaimed, ‘Oh Sir, please come again soon!’

      ‘Very soon,’ said Mr. Cope good-humouredly; ‘but you’ve not got rid of me yet, the rain is pretty hard still, and I see the beggarmen dancing all down the garden-walk.’

      Alfred and Ellen smiled to hear their mother’s old word for the drops splashing up again; and Mr. Cope went on:

      ‘The garden looks very much refreshed by this beautiful shower.  It is in fine order.  Is it the other monarch’s charge?’

      ‘Harold’s, Sir,’ said Ellen.  ‘Yes, he takes a great pride in it, and so did Alfred when he was well.’

      ‘Ah, I dare say; and it must be pleasant to you to see your brother working in it now.  I see him under that shed, and who is that lad with him?  They seem to have some good joke together.’

      ‘Oh,’ said Ellen, ‘Harold likes company, you see, Sir, and will take up with anybody.  I wish you could be so good as to speak to him, Sir, for lads of that age don’t mind women folk, you see, Sir.’

      ‘What?  I hope his majesty does not like bad company?’ said Mr. Cope, not at all that he thought lightly of such an evil, but it was his way to speak in that droll manner, especially as Ellen’s voice was a little bit peevish.

      ‘Nobody knows no harm of the chap,’ said Alfred, provoked at Ellen for what he thought unkindness in setting the clergyman at once on his brother; but Ellen was the more displeased, and exclaimed:

      ‘Nor nobody knows no good.  He’s a young tramper that hired with Farmer Shepherd yesterday, a regular runaway and reprobate, just out of prison, most likely.’

      ‘Well, I hope not so bad as that,’ said Mr. Cope, ‘he’s not a bad-looking boy; but I dare say you are anxious about your brother.  It must be dull for him, to have his companion laid up;—and by the looks of him, I dare say his spirits are sometimes too much for you,’ he added, turning to Alfred.

      ‘He does make a terrible racket sometimes,’ said Alfred.

      ‘Ay, and I dare say you will try to bear with it, and not drive him out to seek dangerous company,’ said Mr. Cope; at which Alfred blushed a little, as he remembered the morning, and that he had never thought of this danger.

      Mr. Cope added, ‘I think I shall go and talk to those two merry fellows; I must not tire you, my lad, but I will soon come here again;’ and he took leave.

      Heartily did Ellen exclaim, ‘Well, that is a nice gentleman!’ and as heartily did Alfred reply.  He felt as if a new light had come in on his life, and Mr. Cope had not said one word about patience.

      Ellen expected Mr. Cope to come back and warn her mother against Paul Blackthorn, but she only saw him stand talking to the two lads till he made them both grin again, and then as the rain was over, he walked away; Paul went back to his turnips, and Harold came thundering up-stairs in his great shoes.  Alfred was cheerful, and did not mind him now; but Ellen did, and scolded him for the quantity of dirt he was bringing up with him from the moist garden, which was all one steam of sweet smells, as the sun drew up the vapour after the rain.

      ‘If you were coming in, you’d better have come out of the rain, not stood idling there with that good-for-nothing lad.  The new minister said he would be after you if you were taking up with bad company.’

      ‘Who told you I was with bad company?’ said Harold.

      ‘Why, I could see it!  I hope he rebuked you both.’

      ‘He asked us if we could play at cricket—and he asked the pony’s name,’ said Harold, ‘if that’s what you call rebuking us!’

      ‘And what did he say to that boy?’

      ‘Oh! he told him he heard he was a stranger here, like himself, and asked how long he’d been here, and where he came from.’

      ‘And what did he say?’

      ‘He said he was from Upperscote Union—come out because he was big enough to keep himself, and come to look for work,’ said Harold.  ‘He’s a right good chap, I’ll tell you, and I’ll bring him up to see Alfy one of these days!’

      ‘Bring up that dirty boy!  I should like to see you!’ cried Ellen, making such a face.  ‘I don’t believe a word of his coming out of the Union.  I’m sure he’s run away out of gaol, by the look of him!’

      ‘Ellen—Harold—come down to your tea!’ called Mrs. King.

      So they went down; and presently, while Mrs. King was gone up to give Alfred his tea, there came Mrs. Shepherd bustling across, with her black silk apron thrown over her cap with the crimson gauze ribbons.  She wanted a bit of tape, and if there were none in the shop, Harold must match it in Elbury when he took the letters.

      Ellen was rather familiar with Mrs. Shepherd, because she made her gowns, and they had some talk about the new clergyman.  Mrs. Shepherd did not care for clergymen much; if she had done so, she might not have been so hard with her labourers.  She was always afraid of their asking her to subscribe to something or other, so she gave it as her opinion, that she should never think it worth while to listen to such a very young man as that, and she hoped he would not stay; and then she said, ‘So your brother was taking up with that come-by-chance lad, I saw.  Did he make anything out of him?’

      ‘He fancies him more than I like, or Mother either,’ said Ellen.  ‘He says he’s out of Upperscote Union; but he’s a thorough impudent one, and owns he’s no father nor mother, nor nothing belonging to him.  I think it is a deal more likely that he is run away from some reformatory, or prison.’

      ‘That’s just what I said to the farmer!’ said Mrs. Shepherd.  ‘I said he was out of some place of that sort.  I’m sure it’s a sin for the gentlemen to be setting up such places, raising the county rates, and pampering up a set of young rogues to let loose on us.  Ay! ay!  I’ll warrant he’s a runaway thief!  I told the farmer he’d take him to his sorrow, but you see he is short of hands just now, and the men are so set up and grabbing, I don’t know how farmers is to live.’

      So Mrs. Shepherd went away grumbling, instead of being thankful for the beautiful crop of hay, safely housed, before the thunder shower which had saved the turnips from the fly.

      Ellen might have doubted whether she had done right in helping to give the boy a bad name, but just then in came the ostler from the Tankard with some letters.

      ‘Here!’ he said, ‘here’s one from one of the gentlemen lodging here fishing, to Cayenne.  You’ll please to see how much there is to pay.’

      Ellen looked at her Postal Guide, but she was quite at a fault, and she called up-stairs to Alfred to ask if he knew where she should look for Cayenne.  He was rather fond of maps, and knew a good deal of geography for a boy of his age, but he knew nothing about this place, and she was just thinking of sending back the letter, to ask the gentleman where it was, when a voice said:

      ‘Try Guiana, or else South America.’

      She СКАЧАТЬ