Case No. 666: case of murder. Дмитрий Георгиевич Боррони
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СКАЧАТЬ detain more than not forty eight hours without a charge. And that is absent.

      − But, − the investigator noticed, − before the termination of this right I had hour of time.

      − It so, − the lawyer agreed, − therefore I advise my client of nothing any more to speak.

      − It that? Is afraid to tell something not that? At it is what to hide?

      − my client has nothing to hide.

      The investigator attentively looked at Korystolyubov and told:

      − And me it seems, is what to hide.

      The lawyer grinned.

      − Yes all this your unreasonable conjectures.

      The investigator looked at the lawyer and suggested it to arrange a confrontation according to the law, article No. 164 Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation

      The horn consulted to Korystolyubov. Then he told that the confrontation cannot be without the second suspect or the witness.

      − Certainly.

      − This your condition?

      − Yes.

      − But who this person?

      The investigator grinned.

      − you Will see.

      Korystolyubov can and guessed who this a subject, ominous for it, which can doom him to a long imprisonment in prison. It could not allow it. Also did not want this confrontation. But the investigator was the rested son of a bitch and he insisted on the to the last. He said:

      − I have the right for refusal of a confrontation.

      − This your right.

      − Then my client is free?

      − Is not present, − the investigator said. Also the lie detector suggested it to pass.

      The horn asked:

      −, What for?

      − If it passes it, he is free. If refuses, it will automatically turn from the suspect into the defendant. To solve to you, Eduard Velyaminovich.

      The horn contemptuously looked at the investigator. He understood that that will not release his client. He wanted to accuse him and to put for long term. The lawyer said:

      − This blackmail!?

      − Is not present, − the investigator answered quietly. − It only preliminary investigation.

      − But you for yourself already solved everything?

      The investigator grinned.

      − I solved nothing, − he told, − just the facts speak for themselves.

      The horn carelessly threw:

      − What facts else there? Ha! The facts at you. You show these facts, and then we will talk.

      − the Facts by itself, − were told by the investigator. − I want to carry out before a confrontation or that you, Eduard Velyaminovich, passed the lie detector. What can быль more simply?

      The lawyer looked at Korystolyubov. That sat at a table and, looking at a table, reflected on something. He did not know that in general Kozlov told it. But only he, according to him, had to be that prosecution witness on whom the investigator insisted.

      Confrontation. What will it give it? He did not know that Kozlov told. Yes what he is Kozlov, a goat more nobody.

      − I agree to a confrontation, − Korystolyubov unexpectedly said. − we will Also finish it.

      − you are sure?

      − it is absolute, Pyotr Rodionovich.

      − Here and well, – the investigator told. − Being guided by article No. 192 Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation, I carry out a confrontation.

      Article No. 192 Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation states. If in testimonies of earlier interrogated persons there are essential contradictions, then the investigator has the right to carry out a confrontation. The confrontation is carried out according to the article No. 164 of the present Criminal code.

      There passed one hour − and a confrontation.

      Before a confrontation the Horn took an interest:

      − Why you agreed to a confrontation? The investigator had no proofs of your fault. − He looked at him. − Or you something are afraid?

      − I will not pass the lie detector, and the confrontation − who knows, than it threatens me?

      − you know who your splinter in a bum?

      − I Guess.

      − Who?

      − Kozlov Ivan Fedorovich. He is my personal worker on especially important issues.

      The horn watchfully asked:

      − That is?

      He already knew Korystolyubov's answer, but wanted to hear these words from it. And he heard.

      − you correctly understood me.


      Investigator's camera.

      In the camera there was a table. And five chairs. What surprised Korystolyubov. On a table there was a telephone set. At the telephone set the investigator sat, and to the right of it Korystolyubov and his lawyer Who was invited a dream a confrontation on articles No. 53 Codes of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation by the client sat. Now they waited, waited for the person with whom the confrontation was appointed. Korystolyubov considered that it is Kozlov, with him at them the confrontation will take place. But he was mistaken. The assistant to the investigator came into the camera. He told:

      − the Detainee is brought.

      After these words at Korystolyubov ran goosebumps on a body. He was frightened. Who it could be? Who in general this woman? I know it. These questions tormented Korystolyubov.

      The investigator told:

      − Invite.

      Shura escorted by entered the camera in handcuffs.

      Having seen it, Korystolyubov got up from the place. It had no words. It became marble. It was visible that he was frightened.

      − Well, hi, Eduard Veniaminovich, did not expect, the bastard. − She spat on a floor. − Bough.

      Korystolyubov immediately said:

      − I do not know who this person. I did not meet it. And in general, all this − provocation, and I any questions it does not intend to answer. So write down in the protocol.

      − it is good, СКАЧАТЬ