Платформа. Практическое применение революционной бизнес-модели. Алекс Моазед
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      Ritsuko Ando and Bill Rigby, “Microsoft Swallows Nokia’s Phone Business for $7.2 Billion,” Reuters, September 3, 2013, http://www.reuters.com/article/us-microsoft-nokia-idUSBRE98202V20130903.


      Donald Melanson, “Fortune Names RIM Fastest Growing Company in the World,” Engadget, August 18, 2019, http://www.engadget.com/2009/08/18/fortune-names-rim-fastest-growing-company-in-the-world/.


      Charles Arthur, “RIM Chiefs Mike Lazaridis and Jim Balsillie’s Best Quotes,” Guardian (UK), June 29, 2012, http://www.theguardian.com/technology/2012/jun/29/rim-chiefs-best-quotes.


      Al Sacco, “RIM’s CEO: What Went Wrong and Where BlackBerry Goes from Here,” InfoWorld, July 10, 2012, http://www.infoworld.com/article/2617392/blackberry/rim-s-ceo-what-went-wrong-and-where-blackberry-goes-from-here.html.


      Jesse Hicks, “Research, No Motion: How the BlackBerry CEOs Lost an Empire,” The Verge, February 21, 2012, http://www.theverge.com/2012/2/21/2789676/rim-blackberry-mike-lazaridis-jim-balsillie-lost-empire.


      Ian Austen, “Research In Motion Eyes a Rebound,” New York Times, April 10, 2011, http://www.nytimes.com/2011/04/11/technology/companies/11rim.html?_r=0.


      Jim Dalrymple, “Apple Reaches iPhone Goal, Reports $1.14B Profit,” Macworld, October 22, 2008, http://www.macworld.com/article/1136282/appleearnings.html.


      “Apple Reports Fourth Quarter Results,” press release, October 21, 2008, https://www.apple.com/pr/library/2008/10/21Apple-Reports-Fourth-Quarter-Results.html.


      Matt Hartley, “With New BlackBerry, RIM Ramps Up Smart-phone War,” Globe and Mail, March 31, 2009, http://www.theglobeandmail.com/technology/with-new-blackberry-rim-ramps-up-smart-phone-war/article1065647/.


      “iPhone App Store Downloads Top 10 Million in First Weekend,” press release, July 14, 2008, http://www.apple.com/pr/library/2008/07/14iPhone-App-Store-Downloads-Top-10-Million-in-First-Weekend.html.


      Zach Spear, “App Store Daily Download Rates Now Double December Volumes,” Apple Insider, January 16, 2009, http://appleinsider.com/articles/09/01/16/app_store_daily_download_rates_now_double_december_volumes.html.


      Статистику App Store и Google Play можно найти на http://www.statista.com.


      Наборы программ разработчика. – Прим. пер.


      Erick Shonfeld, “RIM CEO Jim Balsillie To Steve Jobs: ‘You Don’t Need An App For The Web,’” Techcrunch, November 16, 2010, http://techcrunch.com/2010/11/16/rim-ceo-balsillie-jobsapp-web/.


      John Gruber, “WWDC 2007 Keynote News,” June 11, 2007, http://daringfireball.net/2007/06/wwdc_2007_keynote.


      Jonathan S. Geller, “Open Letter to BlackBerry Bosses: Senior RIM Exec Tells All as Company Crumbles Around Him,” June 30, 2011, http://bgr.com/2011/06/30/open-letter-to-blackberry-bosses-senior-rim-exec-tells-all-as-company-crumbles-around-him/.


      Hicks, “Research, No Motion.”


      Marc Andreessen, “Why Software is Eating the World,” Wall Street Journal, August 20, 2011, http://www.wsj.com/articles/SB100014240531119034809 04576512250915629460.


      Danny Wong, “In Q3, Facebook Drove 4X More Traffic than Pinterest,” Shareaholic Reports, October 27, 2014, https://blog.shareaholic.com/social-media-traffic-trends-10–2014/.


      Henry Blodget, “Google’s Crash Took 40 % of Internet Traffic Down with It,” Business Insider, August 18, 2013, http://www.businessinsider.com/google-goes-down-2013–8.


      “Top Sites in the United States,” Alexa.com, http://www.alexa.com/topsites/countries/US.
