No Place To Hide. Madalyn Reese
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Название: No Place To Hide

Автор: Madalyn Reese

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Зарубежные детективы




СКАЧАТЬ What a waste of gorgeous male. Wide shoulders in an expensively shiny white T-shirt, and tight, narrow hips in button flys. Sinful. He was even more gorgeous than he’d been two years ago, when he’d lived in hand-made Italian suits.

      But she hadn’t fallen hopelessly in lust with the man for his looks. It was the way he crackled with energy that had initially caught her attention. In second place was his self-confidence. She’d learned too late it was actually cold, hard arrogance, but he’d been enchanting up till then.

      Emma’s temper gauge shot straight to the red when Anthony shoved her chair out of the way and started fiddling with her computer.

      “What the— All right. That’s it,” Emma spat, lunging for the telephone.

      In one deft move Anthony caught her wrist, then quickly captured the other as she went for the security button.

      A brief, futile tugging match ensued, ending when Anthony landed on the desk chair with her in his lap. Glaring at him, she warned, “Get your hands off me.”

      “Mmm,” Anthony murmured, far too close to her mouth, “just like old times.”

      His eyes were hooded as he watched her. Waiting. Daring her to do her worst.

      Much as she’d love to accommodate him, her hormones had other ideas. Damn the man. He had some colossal nerve, showing up here like he owned the place. He’d disappeared two years ago after trying to seize control of her store, and she’d prayed daily that he’d stay gone.

      No such luck, but she had to be careful. If she mashed him into a pulp he’d probably sue. Leaning away, she said, “There’d better be a point to this.”

      “There is. Look,” he ordered simply, swiveling the chair so Emma faced the computer monitor.

      On the screen was the Creep’s latest e-mail, a picture of Emma in the yellow dress outside the local coffee shop. And as usual, there was a big black X superimposed over her face.

      Forgetting herself for a moment, she slumped in his arms. “I was only outside for three minutes.”

      “That’s all it takes.”

      Emma turned to lock narrowed eyes with Anthony. Seeing a certain smugness there she tried to wriggle free, demanding, “How did you know about the e-mails?”

      “Your Internet provider called the FBI for help. How long has this been going on?”

      “Let me go. And how did you know my Internet—”

      “Would you stop digging your bony butt into my thigh? That hurts.”

      Her temper blew and Emma pushed at him, grinding the heels of her hands into his chest.

      “Ow! You—” Anthony said, cut off by Emma’s yelp as he let go.

      Silk slid on denim, and she would have landed on the floor if he hadn’t grabbed her arms. But as soon as she had a foot on solid ground she stumbled away, choking on angry words.

      Anthony followed, asking, “Why didn’t you report these? If you don’t start explaining I’ll tie you to the couch.”

      “Try it, Anthony. You think I fought dirty last time? Try me again and see what happens.”

      “A deliberately provocative statement. I might take you up on that offer someday.”

      “Lucky me.”

      Anthony huffed out a laugh. “Okay. We’ve established that I still hate you and you still hate me. Very productive. Can we move on now? I have a lot to say and not much time to say it.”

      “Start with how you knew my Internet service called the FBI.”

      “I’ve been getting e-mails like this for three weeks,” he said. “Pictures, mostly.”

      “Yeah? And?”

      “And I don’t have time to explain everything right now, so close your mouth and listen. We’re in trouble, Emma. The FBI’s right behind me and you need to promise you’ll cooperate.”

      “Oh, I’ll cooperate, all right. Just as soon as you get out of my store.”

      “I can’t. They’ll be here in a second. I’m under FBI protection until this guy’s behind bars,” he told her.

      He looked sincere, but Emma knew that meant less than nothing. He’d looked sincere last time, too.

      “Do you think I’m stupid? I have no reason to believe a word you’ve said.”

      “You’re impossible.”

      “I’m impossible? After what you tried to pull last time you were here, I think I’m entitled to a little skepticism. So why don’t you tell me what you’re really doing here? And cut to the chase so I don’t have to waste my time foiling your evil plans again.”

      “Fine. We’ll do it your way.”

      Emma’s eyes widened as Anthony began pulling his shirt from his jeans. “What are you—are you insane? If you think I’m going to—”

      “You asked for this,” Anthony said, dragging the T-shirt over his head, leaving his hair a shiny mess. “Just remember I tried to be reasonable.”

      He locked eyes with her again, twisting around to expose the back of his left shoulder. Raw challenge shone from those eyes, and Emma felt her anger seep away in a moment of breathless regret. Why could she never rein it in until it was too late?

      Disobeying every order issued in her head, Emma’s eyes fell to Anthony’s back.

      This couldn’t be happening.

      But the gruesome evidence on Anthony’s left shoulder was all too real.

      A scar. A very big, very fresh, X-shaped scar.

      Chapter 2

      “Oh my God.”

      When those words wheezed from Emma, Anthony knew he’d gone too far. He’d come prepared for the temper, but he’d forgotten an actual human being lurked beneath its fire.

      A brilliant diamond quivered on her right ring finger, shooting rainbows as she lifted her hand to touch his back.

      “Don’t. It itches like sin.”

      Emma’s normally glowing complexion blanched, almost matching her icy green eyes as she jerked her hand away. “What happened?”

      “Self-explanatory. Are you ready to listen now?”

      “Yes. No. I…”

      At the sudden unfocused look in her eyes, Anthony dropped the shirt to grab Emma. “Oh Lord. Don’t faint.”

      He registered the feel of ropy muscles beneath cool skin and felt a surge of powerful disappointment. This wasn’t how he remembered her СКАЧАТЬ