Laura And The Lawman. Shelley Cooper
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Название: Laura And The Lawman

Автор: Shelley Cooper

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Зарубежные детективы





      “Because of my past. My father was not a demonstrative man. My need for constant male appreciation stems from that lack.”

      “I guess I’m not that self-aware,” Antonio said.

      “Don’t knock it till you try it. Who was it who wrote that the unexamined life isn’t worth living?”

      He stared at her. “You’ve read Socrates?”

      There it was again, the sudden blankness of expression that hid her thoughts from him.

      “Who’s Socrates?”

      “An ancient Greek philosopher,” he answered automatically. “I suppose you heard that quote on a game show, right?”

      “I suppose so.”

      Antonio knew he’d get nothing further from her in that regard. “Do incorrigible flirts get married?”

      “To the right man,” Ruby replied.

      “Meaning a man with gobs of money. A man like Joseph.”

      “Of course. Some women aspire to be homemakers. Others aspire to a career. I aspire to marrying a millionaire.”

      “What about love?” he asked.

      “What about it?” she said. “It doesn’t seem to come very high on your list.”

      “But you’re a woman. It’s supposed to come high on yours.”

      She spared him a disgusted look. “That is, quite possibly, the most sexist thing any man has ever said to me. I think I need to make a phone call to your sister.”

      He grinned triumphantly at her, and understanding bloomed in her eyes.

      “You’re paying me back for my map remark, aren’t you?”

      “Perhaps,” he acknowledged. “Seriously, though. You really want a man to take care of you?”

      “What’s wrong with that?”

      “What’s wrong with being independent, of having a mind of your own? What’s wrong with taking care of yourself? You have a good job. You can afford it.”

      His sister must have rubbed off on him more than he’d realized, Antonio reflected. Kate would be thrilled.

      “I’ve gone as far as I can in my line of work,” Ruby said. “I have expensive tastes. I need a man to provide them.”

      “You’d just be a trophy wife, you know,” he felt compelled to point out.

      She used her straw to stir her milkshake. “That’s one way of looking at it.”

      “What happens when you grow older and your looks fade? What happens when Joseph, or another man just like him, trades you in on a newer model?”

      “They call it a property settlement, Michael.”

      She really was the most infuriating woman. Didn’t she want to better herself? Why was she wasting her potential on Joseph Merrill, and who knew how many other men just like him that she’d been with? Was the reason as simple as the one she’d stated? That her father never gave her the affection she craved?

      The waitress brought their bill. After giving it a glance, Antonio placed enough money to cover the charge, plus a generous tip, on the table.

      He nodded to Ruby. “Ready?”

      “Just a minute.” She fished her wallet from her purse and placed several dollar bills on top of the ones he’d already left.

      “What are you doing?” he asked.

      “Adding to the tip.”

      He stared at her in exasperation. Did she think he was a tightwad, out to stiff a person who had served them well?

      “I already left twenty percent.”

      “I know. But waitresses are notoriously underpaid. Every little bit extra helps.”

      “Joseph won’t reimburse that.”

      “I don’t care.” Standing, she made her way to the front of the diner.

      Bemused, Antonio watched her for a long minute before following. By her own admission, she was a woman whose main goal in life was to marry a rich man, yet she’d thrown away her own money on a woman she would never see again. It galled him anew that she had such low expectations for herself.

      As they walked to the truck, he decided to give it one last try.

      “Not to beat a dead horse, but you’re throwing your life away, Ruby. Can’t you see that?”

      She eyed him curiously. “You’re referring to my relationship with Joseph?”


      “Even if it is true, why should it bother you?”

      Antonio stifled a curse. She’d done it again. She’d made him forget who he was supposed to be. And what he was supposed to be doing.

      “Damned if I know,” he muttered.

      “I guess this means you wouldn’t want an invitation to the wedding.”

      He started. Had things gone that far between her and Joseph?

      “Joseph has asked you to marry him?”

      “Not yet. But it’s coming, I can feel it. Good thing I don’t need much lead time. When your brother’s a priest, you can be pretty flexible with your plans.”

      He paused with his hand on the passenger door handle. “Your brother’s a priest?”

      She dimpled. “Someone has to atone for my sins. Wouldn’t you agree?”

      She climbed up into the truck, and he closed the door after her. As he buckled himself into the driver’s seat, Antonio decided it was time to do the work he’d been sent here to do. His superiors had gone to great pains to make his cover just perfect. Hopefully, the reason Joseph had hired him was as much for his “past record” as for his abilities as an auctioneer.

      “Maybe your brother could work on my sins,” he said.

      “You mean you’re not the mild-mannered auctioneer everyone believes you to be?”

      He started the truck and pulled out of the parking lot. “Is any man what he appears to be?”

      “You do have a past, then.”

      “You could say that.”

      “A murky past,” she observed, with obvious relish.

      “I did some time once, back when I was young and stupid.”

      “How СКАЧАТЬ