The Playboy Doctor's Marriage Proposal. Fiona Lowe
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СКАЧАТЬ really, really important, David. We need you to think. Had any of the wood been treated?’

      The boy looked anxiously between Emily and Linton. ‘I…I did get some from the building site next door.’

      Linton thumped his fist against his forehead. ‘Copper-chrome-arsenate. You’ve barbequed your meat in arsenic vapours. That’s what’s causing all these symptoms.’

      Stunned silence and shocked disbelief scored everyone’s faces.

      ‘Arsenic. Hell of a birthday present, son.’ Brian grimaced in pain.

      ‘I’m s-s-sorry, Dad.’ David’s voice quavered as tears filled his eyes. ‘Are we going to die?’

      ‘Not now that we know what we’re treating.’ Linton gave the boy’s shoulder a reassuring squeeze.’ He turned to Emily. ‘We need dimercaprol up to five milligrams per kilogram by intramuscular injection. It acts as a chelator and the arsenic will bind with the drug so it can be removed from the system.’

      ‘I’ll ring Pharmacy now.’ Emily turned to her staff. ‘Jodie, Patti and Jason, attach everyone to a cardiac monitor and monitor urine output. You’ll need to weigh each family member so we can work out the dose of dimercaprol. The rest of the nursing care plan is to provide symptomatic care. A cool sponge will help, as well as some refreshing mouthwash.’

      Her staff nodded their agreement and everyone attended to their tasks. By the end of the shift the Petersons had been transferred into the high dependency unit for close monitoring. Emily stifled a yawn as she wished the night staff a good shift.

      ‘You can’t say we didn’t welcome you with a bang. Who would have thought of arsenic poisoning?’ Linton leaned back on his chair, his hands clasped behind his head, his broad chest straining at his now rumpled shirt. ‘Fabulous call, by the way. What made you associate the bonfire?’

      His praise sent streaks of happiness though her. ‘At the risk of being called sexist, I have four brothers. When they were younger they’d burn just about anything, and David reminded me of them. Lucky for us, Dad taught us what was toxic and what was safe so we avoided potential tragedies like today.’

      ‘The Petersons are one lucky family.’ He rose to his feet and gazed down at her. ‘Ready for that drink?’

      I’ve been ready for you to notice me for over a year. ‘Sure, I’ll just get changed and meet you in the foyer.’ She walked to the locker room, somehow managing to control her feet which wanted to spin, twirl and tap their way there.

      It had been an incredible first shift. From the moment she’d stepped into the department Linton had seemed different, as if he was interested in her as a person, not just as a nurse. And he’d asked her out for a drink. She hummed to herself as she quickly changed into her jeans and loose-fitting top. She sprayed some perfume onto her neck and wrists, and almost skipped down the corridor.

      As she stepped into the foyer she heard Linton’s deliciously deep, rumbling voice. ‘It was a huge first day for you, Jodie, but you did a fantastic job. Are you up for A and E’s traditional welcome drinks?’

      ‘I think I deserve them.’ Her girlish laugh tinkled in the quiet foyer. ‘I hope every day isn’t going to be like today.’

      Emily stopped so fast her boots squeaked on the lino floor.

      Jason and Patti pushed through the door on the opposite side of the foyer, both dressed in city black. ‘We’re ready.’

      Emily’s stomach rolled. She swallowed hard against the rising bile. Drinks for new staff.

      Her blood pounded in her head, drowning out all coherent thought. How could she have been so stupid? How could she have got it so very wrong?

       You always get it wrong with men.

      This wasn’t ‘drinks’ as in ‘I finally noticed you and let’s go for drinks’. This was a general invitation for all new staff.

      Staff wellbeing is high on my agenda. Linton’s words sounded clearly in her head. Welcome drinks. A ‘getting to know you’ session—team bonding.

      She wanted to curl up in a ball and hide. She’d misinterpreted professional team building for personal interest. She’d let her crazy and out-of-control feelings for Linton colour her judgement so much that she’d heard only what she’d wanted to hear. An image of her jabbing his chest with her finger came into her head. She’d even let her guard down and flirted with him.

      Linton turned on hearing the squeal of her boots, his smile wide and welcoming. ‘Emily, I thought I recognised the sound of your boots.’

      Like a rabbit caught in a spotlight, she had nowhere to run and nowhere to hide. Be the friendly colleague and hide the pain. Tossing her head, she forced down every particle of disappointment and embarrassment, and summoned up, from the aching depths of her soul, ‘bright and breezy, Emily, everyone’s best friend’. The public Emily that shielded the real her.

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