Название: Dream Mender
Автор: Sherryl Woods
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр: Современные любовные романы
He scowled, but she could see a faint flicker of amusement in his eyes before he carefully banked it and returned to his study of the foggy day outside. “It’s the principle.”
“Pretty stupid principle, if you ask me.”
“Who asked you?”
“Call me generous. I like to share my opinions.”
“Share them somewhere else where they’re appreciated. I’m sure there are a dozen places on this corridor alone where Saint Jennifer’s views would be welcomed.”
The barb struck home. It wasn’t the first time she’d been accused of being a Pollyanna, of nagging where she wasn’t wanted. It came with the job. Even so, she had to swallow the urge to lash back. Forcing a breezy note into her voice, she said, “You probably wouldn’t be nearly this cranky if you’d had your breakfast. Come on. If you don’t squeal on me, I’ll treat you to a couple of doughnuts and a cup of coffee in the therapy room. I guarantee there won’t be anything you have to open. And the doughnuts are fresh. I stopped at the bakery on the way in.”
He turned finally and regarded her warily. “Are you trying to bribe me into coming back to therapy?”
“I’m trying to improve your temper for the benefit of the entire staff on this floor. Now come along.”
Blue eyes, which had been bleak with exhaustion and defeat, sparked briefly with sheer devilment. “Do I have a choice?” he inquired, his voice suddenly filled with a lazy challenge.
“You do, but just so you know, the wheelchair’s right outside.”
“And Otis?”
“He’s within shouting distance, but I didn’t think I’d need him today.” Her gaze held a challenge of its own. She could practically see the emotions warring inside him as he considered his options. She pressed a little harder. “So, are you coming or not? I have jelly doughnuts. Or chocolate. There’s even one that’s apple-filled.”
Temptation won out over stubbornness. She could see it in the suddenly resigned set of his shoulders. Apparently she’d hit on a weakness with those doughnuts.
“You are a bully,” he accused, but he followed her from the room.
“Takes one to know one. What’s it going to be jelly, chocolate or apple?”
“Jelly, of course. You could probably see my mouth watering the minute you mentioned them.”
“I did sense I had your attention.”
“Why do you do this?” he asked as they walked down the hall.
“Buy doughnuts?”
The evasion earned a look of disgust. “You know what I meant.”
“They pay me to do it.”
“So you’ve said. I’m more interested in why someone would choose a profession that requires them to put up with nasty-tempered patients like me.”
“Maybe I’m a masochist.”
“I don’t think so. What’s the truth, Jenny Michaels?”
There was a genuine curiosity in his eyes that demanded an honest response. “Sometimes,” she said softly, “sometimes I can make a difference.”
He nodded at once with obvious understanding. “Quite a high, huh?”
She grinned at the way he mirrored her thoughts. “Quite a high.”
He glanced sideways at her. “I’d guess the lows are pretty bad, though.”
Jenny sobered at once, thinking of the patients who struggled and lost against insurmountable odds. “Bad enough.”
Inside the sunshine-bright therapy room, she put two jelly doughnuts on a plate and poured a cup of coffee for Frank as he nudged a chair up to the table with some deft footwork. She sat beside him and encouraged him to talk about himself. As he did, almost without him realizing, she broke off bits of the doughnuts and fed them to him. More than once her fingers skimmed his lips, sending a jolt of electricity clear through her. He seemed entirely unaware of it, thank goodness.
“So you worked odd jobs from the time you were a kid and helped your mother raise all of those handsome characters I’ve met,” she said.
“You think they’re handsome?” he asked, watching her suspiciously. “All of them?”
She nodded, playing on the surprising hint of vulnerability she detected. “One of them is a real charmer, too. What’s his name? Tim?”
“He’s a little young for you, isn’t he?” he inquired, his gaze narrowed, his expression sour.
Jenny chuckled at his obviously suspicious response to her teasing. “Who are you looking out for? Him or me?” She decided not to mention the third alternative, Frank himself.
“You. Tim learned to take care of his own social life long ago. It’s very active.”
“And yours?”
He suddenly looked uncomfortable. “Not so active, at least not lately.”
“Why not?You’re the best-looking one in the bunch,” she said. She wasn’t above using flattery to get her way, but in his case it wasn’t necessary. Frank Chambers had a quiet strength and serenity about him when he wasn’t raging at the universe. He seemed like the kind of man a woman could depend on. And everything she’d heard about him from his adoring family confirmed that. Plus, his slightly crooked nose, the firm, stubborn line of his jaw and the astonishingly blue eyes gave his face a rugged appeal. She’d always preferred that type to the polished professionals in their designer shirts, designer watches and phony smiles. In Frank’s case the internal strength and diamond-in-the-rough exterior added up to a potent and very masculine combination.
“I’m astonished no woman has snapped you up,” she said with honesty, wondering as she did so why she felt so glad that he was free and unencumbered. She never got involved with her patients. Lately, in fact, she never got involved with any man. Keeping her tone light and bantering, she added, “You’re obviously domesticated. You probably even do dishes.”
He shook his head adamantly. “Oh, no. Not if I can help it. That’s probably the single greatest advantage I can think of having so many younger brothers and a baby sister. When I was younger, my turn to do dishes only came about once a week. If I was really on my toes, I’d land a job mowing lawns whenever it was my turn, or bribe one of the others to take it. Karyn earned more doing dishes for me than she ever did baby-sitting.”
Suddenly his gaze fell on the empty plate and coffee cup. His expression became perplexed. “How’d you do that?”
She grinned at him. “It’s all a matter of technique.”
“That kind of sleight of hand belongs on stage.”
“Hey, for all you know, I ate it all myself.”