Dream Weaver. Jenna Ryan
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Название: Dream Weaver

Автор: Jenna Ryan

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Зарубежные детективы




СКАЧАТЬ anything to her. Only he had ever hurt her.

      She wanted to push against his chest, but she didn’t rush it. The heat of him made her want to slide in deep and stay there. It wouldn’t be a safe or secure place, but it would be exciting. And Meliana lived for excitement. Or she had once.

      She pressed her palm to his heart, felt it beating hard and fast against his ribs. “Johnny, stop,” she managed, and drew back. “Just—stop.”

      He did, with an effort that was visible even to her blurred mind.

      He closed those stunning eyes of his and let his head fall forward. “Sorry,” he said, then gave a soft laugh and breathed out, “No, I’m not.”

      In his real life he’d never been much of a liar. Meliana collected what composure she could and stepped away. When she saw the dogs staring at them with lolling tongues, she found her sense of humor and felt a smile work its way across her lips.

      “We had to go and complicate a perfectly workable situation, didn’t we?”

      “I did it, Mel. You just…”

      “Tripped and fell against your mouth?”

      “If it keeps things level, yeah.”

      She hesitated a moment, then brushed the hair from his face. “Nothing’s ever been level for us, Johnny. Not then or now.”

      “And we’re doing our utmost to see that it stays that way.” He flicked a finger between them. “This is why I slept at Andy’s last night and will again tonight.”

      She glanced next door. “He’ll love you for waking him at this hour. Andy’s sleeping habits tend to follow the sun.”

      “He got a parking ticket last week. I’ll ask Julie to fix it. That’ll square us. Can I take the cake?”

      She nodded, but stopped him before he could leave. “It wasn’t your fault, Johnny.”

      From the doorway, he regarded her. “Tonight or overall?”

      “Both. I don’t need to blame you for anything.”

      “You never did.” He sent her a miserable look and wrapped his fingers briefly around the door frame. “But I do.”

      SHE WOULD KEEP HER BALANCE, Meliana promised herself. She repeated that every time her thoughts strayed into dangerous territory for the next three days.

      Johnny hadn’t meant to mess with her head, or her emotions, but how could he not when she’d loved him so much it hurt. Still did love him, if she was honest with herself. Always would, no matter how divergent their life patterns became.

      He’d worried that she would grow to fear him. Although she never had, she’d glimpsed the violence inside him. They’d fought, bitterly, when he’d returned. Over what, Meliana couldn’t say, but at the root of it had been both a lifestyle and an alter ego he’d embraced just a little too fully for a little too long.

      Determined not to dwell on that now, she went about her business as usual at the hospital.

      She made her rounds, turned the envelope, stockings and card over to Julie, covered the overload in the E.R. and even sat in on one of Charlie’s clinics for twenty minutes during an afternoon break.

      The man was amazing. She knew serious skeptics who were willing to give his methods a try.

      “He’s a whacko genius.” Julie came up behind Meliana, who’d paused in the doorway to observe Charlie’s newest group. “Do you think he does hypnotism?”

      “I doubt it.” Meliana swiveled her head. “Are you looking to get hypnotized?”

      “No, I’m looking first for you, whom I’ve found, and second for Sam, who’s been complaining of headaches again.”

      Sam Robbins was Julie’s stepbrother, a quiet young man with a talent much more freakish to Meliana’s mind than Charlie Lightfoot’s. He was one of those rare people who could scan a page in a phone book and memorize it instantly, names and numbers.

      “Sam’s probably downstairs unloading food trays.” Meliana gave Charlie a quick wave before closing the door. “I’ll talk to Elizabeth Truman in Neurology. Maybe she can schedule a round of tests. It could be that Sam’s brain takes too much in at one time and can’t cope with the overload of information. Tell him to stop reading for a while.”

      “Maybe I’ll send him fishing with Johnny up at Blue Lake. No praise intended, and no idea why, but Johnny’s really good with Sam. Must be a big-brother thing.”

      “You’re worried about him, aren’t you?”

      “A little. Don’t forget, his father died of a brain aneurysm.”

      “I’ll talk to Liz,” Meliana promised. “So what’s the deal with the stockings?”

      “Zip so far. Whoever this guy is, he’s taking all the necessary precautions. Is Johnny still around?”

      “He went back to Blue Lake. Broken pipe in the downstairs bathroom. Eileen Crawford found it when she came to clean.” She nodded forward. “There’s Sam now.”

      “With an overstuffed cart as usual.”

      “It’s a long way down to Food Services.” Meliana grinned. “He’s saving himself a trip.”

      “Sam!” Julie called.

      He halted so abruptly he almost rolled the cart into a housekeeping trolley.

      “Head in the clouds,” Julie muttered.

      “Hi, Sam,” Meliana greeted. She saw him press his temple under a messy cap of dark curls. “Headache?”

      “They come and go.” He sent her an affable grin. “Julie says it’s all the junk food I eat.” The smile faded and he stared at her lab coat. “Your pager’s going off.”

      “It is?” Surprised, Meliana felt her pocket. “I don’t hear it.”

      He regarded her with innocent brown eyes. “That’s because it hasn’t…”

      When the device began to beep, Meliana and Julie both frowned at him.

      “It just—came to me,” he said and checked the cart for slippage. “I need to get this downstairs. Later, okay?”

      Meliana started for the nurses’ station. “This is a new thing, right?”

      “I have no idea.” Julie strode along beside her. “Do you think—He couldn’t be, like, psychic or something, could he? I mean, we use psychics from time to time on impossible cases. My captain half believes they’re for real.”

      “That seemed pretty for real to me,” Meliana said. “Problem?” she asked the duty nurse.

      “You’re needed in Emergency, Dr. Maynard. We’ve got a four-car pileup with injuries.”

      “On СКАЧАТЬ