Capturing Cleo. Linda Winstead Jones
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Название: Capturing Cleo

Автор: Linda Winstead Jones

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Зарубежные детективы




СКАЧАТЬ Cretins, they talked to one another in normal voices and broke the spell that filled the room. Luther turned to watch them walk to the bar, removing their coats as they went, talking loudly even though they received a number of sharp glares.

      The woman was tall, reed thin, and had her dark blond hair cut in a chin-length bob. Her coat was expensive. So were the diamonds in her ears and on her fingers. Money. The big fella who walked beside her carried himself like a man who was accustomed to being waited on. His well-cut suit downplayed his size. The watch on his wrist was gold. More money.

      Edgar shushed the noisy couple when they reached the bar, and in turn they both pursed their mouths in disapproval. But they did shut up. The others in the room returned their attention to the stage.

      Luther listened to Cleo, but he kept his eyes on the newly arrived couple. They didn’t belong here. They were country club people who held themselves stiffly, as if to touch anything in this place would dirty them. Eventually they laid their eyes on Cleo, and he could have sworn the woman sighed and shook her head just slightly.

      Cleo was finishing up with “Do Nothin’ Till You Hear from Me,” when a cell phone rang. The patrons knew where that noise came from, and several turned to glare at the well-dressed man who dug in his jacket pocket to retrieve his phone. One customer, a small, elderly fellow, tossed a balled-up napkin in the couple’s direction as the man answered and stepped toward the corner of the room, one hand to his ear so he could hear.

      Cleo left the stage to a hearty round of applause. God, half the men in the room were in love with her, Mikey included. And she didn’t know it, Luther realized as she left the stage. She had no idea how her voice and her appearance sucked a man in.

      If she’d known where his mind had taken him this afternoon when she’d started talking about “oral fixation,” she would’ve kicked him out of her place by now.

      Cleo walked to the bar, where Edgar had a glass of water waiting. Luther headed in the same direction, hoping to arrive about the same time she did. The sight of the tall blond waiting at the bar caused Cleo’s step to falter.

      “Thea,” Cleo said as she reached the bar. “What are you doing here?”

      The woman Cleo called Thea sighed. It seemed well-practiced. “We heard about Jack, and Palmer and I are here to offer our support.”

      Cleo’s eyes flickered to the man in the corner. He had his back to them and was still talking on the phone. Was that panic he saw in Cleo’s eyes? Maybe. It was gone too quickly for him to be sure.

      Luther stepped to the bar so he stood behind Cleo and could see everything that happened. He leaned there and nodded to Edgar, asking for another cup of coffee.

      “Thank you,” Cleo said to the blonde. “But I really don’t need any support. I’m fine.”

      “Cleo, your ex-husband was murdered,” Thea said, lowering her voice.

      “I know that,” Cleo answered. “I appreciate you coming, but there’s nothing you can do.”

      Thea, who had obviously hoped for a warmer welcome, squared her shoulders. “Well, we will at least stay for the funeral. Someone should represent the family. When will it be held?”

      Cleo turned slightly and tilted her head back to look at Luther. “Do you know when the funeral is?”


      Cleo dropped her eyes and returned her attention to Thea, who leaned to one side to get a glimpse of the man Cleo had spoken to.

      “I wish I had a guest room so you could stay with me,” Cleo said, not very convincingly.

      Thea looked properly horrified. “Oh, we have a suite at the Marriott. We wouldn’t think of putting you out.” She straightened her spine again. “I’ll stay as long as you need me.”

      “Thank you,” Cleo said, her voice turning kinder. “But I’m fine. Really.”

      Thea held out stiff arms. “Don’t you have a hug for your big sister?”

      Sister? Luther digested this information while he watched the women engage in a perfunctory embrace.

      When they parted, Thea kept her hands on Cleo’s shoulders. “I won’t leave you to go through this alone,” she said in a strict, schoolteacher-like tone.

      “I’m not alone,” Cleo insisted. “I have Edgar, and Eric and Syd…” she looked over her shoulder and a wicked gleam lit her amber eyes. “And Malone.”

      Thea cast him a wary glance. “Malone?”

      “Detective Luther Malone,” Cleo said with a smile. “He’s a new…friend.”

      A woman like Cleo had a way of saying a simple word like friend that gave it all sorts of meaning.

      Thea paled. The man who had arrived with her, Palmer, ended his conversation and joined them.

      One good look at Palmer was enough for Luther. His gut instinct had served him well over the years, and he never ignored it. He did not like Palmer. Most importantly, he didn’t like the way Palmer looked at Cleo.

      The big man opened his arms and offered Cleo a hug and a smile. Cleo extended one hand, signaling that she’d prefer a shake. Palmer moved in for a hug, anyway, and Luther stepped to her side to get in the way.

      Palmer’s gaze snapped up. He was no fool. He saw the warning on Luther’s face and dropped one hand. The handshake he pressed on Cleo was brief.

      “Palmer, darling,” Thea said tersely, “this is Detective Luther Malone, Cleo’s new friend.”

      “Detective,” Palmer muttered, and then he swallowed. Hard.

      They had come to their own conclusions, and Cleo was doing nothing to dissuade the notion. Luther figured she must have a reason. So he didn’t move. He stayed beside her. He smiled tightly. And then some demon within him forced him to drape his arm around her shoulder.

      He looked down at Cleo. She looked up. “This is your sister?”

      “Yes,” Cleo said, not attempting to move away or toss his arm off her shoulder, as she surely would if they were alone. “And her husband, Palmer.”

      Luther look back at the couple. “I’ve heard a lot about you two.”

      Palmer went a little pale. Oh, Cleo definitely had some explaining to do!

      Cleo glanced up at him. “The funeral’s Friday?”

      “Yes. The coroner has promised to release the body by tomorrow afternoon. He expects to be finished with his tests by then. Miss Rayner has made all the arrangements for the funeral.”

      “I don’t know if I should go or not,” Cleo said, not sounding nearly as confident as usual.

      “I’ll go with you,” Luther said. “It’ll be okay.”

      “Wait a minute,” Palmer injected. “If you two are friends, surely you’re not investigating the case. I mean, Cleo is sure to be a suspect.”

      Luther СКАЧАТЬ