Borrowed Identity. Kasi Blake
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Название: Borrowed Identity

Автор: Kasi Blake

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Зарубежные детективы




СКАЧАТЬ have made him feel more vulnerable.

      He stepped outside, with Boomer on his heels. Michael’s gaze automatically traveled down the long road to where Paddy would be parked. He gave a short wave in case his partner was watching through the binoculars, then headed around the house with quick strides, anxious to get back to Kelly. He believed her about the garage being locked, even though it hadn’t been when he got there. Michael hoped the intruder had vanished from their lives forever.

      Unfortunately, his gut told him the opposite was true. The person who had locked Kelly in the garage was somewhere nearby, watching them. He could practically feel those evil eyes tracking his every move.

      Boomer wagged his tail and stayed with Michael the whole time, not putting more than a few feet between them. He had found a new friend.

      THE SOUND OF THE FRONT door closing gave Kelly permission to release the breath she’d been holding. The oxygen returned to the room in a dizzying rush. How did Michael’s presence cause the walls to close in on her? It had never felt this way between them before. Within twenty-four hours Michael had altered drastically. His voice was the same, but his choice of words had changed and his mannerisms were different. In fact, his entire aura was different.

      Or was it her imagination?

      An insistent knocking on the front door drew her attention. She hurried to answer it, wondering if Michael had forgotten his keys. But the door was unlocked so it couldn’t be him. Kelly pasted on a smile, thinking it was probably Margo coming for her dog.

      Her smile froze.

      It was a stranger—a tall, gangly man with a pointy nose and jutting chin. He wore a dark suit that must have been two sizes too small for him and held a briefcase close to his chest.

      “Yes,” she murmured, “may I help you?”

      “I called a few weeks ago,” he stated abruptly. “My boss wants to buy your house.”

      “I told you already, I’m not interested in selling. This house has been in my family for more than fifty years.”

      “My boss is willing to pay twice what the house is worth.”

      Her eyes widened. Why would anyone want to pay double?

      “Who is your boss?”

      “I’m not at liberty to say.” He patted his briefcase. “I have all the papers in here. Say the word and we can sign them.” He pulled a slip of paper from his vest pocket. “I also have a hefty check.”

      When he handed it to her she glanced down at the signature. It was signed “Natalie Gross.” Kelly pushed it back at him.

      “Okay,” she said, attempting to remain calm, “I’m only going to say this once more. I am not selling Moore House. Not for twice the amount. Not for ten times the amount. Please leave.”

      She tried to close the door, but the man’s hand slammed against it. There was a dark glint in his eyes behind the wire-rimmed glasses he wore. She sensed that this man was not only quite capable of hurting her, he would enjoy it.

      Cold fear chilled her nerve endings. If he attacked her, would she be able to fight him off? If she screamed, would Michael hear her?

      “My boss has her heart set on buying this house. I think you should consider her offer.” He smiled calculatingly. “She will get the place one way or another.”

      “Is that a threat?” Kelly lifted her chin high, gritting her teeth to keep her jaw from trembling. “I want you off my land.”

      “You aren’t listening.” The stranger’s voice rose.

      “My fiancé is going to be back any second. He’ll kick your butt all the way to the state line.”

      “I met your fiancé in town a few weeks ago. I don’t think he’ll give me any trouble.”

      “Think again, pal,” Michael said. And immediately afterward, Boomer growled.

      Kelly spotted Michael over the other man’s shoulder and relief spread through her body, warming her. She hated the thought of being vulnerable and didn’t want to be in anyone’s debt, but there was a tiny guilty pleasure that came with being rescued. Michael was her very own hero, strong and courageous. He could handle the skinny man with one hand tied behind his back.

      “You should stay out of this,” the stranger said.

      Michael stepped closer and the man’s eyes almost bugged out of his head. He claimed to have seen Michael in town, but he looked like he’d just come across an unfamiliar and dangerous creature. He moved to the side, putting distance between them.

      Michael held out his hand. “Show me your identification.”


      “You heard me.” Michael snapped his fingers. “A driver’s license. State identification card. Anything with a name and picture on it will do.” His dark eyebrows rose. “Do you need help finding your wallet? I don’t mind getting it myself.” He moved nearer, closing in on him.

      The stranger relinquished his wallet without another protest.

      Michael flipped it open and read the name aloud.

      “Elvin Grant.” Michael handed the wallet back. “Okay, Elvin Grant, if I see you around here again I’ll have the local authorities run your name through their computers. A man like you must have an interesting past.”

      “You’ll regret this.”

      “No,” Michael said with confidence. “You’ll regret it if you harass the lady again.”

      The stranger scurried off, leaving Kelly and Michael standing on the porch in an uncomfortable silence. Kelly didn’t know what to say. A quiet thank-you didn’t seem enough. She was certain Michael had saved her from harm.

      Boomer barked happily and wagged his tail.

      “Has that guy hassled you before?” Michael asked.

      “Over the phone,” she admitted.

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