Through Jenna's Eyes. KRISTI GOLD
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Название: Through Jenna's Eyes


Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы




СКАЧАТЬ she didn’t, he’d be glad to remove it for her. “Are you finished?”

      She pushed her hair back with one hand. “I believe I am. Are you?”

      When he realized how close he was coming to making a fatal error, Logan took her by the arm and guided her back into the living room to settle her on the sofa. “Stretch out and I’ll cover you up.”

      After she complied, Logan pulled the blanket up to her chin, concealing her body and giving him some much-needed relief. “Is that okay?”

      She worked her arms from underneath the covers. “It’s fine. Are you okay?”

      “Yeah. Why?”

      “I don’t know. You sound almost angry.”

      “I’m not angry.” At least not at her.

      She stretched her arms above her head before folding them beneath her breasts. “Then you’re not going to boot me out on my butt after I fall asleep?”

      “You’re safe.” But if she knew what he was thinking—that he’d like to climb on that couch with her—she might be the one doing the booting.

      After grabbing up the remote from the coffee table, Logan switched on the TV. “Any particular show you want to watch?”

      “It doesn’t matter to me, as long as there’s audio. You decide.”

      A return to his regularly scheduled program might offer a solid distraction. “I recorded the baseball game. They were in extra innings when I left to pick you up.”

      “I know. I also know the score. I heard some guys talking at the bar.”

      He set the remote back on the table. “Don’t tell me or you’ll ruin it.”

      “I’ll let you be surprised, then.” She rolled to her side to face him and began twisting the corner of the blanket. “Before you settle in for the night, there’s something I need to ask you.”

      Jenna’s tone was so somber, he worried that maybe she wasn’t feeling well. Worried that he might have to make a trip to the E.R. after all. But her well-being mattered more than the inconvenience. “What’s wrong?”

      “Nothing’s wrong.” She closed her lids, then opened them slowly. “It’s been a long time since I’ve seen myself in the mirror, and I want to know if my eyes—”

      “They’re as beautiful as the rest of you.” And they were—pale brown, round eyes framed by long, dark lashes. No, she didn’t need any makeup. She was perfect just the way she was. Maybe even too perfect.

      Jenna smiled, but to Logan it looked almost sad. “I bet you say that to all the blind girls who end up on your sofa.”

      “You’re the first, and it’s the truth.”

      When she reached out her hand, he took it without hesitation. “Thanks, Logan. I’m glad we met.”

      “So am I.” And he was, more than he cared to admit. “Now, get some sleep.”

      He gave her hand a squeeze and took his place in the lounger several feet away. He tried to concentrate on the game, but he was too busy analyzing the woman on his couch. He wondered if she was as real as she seemed. If everything she’d told him was accurate. If he’d misjudged her due to his own bitter experience. He suspected he had, and he wanted more proof.

      For Logan O’Brien, the night might have begun with an unwelcome interruption, but it had ended with one huge surprise—Jenna Fordyce.

      Chapter Three

      “What are you doing?”

      At the sound of Logan’s distinct and somewhat gruff voice, Jenna turned and leaned back against the kitchen counter. “I was going to make you breakfast to repay you for rescuing me last night. But I’ve never been much of a cook, even before I lost my sight.” She felt behind her for the carton of milk and held it up. “Can I interest you in cold cereal?”

      “No thanks.”

      Jenna detected a hint of irritation in his tone. “Is something wrong?”

      “When I didn’t find you on the couch after I took my shower, I was worried.”

      She appreciated his concern, even if it wasn’t warranted. “You don’t have any reason to worry.” She touched the edge of the bandage covering her wound. “My head’s a little sore, but I’m fine.”

      Jenna calculated Logan’s approach through the sound of his footsteps, and knew he moved beside her when she caught the trace scent of fresh soap. “As soon as you get dressed, we can leave,” he said.

      She ran a fast hand down the T-shirt he’d loaned her last night. “This is comfortable. Think I’ll just wear it home. I’ll have it laundered and back to you next week.” Better still, she could deliver it in person.

      Not a banner idea. She had no cause to pursue a relationship with a man at this point in her life.

      “It looks good on you,” he said. “But if you keep it, then you’ll have to explain to your father where the shirt came from. And that would lead to telling him you spent the night with me and, in turn, I’ll lose his business.”

      Always seeing things through a business lens, just like her father. “He’s not due home until late afternoon, so don’t concern yourself with getting caught. Which reminds me. What time is it now?”

      “Almost ten.”

      “I can’t believe I slept so late.” But then, she hadn’t slept all that well last night knowing Logan had been only a few paces away.

      “And that’s why we need to get a move on,” he said. “Before Avery finds out you’ve been gone all night.”

      Jenna wouldn’t be surprised if her dad had already called home only to connect to the voice mail. “My personal life isn’t my father’s business, and what happened last night doesn’t qualify as questionable. I slept on your couch, and you kept watch over me from a chair.”

      “I still plan to have you home well before he arrives.” He caught her hand and wrapped it firmly in his. “Come on. I’ll help you get dressed.”

      Plainly, he was more than ready to be rid of her. “I can dress myself, thank you.”

      “I’ll hang around, anyway, to make sure you’re okay.”

      “Suit yourself.”

      Jenna allowed Logan to guide her into the bathroom where she took care of her morning ritual while he played watchdog outside the door. She managed to slide the blouse over her head, but when she attempted to close the skirt’s back zipper, it wouldn’t budge. At times like these, she wished she had a closet full of shapeless shifts and elastic waistbands, or the return of her sight.

      Only one option existed at the moment—swallowing her pride. “I need some help, Logan.”

      The СКАЧАТЬ