The Law of Attraction. KRISTI GOLD
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Название: The Law of Attraction


Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы




СКАЧАТЬ real harm in it. Nothing complicated. Just two friends seeing in the new year together.”

      Alisha hadn’t really viewed him as a friend per se, but he wasn’t a seedy stranger. After all, he’d made it his life’s work putting criminals behind bars. In that regard, he was safe. His magnetism…well, that was another thing altogether.

      But she truly didn’t want to be alone. Not tonight. She would keep a tight grasp on her control. She would go to Daniel Fortune’s apartment and take her chances. “Do you have any wine?”

      His gorgeous grin heralded success. “If I do, then you’ll come home with me?”

      “Yes. To watch the fireworks and have a drink.”

      “You’re welcome to check out my bedpost for notches.”

      She didn’t dare get anywhere near his bed. “No thanks.”

      “I wouldn’t mind showing you my custom-made wet bar. Lots of shelves. And counter space.”

      “Room enough for two, no doubt.”

      “Probably so, with a little careful maneuvering.”

      Alisha felt as if she’d been thrust into some unknown dimension. Maybe he did want to do her. Worse, she wanted to do him. Joe and Julie would be so proud. But caution spoke louder than carnal need. “Be careful, Counselor, or I’m going to rescind my offer.”

      He looked somewhat contrite. “Sorry, but you walked right into that one.”

      She only hoped that when she walked into his apartment she’d keep a choke hold on her hormones. “Where’s your car?”

      “I’m on foot.”

      She pointed to the lot across the street. “Mine’s over there. I’ll drive us.”

      “Save your gas. We can walk it from here.”

      Maybe walking wasn’t such a bad idea. Maybe then they’d be too tired to do anything that might be deemed risky. Maybe they should jog. “Okay, Counselor. Lead the way.”

      And with only minimal second thoughts, Alisha accompanied Daniel Fortune to his condo, feeling as if tonight she might go anywhere he cared to take her.


      Daniel Fortune liked order, but tonight he’d invited chaos into his world in the form of five feet two inches of prime redhead with an attitude. The reasons he’d asked Alisha Hart into his home had been only partially true. Yeah, he could use a friend, because real friends were rare. But the truth of the matter was he wanted more than her friendship. He wanted her. He had since the first time he’d lain eyes on her. But the timing hadn’t been right back then, and timing could be everything. He needed to remember that, otherwise she’d be out of there quicker than he could say “I object.”

      She wandered around his apartment for a few minutes, picking up various items to study them. Just when he was about to ask her to take off her coat and stay awhile, she pulled the black all-weather jacket from her shoulders and tossed it and her purse onto the club chair in the corner.

      “You’re very neat,” she said as she ran her fingertips over the back of the steel-gray leather sofa.

      “I like everything in its place.” Daniel liked having her in his place. He liked her sassy mouth. He liked the fact that she gave as good as she got. And he really liked the man-killing dress.

      She strolled toward him and pointed behind him. “That is a nice wet bar.”

      “Thanks. You ready for that wine now?”


      Turning his back to her, he took a glass from the marble shelf and pulled the bottle of merlot from the built-in wine rack. He could see her watching him from the mirrored wall behind the bar as he dislodged the cork and he hid a smile as her eyes tracked down his back and lower. She was checking out his ass. He had no problem with that. In fact, he’d be willing to give her a closer, unencumbered look if she asked.

      After pouring the wine into the glass, he turned and her gaze zipped up to his face as he offered it to her. “Enjoy.”

      She took the wine and a sip. “This is good. Aren’t you going to have some?”

      “I don’t drink alcohol. I’ve seen what it can do to people who can’t control their impulses.” He’d lived with the sorry results for most of his childhood and faced them daily during adulthood in the context of his job.

      She held up the glass. “That’s why I’m only having this one. I still have to drive home tonight.”

      He’d prefer she stay until morning, but that was probably asking too much. “You’ve only been here a few minutes and already you’re talking about leaving.”

      “I’m just being realistic, Counselor.”

      “It’s Daniel. Tonight we’re not attorneys, we’re friends.” He gestured toward the couch. “Have a seat and make yourself comfortable.”

      He followed her to the couch, keeping a fair distance just so he could watch the sway of her hips as she walked. Nothing wrong with a little mutual ass-checking.

      Alisha settled against the corner of the sofa and he sat on the opposite end, trying not to crowd her even if he did want to be closer.

      “If you don’t drink, then why do you keep alcohol around?” she asked.

      He stretched his legs out before him and rested his joined hands on his abdomen. “Strictly for socializing.”

      “I see. Have custom wet bar, will entertain. I’m sure it impresses your friends.”

      “I don’t entertain too often. Hard to find the time. And as I’ve said before, friends are few and far between these days.” A reminder of why she was here, nothing more than simple companionship.

      She kicked off her shoes and curled her legs beneath her. “So are the rumors true?”

      With her dress now riding high on her thighs, he had one helluva time concentrating on conversation. “What rumors?”

      “That you’re going to run for D.A.?”

      “That depends on party politics. They could decide someone else would make a more appropriate candidate.”

      “They would be crazy not to consider you.”

      “I don’t have a wife and kids, so that could be a determining factor.”

      She toyed with the hem of her skirt, drawing Daniel’s attention. “Oh, I don’t know about that. As a bachelor, I’m sure you would garner the female vote.”

      “Would I get your vote?”

      “That depends. I have yet to see you in action.”

      “Do you mean in a courtroom?”

      She СКАЧАТЬ