The Shadowmagic Trilogy. John Lenahan
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Название: The Shadowmagic Trilogy

Автор: John Lenahan

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Героическая фантастика


isbn: 9780007569823



      ‘OK,’ he said, and then he did it again.

      ‘Araf has agreed to accompany you.’

      ‘As our guide?’

      ‘No, Araf does not know the Eastlands. I am having difficulty procuring you the proper guide – but I will. You will leave the day after tomorrow.’

      ‘How will we travel?’ I asked.

      ‘I will provide horses,’ Gerard said.

      ‘Oh – I can’t ride.’

      ‘What!’ Fergal and Gerard said in unison.

      ‘It’s not my fault. They didn’t have horses in … where I grew up.’

      ‘Right,’ Gerard said, ‘you have a day to learn to ride. Araf, will you teach him?’

      Araf nodded.

      I looked at Araf. ‘In order to teach me, you might actually have to speak, are you prepared for that?’

      He gave me one of his hallmark blank stares.

      ‘This calls for a special toast.’ Gerard climbed the ladder to the top of his wine rack and found a bottle. He blew the dust off and placed it in a gold bucket. As he went to the cabinet to get glasses, the cork slowly rose out of the bottle by itself. He poured us each a glass of the blood-red wine.

      ‘This is a very special vintage. I pressed these grapes when Essa’s mother was pregnant with her. I have saved most of it for her wedding, but I steal a bottle now and again for special occasions.’ Gerard raised his glass. ‘To your success and a safe journey.’

      We drank. Man, was it good. Even if Essa looked like Porky Pig I would have considered marrying her, just so I could have another glass of that wine. As things stood, she wouldn’t even talk to me – so I guessed that marriage was a long shot.

      That night I dreamt that Sally and Essa had a banta fight. They both kept looking at me – wanting me to root for one or the other. The problem was I couldn’t decide who I wanted to win. It finally made both girls so mad, they stopped fighting each other and came at me …

      I was shaken awake in the darkness. When my eyes adjusted I saw that it was Essa.

      ‘I was just dreaming about you.’

      ‘Get up,’ she said. ‘We have to go.’

      ‘We? Go? Where?’

      ‘We leave for the Fililands – now.’

      ‘You are coming with us?’

      ‘I’m your guide.’

      ‘Cool, but I thought we were leaving tomorrow.’

      ‘Change of plans,’ Essa said. ‘We leave now.’


      ‘Because Cialtie and his Banshee witch are on the way. They will be here for breakfast.’

      That popped me wide awake and out of bed. I threw on some clothes. ‘Does he know I’m here?’

      ‘I’ll go and ask him, shall I?’

      ‘Hey, unnecessary sarcasm. Are you going to be mean to me this entire trip?’

      ‘We’ll see.’

      I grabbed my sword and hazel stick. ‘Seriously, do you have any idea what Cialtie is doing here?’

      ‘I think he is coming to see me,’ Essa said.

      ‘Why you?’

      ‘Rumour has it, he is going to ask me to be his bride.’

      ‘Yuck!’ I said. ‘We gotta get out of here.’


      Araf and Fergal were waiting for us in the hallway. We followed Essa down a narrow stairway that was concealed behind a tapestry. With every step the smell of horses became stronger. A short passageway led to a bale of hay that we pushed aside, and we found ourselves in the stables.

      Gerard and Dahy were almost finished saddling the horses. Let me tell you – the horses in The Land are just huge! I had no idea how I would even get up on one of those guys, let alone ride it. The thought terrified me.

      Gerard bid Fergal and Araf goodbye and then gave me a hug so he could whisper in my ear. ‘When you see your mother and father, tell them they are welcome here. Take care of yourself, son of Duir, and take care of my daughter.’

      ‘Yes, sir, and thank you.’

      Dahy presented me with a knife. ‘It is a throwing dagger,’ Dahy said. ‘The gold tip assures that it hits its target. Only use it as a last resort. Remember, when you throw a weapon, your enemy can pick it up and throw it back. It’s bad form to be killed by your own knife.’

      That was Dahy’s idea of a joke. I smiled, bowed and stashed the knife in my sock.

      ‘OK,’ I said, ‘how do you get up onto one of these monsters?’

      Essa broke off from her goodbye embrace with her father and said, ‘You don’t know how to ride? I don’t believe it!’

      ‘Maybe I should have a T-shirt with I CAN’T RIDE printed on it. That way it won’t come as a shock to everyone that finds out around here.’ Araf pointed to a horse to my left. ‘Is this one mine?’

      He nodded. I examined the magnificent stallion. He was light grey with a wild white mane. As I craned my head back I wondered if I would actually be able to make it all the way up to the saddle.

      ‘Don’t you have any ponies? I rode a pony once at a birthday party.’

      Araf interlaced his fingers together to give me a step up. I put my foot in his cupped hands and he hoisted me up over his head. I had an inkling that Araf was strong but I didn’t realise just how strong. He damn near threw me over the beast without the slightest hint of effort! I arrived on top of my horse and unceremoniously hung onto its neck until I got some semblance of cool.

      ‘Does he have a name?’

      ‘Acorn,’ Gerard replied, and smiled at me. ‘From a tiny acorn grows a mighty oak. He belonged to my son. Acorn here wandered back from the Hazellands after it was destroyed. He is the only thing to have made it out of there alive.’

      I patted the enormous neck in front of me. ‘Well, Acorn, you and me are going to be pals – right?’

      Acorn СКАЧАТЬ