The Real Witches’ Garden: Spells, Herbs, Plants and Magical Spaces Outdoors. Kate West
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Название: The Real Witches’ Garden: Spells, Herbs, Plants and Magical Spaces Outdoors

Автор: Kate West

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Эзотерика


isbn: 9780007397280


СКАЧАТЬ rock in the north.

      Try to incorporate a permanent Altar, although it need not be too obvious. Whilst you do not need a large area onto which you can put a great many things, at the very least it is a good idea to have somewhere safe to place a candle, usually in a jar to protect it from the wind. This could be a small flat stone or rock. The Altar can be placed in a number of parts of the Circle, for example, the east as the point of beginning, or the centre, or the north, which is known as the place of power. Generally speaking, a rock in the centre of your area is likely to be an inconvenience, as it may well get in the way of any outdoor activities. If it is in the centre of a lawn it will cause complications when mowing, and it will almost certainly give rise to comments from friends and neighbours. So this leaves you with the choice of north or east. If you really can’t leave something permanently then try to choose something you can easily and safely move from one place to another. A small outdoor table or even a stool can make a good substitute for a rock or stone, and is much easier to move around!

      Privacy is a much harder problem to overcome. If you start erecting screens in your garden, you are more likely to increase the interest of your neighbours than decrease it. If you try to grow plants which will effectively obstruct their view of you, these may well give rise to complaints about the amount of light their garden receives, not to mention cast your area into the shade. And whilst it would be nice to think that it’s none of their business what you get up to in your garden, you will still have to live alongside these people. A little eccentricity may well be tolerated, but a full-blown Witches’ gathering is almost certainly going to be too much! In reality, the only solution is to temper what you do and how you do it. So, if you are overlooked, you may have to give up ideas of working skyclad or even robed, and you may also have to consider whether Circle dancing, chanting and drumming are going to be acceptable. Of course, if you work on your own you probably don’t do all these things anyway, as solitary Craft does not require you to wave your arms or speak aloud, but do give some thought as to how you may appear to someone looking out of their window on a moonlit night. For the Witch on their own, simple screening, such as encouraging a climber or two in the direct line of sight, is often enough to give you the peace you need.

      Once you have determined where and how to mark your Sacred Space you need to bless, dedicate and consecrate it. This is done in several steps. Firstly, before you start any work on the area, ask the blessing of the Goddess and the God. Secondly, as you work, dedicate your efforts to the Goddess and the God. Thirdly, perform a Ritual to consecrate the space. The best time of year to do this would be Spring, when nature is ready to put fresh effort into growth. But there is no reason why you should not commence at other seasons and continue the work thereafter. Chapter 8 gives advice on the seasonality of sowing, planting and reaping.


      Work for this should commence prior to the New Moon as you will need to collect about a pint of rainwater. If your area is very arid then try to collect water from a stream or river and bring it back to your garden. If this really is not possible then you will need to take tap water and place it in a sealed jar in the light of the Full Moon for three nights and then wait for the next New Moon to continue. You will also need to make an asperger. This is done by taking a few thin twigs about 6 to 8 inches (15 to 20 cm) in length and tying them at one end to make a sort of ‘mini-broom’. If you can, gather these twigs from fallen wood found in your own garden, otherwise collect them from a nearby wooded area.

       At the New Moon, the time of fresh starts and new beginnings, take your water, asperger and some salt outside into the garden. In the centre of your future Sacred Space, kneel and call, using visualization, each of the elements coming from their appropriate directions. Next, visualize the Goddess and the God and invite them to be with you. When you are sure all is in place, take a pinch of salt and add it to the water, saying, in your head:

       ‘I call upon the elements and upon the Old Gods to consecrate and bless this water. May it drive out all impurities and may it bring the love of the Goddess and the God to this place. Blessed Be.’

       Now with your asperger, sprinkle a little of the water around the outside edge of your Circle. Be sure to start at the north-east and to proceed deosil (clockwise) around the Circle until you have overlapped at the north-east. Return to the centre, once again visualize the Goddess and the God, and say:

       ‘I call upon the Goddess and the God of life and all things living, to grant that this may be a place of growth, for all the life that shall use it. May it ever be a place of joy, love and magic. May it aid me to honour the Gods and the Craft. Blessed Be.’

      Remain a while and visualize the area as you hope it to be, and visualize yourself using it. When you are ready, thank the elements and the Goddess and the God. Where there is more than one of you taking part, everyone should perform the same actions, one after the other.


      This is not a Ritual but rather an ongoing process which takes place whilst you do the work on your Sacred Space.

      Over the next two weeks, and indeed any time you need to tend your area, always start by visualizing the Goddess and the God. Ask their blessing and state that you are dedicating this work to them. An effective way of doing this is to gather any gardening tools together into the centre of your space and then to close your eyes for a moment.

       Visualize the Goddess and the God and say:

       ‘I call upon the Old Gods to witness this work which I do in their honour. May they guide and support me in this as in all things. Blessed Be.’

      Then continue your work. If you are simply making a few changes or additions to your existing garden then do not forget to tend other plants; dead-heading flowers past their best, removing dead wood or weeding between existing plants. For most people, the two weeks between the New and Full Moons will be sufficient for them to carry out the work in the garden. But if your plans are more complex, you are planting many new plants or your workload is heavier, then you may need to continue to work through the next lunar period, before consecrating your Sacred Space at a subsequent Full Moon. It is more important to be thorough than to hurry, as you are creating a permanent Sacred Space, and besides, nature, like the Goddess, takes her own time.


      The ritual of Consecration could take place at the next Full Moon, but it is important that any plants have had time to establish themselves as it can be very disheartening to find that perhaps one or two specimens were not as good as you hoped and wither or die just after your Ritual! So if you are not sure they have had time to settle in it might be better to wait until the following Full Moon.

      Once all is in place and you are happy that any plants are established, it is time to hold your Ritual. You will need: A small glass containing some wine or fruit juice.
