The Tiger in 2016: Your Chinese Horoscope. Neil Somerville
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Название: The Tiger in 2016: Your Chinese Horoscope

Автор: Neil Somerville

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Эзотерика


isbn: 9780008138097


СКАЧАТЬ to branch, playing chase with other Monkeys or observing his surroundings, the Monkey has great character and verve. And his energy can be seen in his own year.

      Almost as soon as the Monkey year starts, its exciting and innovative nature will be apparent. On the world stage, events will erupt which will take some authorities by surprise. Factions and minorities will strive to be heard and their actions will lead to change. Particularly in more authoritarian areas, developments this year can be significant, even changing the geographical borders of some regions.

      In view of the volatility that is being seen, throughout the year world leaders will frequently confer and in some cases put past animosities behind them and forge new alliances. Monkey years can be dramatic both politically and culturally. Past Monkey years have seen the birth of the Polish Solidarity movement, which ultimately led to so much change in Europe, students taking to the streets in Paris, rioting in Los Angeles and revolution in Hungary. This Monkey year will continue to shape history and leave a far-reaching legacy.

      The United States celebrated the start of its nationhood in 1776, a previous Year of the Fire Monkey, and in this one, much attention will be focused on the presidential election. There will be great debate over the direction of domestic and foreign policy as well as increasing focus on American identity, and the campaign will be passionately fought, with some issues proving divisive and sometimes even causing rifts between party supporters. The campaign – its significance, its drama, but also its hope – will be an ongoing feature of 2016 and ultimately the newly elected president will promise ambitious reform.

      The year’s political gyrations will also have an effect on stock markets around the world. There will be some major swings and some dramatic currency fluctuations. It was in a Monkey year that Black Wednesday occurred, an event forever marked in the annals of British fiscal history. Investors this year will require strong nerves, but despite the fluctuations, there will be major success stories and significant fortunes to be made.

      Helping drive growth will be the launch of innovative products and inventions. Monkey years favour progress and this one will see some industries abuzz with new ideas. It has been said that Monkey years are times when anything can happen, and certainly in business, events will proceed at a swift pace.

      The areas of science, technology and communication will be particularly prominent. Interestingly, it was in a Monkey year that Marconi launched the first public broadcasting service, which helped pave the way to much of the communication we enjoy today. Monkey years are pioneering and, perhaps surprisingly, it was only 12 years ago that Facebook was launched, an event which helped give rise to the social networking phenomenon.

      In space, too, pioneering developments will take place. More will be discovered about the universe as probes reach new areas and reveal more about distant planets and galaxies. Again, humanity’s quest for knowledge will be greatly advanced this year.

      Monkey years are also trendsetting. In fashion, bright new styles could catch the imagination of many, while in entertainment, music and cinematography there will be exciting developments. It was in a Monkey year that Elvis Presley came to prominence with ‘Heartbreak Hotel’ and in the process opened up a new musical genre. This year will again witness pivotal cultural moments.

      Sadly, however, no year can escape tragedy, and this one will be no exception. The vagaries of weather systems will continue to cause havoc, with the year being marked by some horrendous disasters. Some of what occurs will lead to even greater attention being given to climate change and new actions will be agreed. But not all misfortune will be the result of natural catastrophe. Unfortunately, Monkey years have been marked by violence and some high-profile assassinations. These include those of President Doumer of France, Senator Robert Kennedy, Martin Luther King, Archbishop Romero and John Lennon, and while it is hoped that 2016 will be free of such acts, the portents are not promising.

      A major event of the year will be the summer Olympics held in Brazil. The games will be colourful and a visual feast. For a few weeks at least, billions around the world will enjoy following the fortunes of athletes as well as marvel at some mesmerizing performances. Quite a few long-standing records will be broken.

      For the individual, Monkey years can be regarded as times of great possibility. They favour enterprise and progress. They also contain the seeds of personal growth and making more of the potential that lies within. Each of us has the ability to put our talents to greater use. In the Monkey year, aim to make this year special – whether by nurturing your talents, working on an idea or contributing more in some way. Monkey years have energy and opportunity for us all. Enjoy what this year brings.

      Good luck and good fortune.

      13 February 1926 to 1 February 1927 — Fire Tiger

      31 January 1938 to 18 February 1939 — Earth Tiger

      17 February 1950 to 5 February 1951 — Metal Tiger

      5 February 1962 to 24 January 1963 — Water Tiger

      23 January 1974 to 10 February 1975 — Wood Tiger

      9 February 1986 to 28 January 1987 — Fire Tiger

      28 January 1998 to 15 February 1999 — Earth Tiger

      14 February 2010 to 2 February 2011 — Metal Tiger

      The Personality of the Tiger


      the zest,

      the enthusiasm,

      the giving the little bit more,

      that makes the difference.

      And opens up so much.

      The Tiger is born under the sign of courage. He is a charismatic figure and usually holds very firm views. He is strong-willed and determined and sets about most of his activities with tremendous energy and enthusiasm. He is very alert and quick-witted and his mind is forever active. He is a highly original thinker and is nearly always brimming with new ideas or full of enthusiasm for some new project or scheme.

      The Tiger adores challenges and loves to get involved in anything that he thinks has an exciting future or that catches his imagination. He is prepared to take risks and does not like to be bound either by convention or the dictates of others. He likes to be free to act as he chooses and at least once during his life he will throw caution to the wind and go off and do the things he wants to do.

      The Tiger does, however, have a somewhat restless nature. Even though he is often prepared to throw himself wholeheartedly into a project, his initial enthusiasm can soon wane if he sees something more appealing. He can also be rather impulsive and there will be occasions in his life when he acts in a manner he later regrets. If he were to think things through or be prepared to persevere in his various activities, he would almost certainly enjoy a greater degree of success.

      Fortunately the Tiger is lucky in most of his enterprises, but should things not work out as he hoped, he is liable to suffer from severe bouts of depression and it will often take him a long time to recover. His life often consists СКАЧАТЬ