Your Tarot Predictions for 2015. Karmel Nair
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Название: Your Tarot Predictions for 2015

Автор: Karmel Nair

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Религия: прочее


isbn: 9789351066781


СКАЧАТЬ what was predicted. This primarily happens because tarot is the only form of occult or a medium which gives you the flexibility to change what you don’t like about your reading. When you see something negative predicted for you, you have the time to invest efforts and energy to bring about a change in the reading and achieve the desired results. Tarot thus gives you the power to change your life and shape it the way you want to. It will show you where you stand at the present moment and what your future looks like considering your present actions and aura. If you like it, keep it the way it is; if not, change it by changing your actions before the predictions manifest themselves.

      Tarot therefore serves as a guideline to show you what you can do to improve your future by changing your present. Some of my clients feel happy when their readings go wrong, because the ultimate outcome was what they originally desired.

      Three years ago, I had a client who was studying Chartered Accountancy and was preparing for his intermediate exams. He was confident when he came to me; his questions revolved around the jobs he would get after completing C.A. However, when I did his reading he was shocked. His cards revealed that he would fail his intermediate exams; his plans would undergo a complete downturn. I explained to him that his present efforts weren’t enough to help him clear the exam and that instead of dreaming about the future he needed to dedicate all his time and effort to changing the outcome.

      He called me after six months to tell me that my reading had gone wrong and that he had cleared his exams as he had planned. He thanked me for guiding him and letting him know his true position and potential on the day he had visited me, for helping him address the possibility of failure before it could happen. Tarot showed him his true position and its consequences had he continued in the same vein. A change was needed and Tarot forewarned him about it.

      Thus, Tarot gives you the power to change your destiny. You have it all, but the knowing is often amiss. Tarot is the missing link which connects your actions with the desired future. It tells you what can be done to get from here to where you want to be and not land someplace else, where you don’t wish to be.

      One of my clients was an excellent worker, ambitious and goal oriented. She often did readings with me to know about growth and success in her career. However, once she came to me for a different reason. She was given a new role under a new boss. Just before taking over the new role, she had been looking forward to a promotion and a hefty incentive. Apparently, with the new shift and the teething problems with her new boss, she was unsure of her promotion. She wanted a reading primarily to know about her expected promotion. Unfortunately, when I picked her cards, they gave no indication of a promotion. On the contrary, she was set to lose her job! The new boss had taken the decision as he found her overbearing attitude unacceptable. When I told her this she was obviously shocked, but I also informed her that it was in the near future, it hadn’t already happened, and she had the time to turn things around by changing her actions and attitude, by working more patiently, approaching work with a modest attitude and adjusting a little more with her new boss. Tarot also suggested that the less she fought with her boss the better it would be for her. She was advised to be more accommodating towards the new changes presented to her.

      She called after a few months. She had had her promotion as against what I had predicted, but it was because she had done as advised, changed her approach to work and therefore gained a better future. If Tarot hadn’t shown where she stood as on that day, she wouldn’t have gotten the promotion and instead would have lost her job.

      Tarot thus gives you the power to change your destiny. Positive thinking and a strong belief system can go a long way in changing your life from the present state. Tarot is this source of positive energy. It shows you what you need to do to get what you desire. If your cards predict a certain future and it isn’t what you want, then the solution is simple—what you are doing presently isn’t working for you. Thus change your actions, increase or reduce your efforts as per your Tarot reading and get what you ultimately desire.

      Most of my patrons visit me at a time or stage in their life where they have either given up on hope or feel lost and defeated by life’s struggles. Besides predicting their future, my Tarot readings focus on what the future looks like depending on their present stance. I inform them about this undesirable future if so predicted or a desirable one as per the outcome of their readings. In a situation where the readings are undesirable I gently guide them to how they can change their life, by instilling faith and courage in them that they have the power to change their destiny. Tarot guides you and shows you where you will be if you walk a certain path. If the destination is not what you wanted, change your path and transform your life.

      Astrology, Numerology or any other form of occult mostly dwells on your life and tells you what is in store for you in time. Tarot goes beyond all this. It definitely tells you what is in store for you in your future and also gives you the magical power to transform your life. No one can take this power away from you and Tarot’s indicative philosophy only reaffirms this. The reading that you do can reflect this change from time to time depending on how you decide to shape your life on the basis of the future predicted in your last reading. Tarot is like a guide or a mentor who holds your hands and takes you to your success. Every step that you take, every change that you bring about in your life on the basis of your Tarot Readings will reflect a different and a better future. It all depends on how you use this power of Tarot to your advantage.

       III. Tarot as a Counsellor and a way to spiritual enhancement

      This third and last element of Tarot is something I have acquired over the years of practice and experience, my personal contribution to enhancing Tarot readings and their potential to guide lives. Tarot doesn’t necessarily play a direct role of counsellor or a guide to spirituality but it does so indirectly, through me. When I started doing Tarot initially it was only limited to the above two elements, a medium to predict the future and to change your destiny by showing you the way forward. As I grew in my experience as a Tarot card reader I realised that most of my clients kept coming back to me to be healed and, most often, just to open up and pour out their heart to me. Most of my experiences revolved around helping clients battle their life ahead through constant motivational talks and strategies to help them create a better life.

      This led me to study ‘Psychotherapy and Counselling’. I did my masters while I was practising Tarot and it helped me immensely to shape my clients’ lives for the better. The scientific understanding of human psychology enabled me to come up with interesting behavioural therapies, methods of psychotherapy and various ways of counselling. Sometimes I deployed assertive therapy, sometimes aggressive therapy, and sometimes plain pep talk therapy. My intervention as a Counsellor started making huge positive changes in my clients’ lives. They developed a more positive and healthy lifestyle and started achieving more out of themselves.

      This art of positive reinforcement and scientific intervention was initiated through Tarot in my life. It helped me become an expert at reading the mind and heart and guiding my clients on the basis of these enhanced readings. I struck the right chords of intuition and scientific intervention to heal my patrons. This brought about a phenomenal change in my own perspective of life and a 360 degree shift in my outlook. I started seeing things differently. This is also the time Vipassana happened to me.

      Vipassana is an art of self realisation, a way to Nirvana, the method practised and preached by Gautama Buddha. This further enlightened me and opened the door to spirituality. I dedicated a lot of time to studying spirituality and ways to attain self realisation through meditation. During this time I came upon various forms of meditation to heal my clients by helping them reduce stress related problems, address interpersonal issues, and guide them towards self realisation.

      Self-realisation is an overwhelming concept or perhaps it is the perception that makes it so. Hence I will dwell a little more on its details to give you a brief understanding of what this concept truly means with respect to Tarot and СКАЧАТЬ