Wife 22. Melanie Gideon
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Название: Wife 22

Автор: Melanie Gideon

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Историческая литература


isbn: 9780007425495


СКАЧАТЬ and something days, my point is very, very, well.

      This is easy. Too easy. Who knew that confession could bring on such a dopamine rush?

      Suddenly the front door is flung open and Peter yells, “I call the bathroom first.”

      He has a thing about not using the bathroom at school, so he holds it all day. I close my laptop. This is also my favorite time of the day—when the empty house fills back up again and within an hour all of my de-cluttering is for naught. For some reason this gives me pleasure. The satisfying inevitability of it all.

      Zoe walks into the kitchen and makes a face. “Tuna casserole?”

      “It’ll be ready in fifteen minutes.”

      “I already ate.”

      “At volleyball practice?”

      “Karen’s mother stopped on the way home and got us burritos.”

      “So Peter’s eaten, too?”

      Zoe nods and opens the fridge.

      I sigh. “What are you looking for? I thought you just ate.”

      “I don’t know. Nothing,” she says, closing the door.

      “Dang! What did you do to your hair?” asks Peter, walking into the kitchen.

      “Oh, God, I forgot. One of my kids was playing hairdresser. I thought it was kind of Audrey Hepburnesque. No?”

      “No,” says Zoe.

      “No,” echoes Peter.

      I slide the elastic out of my hair and try and smooth it out.

      “Maybe if you combed it once in a while,” says Zoe.

      “Why is everybody so comb crazy? For your information, there are certain types of hair that should never be combed. You should just let it dry naturally.”

      “Uh-huh,” says Zoe, grabbing her backpack. “I’ve got a ton of homework. See you in 2021.”

      “Half an hour of Modern Warfare before homework?” asks Peter.

      “Ten minutes,” I say.



      Peter throws his arms around me. Even though he’s twelve, I still occasionally get hugs. A few minutes later, the sounds of guns and bombs issue forth from the living room.

      My phone chirps. It’s a text from William.


       Client dinner.

       See u 10ish.

      I open my laptop, quickly reread my answers, and hit Send.


      From: researcher101 <[email protected]>

      Subject: #13

      Date: May 5, 8:05 AM

      To: Wife 22 <[email protected]>

      Dear Wife 22,

      Thanks for your first set of answers and for getting them back to me so quickly. I have one question. In regards to #13, did you mean to write “children,” not “chicken”?


      Researcher 101

      From: Wife 22 <[email protected]>

      Subject: Re: #13

      Date: May 5, 10:15 AM

      To: researcher101 <[email protected]>

      Dear Researcher 101,

      I’m sorry about that. I suspect my chickens, I mean children, are to blame. Or more likely auto correct.


      Wife 22

      P.S. Is there any significance to our numbers or are they just randomly assigned? I can’t believe I’m only the 22nd wife to participate in the survey.

      From: researcher101 <[email protected]>

      Subject: Re: #13

      Date: May 6, 11:23 AM

      To: Wife 22 <[email protected]>

      Dear Wife 22,

      Both of our numbers are randomly assigned, you’re right about that. With each round of the survey we cycle through 500 numbers and then with the next round we begin at 1 again.


      Researcher 101

      From: Wife 22 <[email protected]>

      Subject: #2 upon second thought

      Date: May 6, 4:32 PM

      To: researcher101 <[email protected]>

      Dear Researcher 101,

      “Bored” is not the reason I’m participating in the study. I’m participating because this year I will turn 45, which is the same age my mother was when she died. If she were alive I would be talking to her instead of taking this survey. We would be having the conversation I imagine mothers have with their daughters when they’re in their mid-forties. We would talk about our sex drives (or lack thereof), about the stubborn ten pounds that we gain and lose over and over again, and about how hard it is to find a trustworthy plumber. We would trade tips on the secret to roasting a perfect chicken, how to turn the gas off when there’s an emergency, how to get stains out of grout. She would ask me questions like, are you happy, sweetheart? Does he treat you right? Can you imagine growing old with him?

      My mother will never be a grandmother. Never have a gray eyebrow hair. Never eat my tuna casserole.

      That’s why I’m participating in this study.

      Please revise my answer to #2.


      Wife 22

      From: researcher101 <[email protected]>

      Subject: Re: #2 upon second thought

      Date: May 6, 8:31 PM

      To: Wife 22 <[email protected]>

      Dear Wife 22,