The Ultimate Book of Mind Maps. Tony Buzan
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Название: The Ultimate Book of Mind Maps

Автор: Tony Buzan

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Общая психология


isbn: 9780007499564


СКАЧАТЬ alt="image"/> Encourage problem solving by allowing you to see new creative pathways.


Be enjoyable to look at, read, muse over, and remember.

      Mind Maps are also brilliant route-maps for the memory, allowing you to organize facts and thoughts in such a way that your brain’s natural way of working is engaged right from the start. This means that remembering and recalling information later is far easier and more reliable than when using traditional note-taking techniques.

      All Mind Maps have some things in common. They all use colour. They all have a natural structure that radiates from the centre. And they all use curved lines, symbols, words, and images according to a set of simple, basic, natural, and brain-friendly rules. With a Mind Map, a long list of boring information can be turned into a colourful, highly organized, memorable diagram that works in line with your brain’s natural way of doing things.


      Mind Maps can help you in many, many ways! Here are just a few.

      Mind Maps can help you to:






be more creative


save time


solve problems




organize and clarify your thoughts


remember better


study faster and more efficiently


see the ‘whole picture’


save trees!

      According to Michael Michalko, in his best-selling book Cracking Creativity, a Mind Map:


activates your whole brain


clears your mind of mental clutter


allows you to focus on the subject


helps demonstrate connections between isolated pieces of information


gives a clear picture of both the details and the big picture


allows you to group and regroup concepts, encouraging comparisons between them


requires you to concentrate on your subject, which helps get the information about it transferred from your short-term memory to your long-term memory

      In The Ultimate Book of Mind Maps you will find many practical examples of how you can use Mind Maps to help plan and organize your life for maximum success, to come up with amazing, creative new ideas, and to absorb new facts and information effortlessly.

      You will also get to know your brain better and find out how to make it easier to learn and remember information. If you understand how to help your brain work for you, you will be able to unlock your full mental and physical potential.


      When you start Mind Mapping, you will be joining the pantheon of great geniuses who all used the major elements of the Mind Map guidelines to make their thoughts visible, and thus to help them and others make great creative leaps forward in their disciplines. These geniuses include:


Leonardo da Vinci, voted ‘The Brain of the Last Millennium’


Michelangelo, the great sculptor and artist


Charles Darwin, the great biologist


Sir Isaac Newton, discoverer of the laws of gravity


Albert Einstein, who discovered the laws of relativity


Sir Winston Churchill, the renowned political leader and author


Pablo Picasso, who changed the face of 20th-century art


William Blake, the English visionary, artist and poet


Thomas Edison, the inventor of the light bulb


Galileo, who turned the universe inside-out with his astronomical observations


Thomas Jefferson, the polymath and architect of the Declaration of Independence