Pulse Points. Mary Baxter Lynn
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Название: Pulse Points

Автор: Mary Baxter Lynn

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современная зарубежная литература


isbn: 9781472046567


СКАЧАТЬ added.

      “That’s a big if, my friend, so just forget it.”

      “His offer?” Ginger sounded appalled. “You’d forget that?”


      Ginger waved her hand. “Pooh, I don’t believe you for a second. If and when he comes with an offer, you won’t turn him down. If you do, I’m going to have your head examined.”

      Now, as Kasey thought back on that part of the conversation, she wished she’d kept her mouth shut, that she hadn’t said anything to Ginger. Tanner probably wouldn’t even approach her which would let her off the hook. But if he did, she’d have to ask herself why.

      He had to know the agency was in trouble, didn’t he? Maybe not. He had more important things on his mind than a floundering ad agency. Yet she hadn’t mistaken what he’d said. Kasey blew out a breath and tried not to think about him or his intentions. If he called or showed up, she’d deal with him then.

      The phone jangled beside her. She answered on the fourth ring. “Parker Agency.”

      “Kasey, it’s Tanner.”

      He didn’t need to identify himself. She recognized his voice the second he’d said her name. “Yes,” she said, gripping the phone.

      “I’m outside, in my car. Is it all right if I come in?”

      “Now?” she asked inanely.

      “Yes, unless it’s not a good time.”

      Kasey hesitated, but only for a second. “I’ll meet you at the door.”

      Moments later, she had ushered him into her office, relieved to be back on familiar ground, though her domain was not nearly on a par with Shirley’s. In fact, she hadn’t bothered to decorate her office, since her situation there had been so tenuous.

      “Sit down,” she said in as normal a tone as possible.

      “Thanks.” He lowered his big frame into the chair, all the while looking at her.

      It was all she could do not to flush under his scrutiny. “I haven’t made any coffee.”

      He shook his head. “I don’t need any more today. I’ve had more than my share.”

      She nodded.


      “You’re not comfortable with this, with me, are you?”

      Kasey felt the pulse in her throat beat overtime. “I don’t know what you mean.”

      “Sure you do. You wish I hadn’t come.”

      She met his narrowed gaze head on. “If that were the case, I wouldn’t have let you in.”

      “Good, that means we can do business.”

      “I didn’t say that, Tanner.”

      “Right,” he said through tight lips. “I’m getting ahead of myself.”

      “Before we go any further, the agency’s not doing well. I may have to close it.”

      “All the more reason why you should hear me out.” Tanner paused and crossed one powerful leg over the other. “First though, who’s the guy hanging around outside the door?”

      She knew he was referring to Spiller. Or at least she hoped so, refusing to give credence to the other possibility. “What did he look like?”

      Tanner told her.

      “He’s a detective. I’m under protective watch.”

      Tanner frowned and eased forward in his chair. That was when she got a whiff of his cologne, that same fragrance he’d had on at the cemetery. She ground her teeth together.

      “Why?” he asked, his tone blunt.

      She told him.

      “Good Godamighty, Kasey, why didn’t you tell me?”

      She raised her eyebrows. “I didn’t think it was any of your business.” And still didn’t, but she kept that comment to herself. What was the use of further antagonizing him? Besides, it was too late to cry wolf. By letting him in, she had made herself fair game.

      “If you’re going to work for me, it’s my business.”

      She gasped. “You’re awfully sure of yourself.”

      “Typical politician, right?” Humor quirked his lips. “Isn’t that what you’re thinking?”

      Kasey forced her stiff shoulders to relax and smiled. “That and more.”

      “Ah, so you haven’t forgotten how to do that?”


      “Smile. The young girl I knew was rarely without a smile on her face.”

      “I’m no longer a young girl,” she snapped.

      “That’s for sure.”

      His tone was drawling and his eyes were probing as they swept over her, stopping only after they clashed with hers. She wanted to vent the anger that was charging through her. But something else, something more potent, stopped her—the charisma of the man himself. After all this time, he still had the sexual power to knock her off her feet.

      “Did you see the shooter’s face?”

      His harshly spoken question brought her back to reality. “No. It all happened so fast, it was a blur.”

      “Then he must’ve seen you.”

      Was his tone anxious, or was she reading more into it than was there? “No, I’m positive he didn’t, or he would’ve already come after me.”

      “I’m glad the police aren’t just taking your word for that.”

      “Me, either, though it’s a bit disconcerting to know you’re being watched, even if it’s by the good guys.”

      His gaze deepened. “So how are you holding up? Really?”


      “Actually, I’m barely holding body and soul together,” she admitted, a tremor in her voice.

      Tanner’s features contorted. “Damn, I hate that this happened.”

      “I’ll be fine, Tanner. It’s not your worry.”

      “You’ve already said that.”

      A lengthy silence followed his terse words.

      “Look,” she finally said, “whatever you had in mind concerning the agency won’t work.”

      “Because СКАЧАТЬ