Peace on Earth. Gordon Stevens
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Название: Peace on Earth

Автор: Gordon Stevens

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Приключения: прочее


isbn: 9780008219369


СКАЧАТЬ but the part which, to the contrary, had proved the easiest.

      ‘The West Germans have agreed. Contact has been made with those in prison for what the state calls acts of terrorism or who have connections, at whatever levels, with the Red Army Faction; all these are prepared to join a hunger strike.’ One other requirement, Nabil thought, one other prerequisite he had emphasised to Sharaf. ‘Contact has also been made with those in prison in West Germany for political offences not connected with acts of violence,’ continued the soldier. ‘Of these, a number are also prepared to join a hunger strike.’

      ‘How far are they all prepared to go?’

      Sharaf looked at him. ‘As far as necessary,’ he replied simply.

      ‘What about the authorities? Will they try to stop the hunger strike in any way?’ He did not ask how the man had communicated with those in prison.

      ‘No,’ said Sharaf.

      ‘What about force feeding?’

      ‘The authorities will view the hunger strike as an extension of the campaign against them. Any attempt at force feeding would be considered a victory for the hunger-strikers.’

      ‘And how will the German public react?’

      Sharaf was realistic. ‘At first they won’t care a damn, they won’t even notice. As the first death draws near, however, they’ll begin to think about it, about what it means.’

      They would begin to sense the fear, Nabil knew. ‘How long will it take?’ he asked, partly out of consideration of those he was about to sacrifice, partly out of necessity for his timetable.

      ‘The key,’ Sharaf began to explain, ‘is water. On average, the human body can only survive ten to fifteen days without water, so a hunger strike with no food or water would be over very quickly.’ Too quickly for them, he was thinking, though he did not say so.

      ‘And if the person took water but no food?’

      ‘A lower limit of thirty to forty days, an upper limit of approximately seventy to seventy-five.’

      ‘Is there any way of calculating the probable length of a hunger strike given the individual’s personal characteristics, his weight and body type for example?’

      Sharaf guessed the reason for the question. ‘Only within broad outlines. It depends on more factors than just body size and shape. The amount of fat on the body is important. Women therefore tend to survive longer than men, but it also depends on how much exercise the person takes, even the temperature of the room. In the IRA hunger strike of 1981, Bobby Sands was expected to die after about fifty days but survived sixty-five. Joe McDonnell lasted sixty-one, but Kieran Doherty took seventy-three days to die.’

      Nabil was staring across the room. ‘So what do you suggest?’

      Sharaf’s recommendation was brutal and straightforward. ‘We start one a week, as the IRA did in Belfast. That way the public are made aware of the campaign as each person joins it, that way they are more exposed to the pressure as the deaths become imminent or the people start dying.’ He realised Nabil was looking at the photograph on the desk at the side of the window. ‘In a way,’ he said, ‘the pressure only comes after the first death.’

      Nabil took a long time to reply. ‘So the really important person is the second one to die?’ he said at last.

      ‘Yes. The first death is a necessary sacrifice; it is the second death which is important.’

      Nabil was nodding slowly, thinking of it, thinking of the fear it would bring, of the full awesomeness of the pressure he had asked Sharaf to set in motion. ‘You have arranged the second group as I requested?’ he asked.


      ‘And they have all agreed?’

      ‘They have all agreed.’

      Nabil knew how important they would be, how important they would all be. ‘Who goes first?’ he asked.

      ‘Klars Christian Mannheim.’

      Abu Nabil knew it would be Klars Christian Mannheim. ‘He knows he will die?’

      ‘Yes, he knows he will die.’

      For the second time, Nabil did not ask how Sharaf had communicated with those in prison. ‘How long will it take?’

      The soldier had already made the calculation. ‘He weighs sixty-eight kilos. Within the limits we discussed, about seventy days.’

      ‘When will he start?’

      ‘He will announce his intention to go on hunger strike on Christmas Eve. He will start in the New Year.’

      Nabil knew that Klars Christian Mannheim had worked it out, that he had set himself a timetable, that there was a reason for it.

      ‘How will it be for him, for all of them?’ he asked quietly.

      ‘Hell,’ said Sharaf simply.

      Neither of them spoke for thirty seconds.

      ‘You said the campaign in Europe was dependent upon one condition?’ It was Nabil who broke the silence.

      Sharaf nodded. ‘They ask that we start the campaign.’

      ‘As we expected.’

      ‘Yes.’ He knew Nabil had already selected both the target and the place.

      ‘Hassan Nabulsi,’ Nabil’s voice was without emotion. ‘The PLO man in London.’

      The choice neither surprised nor displeased Sharaf: the target would satisfy those who had made the request at the Spanish conference, and assassinations within the various factions of the Palestinian movement were not uncommon.

      ‘Nabulsi is in Tunisia with Arafat at the moment,’ he said.

      ‘He returns next week.’

      Sharaf did not need to know how the other man knew. ‘When?’

      ‘Before Christmas. Before Klars Christian Mannheim announces his hunger strike. That way he’ll know we’re serious.’

      ‘Who will do it?’ Sharaf asked at last.

      If Walid Haddad was going to end it all, Nabil had already thought, then it was only fitting that Walid Haddad should begin it.

      ‘Walid Haddad,’ he said.

      * * *

      The mood in the centre of the city, even a city continuously under siege like Belfast, was festive; the mood in the operations room was tense. Today, Special Branch had confirmed.

      At two in the afternoon Enderson left Lisburn and drove into the city; although he was wearing civilian clothes, he carried his personal Browning inside his coat and was accompanied by two members of his team. In Belfast, they had long learned, in the civil war in Ireland, they never went anywhere unaccompanied.

      The СКАЧАТЬ