The Secret Love of a Gentleman. Jane Lark
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Название: The Secret Love of a Gentleman

Автор: Jane Lark

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Историческая литература


isbn: 9780008135362


СКАЧАТЬ shifted forward on to his knees, leaned over and tickled George’s tummy, making him giggle.

      It left Caro sitting two feet away from him.

      When Robbie stopped tickling, George crawled to her, to escape his uncle, still giggling.

      The attention of both men followed George. Heat burned in Caro’s cheeks as the rhythm of her heartbeat rose. She pulled George onto her lap and hugged him, perhaps a little too tightly, but it helped relieve her discomfort.

      “I am sorry I missed you yesterday, Caroline.”

      Robbie was being polite, nothing else, but yet again her senses revolted. He knew she’d avoided him on purpose.

      “Caro,” Drew prompted, when she did not answer, as though she was a child to be corrected.

      Her gaze lifted to Robbie’s eyes. They were blue, but a much darker blue than Mary’s.

      Caro had never spoken to him before, never been this close to him. He did not have the imposing presence of his elder ducal brother, his body was relaxed and his appearance therefore more approachable as he smiled at her. But he was still a man, even though he was young and behaved with good manners, and she was still uncomfortable with him so near.

      He leaned sideways, resting his weight onto one hand. His shirtsleeves were rolled up and she could see his forearm covered in a dusting of dark hair.

      George broke free from her embrace. “Papa, I need the pot,” he declared with extreme urgency. He always waited until the last moment.

      “I’ll take him.” Caroline moved to rise, but Drew pressed a hand on her shoulder as he did.

      “You stay here, I’ll take him.” He rose.

      She knew what Drew was doing—he was forcing her to endure Robbie’s company. He’d expressed his view over her “flighty nature” dozens of times and he was never cruel about it, but he’d insisted often that she should try harder to overcome it. He was stubborn.

      “I will do my best not to discompose you when I stay at Drew’s.”

      Caro’s gaze spun back to Robbie. Every one of her senses screamed.

      Robbie had a physical energy about him, an aura that said he was an active man and he was athletic in build.

      “I… I…” Her gaze turned to where his elder female cousins sat a little way away. They had their husbands beside them.

      She had never felt more desolate.

      The tears which threatened caught in her throat as she clutched her knees, holding them close, clinging to herself as if she were driftwood on a swirling sea.

      A family group the other side of them laughed. Caro unfurled and rose instantly. She could not do this. She turned and began walking, uncertain where she was going, but knowing she could not stay there.

      “Caroline.” her name was spoken quietly. Robbie had followed. She glanced back, her gaze apologising. It was not his fault. He’d done nothing wrong.

      But then she turned away and fled, striding across the lawn in the direction that Drew had taken.

      She had truly cast herself a gaol cell.


      Rob was torn. Should I chase after her? He’d said nothing wrong and yet guilt gripped in his chest. Caroline had braved his company and he’d scared her off.

      He cursed himself as he watched her ascend the shallow flight of stairs leading to the stone terrace and then disappear into the house, a phantom again.

      He’d have to apologise this evening.

      When they ate dinner he watched Caroline often, glancing at her across the table. Kate had pandered to Caroline’s insecurities, she’d been seated between his mother and Mary, disobeying the male, then female, structure of the entire group. But between the women who she knew and perhaps felt a little more comfortable with, Caroline had animation. Deep in conversation, she smiled at Mary on occasions and her hand gestured as she spoke.

      She was beautiful, but not in the striking way of his family. Caroline’s beauty was almost indefinable—there was no particular notable element—but the elements put together…

      Her hair was blonde, a golden yellow, her skin clear but not remarkably pale, and her eyes hazel. Her nose was slender and long, and her lips generous, but when they parted in a rare smile, it lit up her face, awakening her overall beauty. He was fascinated. He hardly spoke to his aunt Jane and his cousin Eleanor, who flanked him at the table.

      Watching Caroline was like watching a wild creature. She required patience. To observe her in reality you must sit in silence because if you moved she would know you were watching and be scared away.

      Her gaze caught on his, only for an instant. Then she looked at his mother. But in that instant something hard struck him in the chest.

      The candlelight from the candelabra on the table made her skin glow, and the different shades in her eyes became darker as the light flickered.

      When the women rose and left the table, Rob spoke with his uncle James. They walked into the drawing room together later, once they had finished their port, and as they did, Rob’s gaze searched for Caroline.

      She was sitting in the corner, beside Kate.

      Every time he’d seen Caroline here over the years she’d hidden in corners.

      “Robbie.” Rob turned at his ducal brother’s greeting. “I imagine you have been longing for this summer, to have your freedom and stretch your wings. I know I was excited at your age.”

      “You did not just stretch your wings, you flew off.” John had been the ideal Rob aspired to when he was younger—but John was so damned perfect Rob would never match him. John irked him now. They were not particularly close. In Rob’s formative years John had been away at school and then abroad for years. When John had returned to take up the role of duke, he’d been a grown man and Rob still a boy.

      “Yes, well, this country held no appeal when grandfather was alive, and I had a contrary nature. Leaving was the only way I could influence my life. You could do the same if you wished—go abroad. Your allowance is yours to do with as you will.”

      Rob held his brother’s gaze as the words kicked him in the gut. Living on John’s generosity was not the life he chose. “I’ve no idea what I wish to do.” That was not true, but he would not share it with John because he knew one thing clearly, I do not wish to mimic you.

      “Except escape Mama’s nest.”

      “Well, yes, that, obviously.” Rob’s gaze swung away and reached across the room, only to find Caroline watching him. His heart thumped in his chest as he met her look. She turned away, and his gaze turned back to John.

      “Will you run riot in town, then?”

      “That’s Harry’s style. You know it is not mine.” Harry was the hell-raiser. Rob had never been that.

      John gripped Rob’s shoulder. СКАЧАТЬ