An Almond for a Parrot: the gripping and decadent historical page turner. Wray Delaney
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СКАЧАТЬ to mutter. ‘You’re not decent.’

      I turned back to him and spat in his face.

      ‘I would call you a dog but that is an insult to a noble creature. You, sir, are nothing but a turd in the gutter of humanity.’

      And with that I left the room. At the front door the stranger gave me his coat and I put it on. And so I finally left the house in Milk Street as near naked as when I had first entered it.

      My fury was such that I hadn’t taken in the young man. It was only when we were in the carriage that he burst out laughing. It was a laugh that could belong to no one other than Mercy.

      ‘Did you really not recognise me?’ she said.

      I was still so red-raw with rage that I couldn’t quite believe it was she. I looked her in the eyes. There was no mistaking my Mercy.

      ‘You were spectacular,’ she said.

      ‘Why didn’t you take me with you when you left? Why did you leave me in that house to rot? Not one letter, not one word – nothing!’ For the first time tears welled in my eyes. ‘Let me out of this carriage,’ I demanded and tried to push her away. ‘Tell the coachman to stop.’

      As I put my hand on the carriage door she pulled me towards her. Stronger than me by far, she held me tight. There was no doubting she made a very fine gentleman, but I was too furious to be still and did my best to free myself, to little effect.

      ‘If you had any care of me,’ I said, fighting back molten tears that burned my cheeks, ‘you wouldn’t have deserted me.’

      ‘Come,’ Mercy said softly, stroking my face. ‘Let us not argue. At least I rescued you. Or rather you rescued yourself – I merely opened the door and lent you my coat.’

      Her very touch awoke all desire. Anger, passion, all is one and all have much the same effect. Mercy kissed me. Her kisses turned my anger into an ache.

      ‘I won you, remember,’ she said, laughing.

      Her hand slipped inside the coat and down to the place she knew well. At that moment I cared little if the whole world saw us. Mercy lay me down on the velvet seat of the coach and I gave in to desire.

      She kissed my neck and my breasts and said, as she parted my legs, ‘I am very pleased that I’ve won such a beauty.’

      ‘So so am I,’ I said as her tongue found its way into my purse.

      With the rock of the carriage and Mercy’s lips upon me I all too soon reached that most wonderful of sensations.

      A sprinkle of silver fluttered across my eyes and, unable to help myself, I arched my back and cried out, ‘Thank God that shit is not my father.’


      If I possessed any skill with a pencil I would draw you a picture of the mansion in Lincoln’s Inn Square but instead you will have to content yourself with my words and, there being more words than colours to be found in a paintbox, I have riches indeed to play with.

      It was a grand house with tall windows on the ground and first floors. Two columns framed the portico and another two embraced the front door, over which was set a half-moon fanlight. If you believe as I do that houses have their own personalities then this one by design stood alone, independent of its neighbours which looked on decidedly envious. If that didn’t mark it out as different, its gated drive did, as did the lights that shone from every window.

      ‘My lady,’ said Mercy, taking my hand and leading me into a marbled hall.

      It was layered with plaster dust. A small forest of ladders leaned against the walls and the rolling staircase was swathed in dust sheets. Even the chandelier had a huge fabric bag covering it and the whole place smelled of paint. I wasn’t sure if the interior was being put together or pulled down for everything was in such a pickle.

      ‘Who lives here?’ I asked, pulling back, not knowing where Mercy had brought me.

      ‘I do,’ said Mercy.

      I was completely flummoxed.

      From upstairs appeared a footman. It was impossible to tell whether his wig was powdered or thick with dust.

      ‘What will they think of me?’ I asked, as he came down towards us. ‘I am stark naked under your coat.’

      ‘You look beautiful. And it matters little what anyone thinks – there is no need for modesty here.’

      I longed to ask her what she meant but Mercy left me after the footman had shown me to a drawing room that opened on to a fanfare of well-proportioned rooms. Like the hall they were mainly covered in dust sheets, and a scaffolding of wood rose to a platform near the ceiling which was half painted. I craned my neck to look up and realised that in part it depicted deliciously wanton women, their lovers still only in sketch form, winged creatures who possessed majestic machinery larger by far than those to be found in the dancing master’s book. The whole thing spoke of yearning and the want of satisfaction.

      I was so taken up with all that I’d seen that it was several minutes before I caught sight of myself reflected back at me. In the mirror that hung over the fireplace was a most indecent young lady. Quickly, I buttoned up Mercy’s coat so that at least I appeared to possess a modicum of propriety. I had wiped the dust off the mirror and was making a hopeless attempt to coax my hair into better shape when I saw her.

      ‘Feathers and dust!’ I said aloud.

      The sight of her sent a shiver through me. Pretty Poppet looked anything but pretty.

      ‘What are you doing here? Who let you in?’ I said, sure she shouldn’t be there.

      Before Pretty Poppet could reply, Mrs Truegood entered the room. She was dressed in a low-cut gown and I was astonished to see her so little concerned with modesty. On her cheek she wore a crescent moon and a star was painted above her eyebrow. The effect of her paint and patches – in fact the effect of her whole bearing – had more to do with Lady Midnight than the respectable merchant’s wife she had been in Milk Street. I dreaded to think what had befallen my stepmother in such a short space of time that she was now living in this derelict house.

      She ignored Pretty Poppet and, disregarding my appearance, pulled a dust sheet off a chaise longue and said, ‘Come, Tully, sit down, my dear.’

      Why did no one ever speak to the girl?

      ‘First,’ said Mrs Truegood, ‘I must humbly ask your pardon for the deception, though I assure you I had sincerely hoped to find you a husband before a morsel of the truth escaped.’

      I couldn’t think of what to say. I feared that Mercy’s coat would fall open and, ignoring my stepmother’s request, I stayed with my hand resting on the mantelpiece, desperate to be touching something solid. The scenery of my life seemed to be changing fast and so far it had proven to be but an ill-conceived picture on a painted cloth.

      ‘I should introduce myself. My name is Queenie Gibbs. Your father owed me СКАЧАТЬ