Broken Promise: A Solomon Creed Novella. Simon Toyne
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Название: Broken Promise: A Solomon Creed Novella

Автор: Simon Toyne

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Приключения: прочее


isbn: 9780008300807


СКАЧАТЬ not just chance, where the only person to receive any benefit is the winner of the wager, meaning the house takes no cut.’

      Rita nodded. ‘Sounds fancy. You a lawyer?’

      Solomon shook his head. ‘I don’t think so.’

      ‘You don’t think so? You don’t know if you’re a lawyer but you’re giving me chapter and verse on the law regarding gambling in the state of Texas?’ She shook her head. ‘Sounds off to me. I ain’t interested, mister. You let me know when you’re ready to order.’ She turned and walked away, banging the water jug down hard on the end of the counter before disappearing through the old-style saloon doors into the kitchen.

      Solomon’s stomach growled again in response to the smell of food hanging in the air and he took a long drink to try and silence it, the coldness flooding through him and the ice chips bumping against his lips. It would have been better for him if Bobby D had still been around. Men were easier to hook where wagers were concerned, their egos making it hard for them to back down from another man’s challenge. Maybe he’d have to take his chances out on the road again, find another diner that wasn’t owned by an Indian warrior princess with Irish eyes.

      He drained his glass, placed it down on the counter ready to leave and felt the air shift and thicken to his left as someone moved closer. Then a low voice laced with nicotine and coffee murmured, ‘What kind of a wager?’

       Chapter 2

      Solomon turned and took in the tattooed trucker perched on the edge of the neighbouring stool. He was leaning in and peering up from beneath the brim of his cap, his body language telegraphing his eagerness to swallow the bait Solomon had laid.

      ‘Wager is that I can answer any three questions you care to ask me.’

      The trucker nodded as if Solomon’s answer confirmed what he already knew. ‘Any three questions at all?’


      The trucker continued to nod. ‘What’s the stake?’

      ‘If I answer correctly you buy me dinner.’

      ‘That it?’

      ‘That’s it.’

      ‘And what do I get if you don’t?’

      Solomon slapped his hand down on the counter. ‘This.’ He took it away to reveal the worn quarter beneath.

      The trucker stared at the silver coin and frowned. ‘Twenty-five cents!?’

      ‘Not exactly. Look at the date.’

      The trucker leaned in and peered at the numbers stamped beneath George Washington’s profile. ‘Nineteen seventy-six. So what?’

      ‘So that’s a bicentennial quarter,’ Solomon kept his voice low as if he was sharing valuable information, ‘minted to commemorate two hundred years of American independence. Much higher silver to nickel ratio than a regular quarter. Feel the weight of it.’

      The trucker picked up the coin with fat, oil-cracked fingers then cupped it in the callused ham of his hand. ‘Feels like a regular quarter to me.’

      ‘Well it’s not. It’s slightly heavier – and a lot more valuable.’

      The silver coin shone dully in the rough hand. ‘What’s it worth?’

      ‘A rare coin dealer will give you two hundred dollars for one in mint condition.’

      The trucker let out a low whistle then frowned. ‘Yeah but this ain’t mint. This coin just about worn away to nuthin’.’

      Solomon nodded. ‘Which is why you’ll only get a hundred dollars for it.’

      ‘A hunnert bucks for this?’

      ‘Maybe more. Certainly not less.’

      ‘And you’re willing to stake it against a fifteen-dollar meal?’ Solomon nodded. The trucker stared at the coin then shook his head and put it down on the counter. ‘I don’t know. There’s a catch. I cain’t see what it is but I know there is one. Has to be.’

      ‘I’ll take that bet.’ A skinny man in a rancher’s shirt stepped in front of the trucker and thrust out his hand at Solomon. ‘Name’s Billy-Joe. Billy-Joe Redford.’

      Solomon took the hand and shook it. It was work-hardened and strong, hard lines from lanyards worn into the skin. ‘Pleased to meet you, Billy-Joe.’

      ‘Now hold on,’ the trucker said, standing up from his stool. ‘I never said I weren’t taking the bet.’

      ‘Sure sounded that way to me,’ Billy-Joe peered down at the coin on the counter. ‘What d’ya say this was?’

      ‘Bicentennial,’ Solomon replied. ‘Very collectible.’

      ‘And worth a hunnert bucks to a collector, you say?’

      Solomon nodded. ‘Maybe more.’

      Billy-Joe smiled. ‘Sure, I’ll buy it. You got yourself a deal, mister. I’ll stand you a steak if you can answer three questions.’

      ‘Now wait a second,’ the trucker dumped his hand on the cowboy’s shoulder and spun him round. ‘You can’t just muscle in on another man’s deal like that. Man was talking to me first.’

      ‘And now he’s talkin’ to me.’ The cowboy stepped closer to the trucker and looked up. The trucker was six inches taller and double the weight, though neither fact seemed to faze the cowboy. The silence stretched between them.

      A loud bang broke the tension and everybody turned to the source. Rita was standing at the end of the counter, a water jug in her hand slopping ice over the side from the force of being banged on the counter. ‘Far as I recall the gentleman was talking to me first.’

      ‘Yeah, Rita, but you done passed on the wager,’ Billy-Joe said, still staring up at the trucker. ‘Same way this joker did. Only one that’s shaken the man’s hand on it is me.’ He glanced at Solomon. ‘Ain’t that right, mister …?’

      ‘Creed,’ Solomon said. ‘Solomon Creed. And you’re right. You are the only one who has accepted my wager. However,’ he looked at Rita. ‘I do not wish to be the cause of any trouble here. It’s your house, your rules. If you want me to move on and drop the whole thing then that’s what I’ll do.’

      There was a groan from the crowd and Rita looked around at the assembled group, their expectations hanging in the greasy air like something solid. She looked about ready to kick everyone out but then a new voice piped up from the back of the room.

      ‘Let these fellas settle it.’

      The crowd shifted and turned to look at the new speaker. He was sitting in a booth on the back wall, reading a newspaper like an old timer, though he couldn’t have been more than thirty. He was compact and solid-looking in a way that СКАЧАТЬ