Discover Your Destiny with The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari: The 7 Stages of Self-Awakening. Robin Sharma
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       CHAPTER 3 – The Seeker Learns the Power of a Calling and About the Hidden Meaning of Destiny

       CHAPTER 4 – The Seeker Learns of the Crime of Self-Betrayal and How to Unchain Himself

       CHAPTER 5 – The Seeker Discovers the Single Most Important Choice a Human Being Can Make

       CHAPTER 6 – The Seeker Walks into Wonder and Possibility

       CHAPTER 7 – The Seeker Receives Instruction from Masters

       CHAPTER 8 – The Student Begins to Transform and Recreate Himself

       CHAPTER 9 – The Seeker Is Tested

       CHAPTER 10 – The Seeker Awakens

       The 7 Stages of Self-Awakening

       The 5 Daily Devotions

       Resources for Leadership and Personal Excellence


       About the Author

       Exclusive Sample Chapter

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       About the Publisher

       The hidden well-spring of your soul must needs rise and run murmuring to the sea;

       And the treasure of your infinite depths would be revealed to your eyes.

       But let there be no scales to weigh your unknown treasure;

      And seek not the depths of your knowledge with staff or sounding line.

      Kahlil Gibran, The Prophet

      Gravedigger, when you dig my grave, could you make it shallow so that I can feel the rain.

      Dave Matthews, Some Devil

       An Introduction from Robin Sharma

      You are far greater than you have ever dreamed of being. And no matter what you are experiencing in your life right now, trust that all is good and unfolding in your best interests. It may not look pretty, but it is exactly what you need to learn for you to grow into the person you have been destined to become. Everything occurring in your life has been perfectly orchestrated to inspire your maximal evolution as a human being and bring you into your true power. Learn from life and allow it to take you where you are meant to go—it has your highest interests in mind.

      Within the pages of this book, you will discover many answers to life’s most important questions. I pray you will find many truths and gain much insight into the way the world works and how you can succeed within it. But, ultimately, the answers you are seeking already lie deep within your heart. There is nowhere else to look. Yes, my words may prompt openings for you and serve to help you remember what you already know at your core. But do not doubt that there is, indeed, a treasure trove of wisdom, power and love slumbering within you—waiting to be awakened by your most courageous part. Isn’t that incredibly inspiring to know? You already are everything you have always wanted to become. You simply need to do the inner work required to remove the blocks that have been covering—and denying—your original nature.

      The purpose of human life, I believe, is to walk the path of this Great Awakening of Self and to return home to who you once were (and the place you once knew). My closely held belief is that newborn children represent perfection and the state of being to which each of us is duty-bound to return. In the instant after you were born, you were fearless, pure love, innocent, infinitely wise, of boundless potential and beautifully connected with the unseen hand that created the universe. As a very young child, you were filled with wonder and fully alive to life. Indeed, at that time you were nearly enlightened (to be enlightened is to be all light: one who is all light has no shadows, no dark side, no fears, no anger, no resentments and no limitations).

      Most of us on the planet today have lost this connection to our authentic selves, this original state of being in which we were unafraid to walk towards possibility and reach for the stars. We know not who we are. We have morphed into people who behave selfishly, fearfully and hurtfully. This behavior is not a reflection of our essential nature but is, instead, a reflection of the wounds we have suffered as we have left the innocence to which we were born and traveled along the journey of our days. Only people in pain can do painful things. Only people who have been hurt can hurt others. Only people with closed hearts are able to act in less than loving ways.

      The whole reason we are alive, I believe, is to grow into our greatest selves and remember the truth about who we fundamentally are. Life will support you perfectly in this quest. You will be sent people, events and trials that will invite you to reveal more of your brilliance and discover more of your possibilities. Often, your lessons will not come easily. Suffering has always been a vehicle for deep spiritual growth. Those who have endured great suffering are generally the ones who evolve into great beings. Those who have been deeply hurt by life are generally the ones who can feel the pain of others in a heartbeat. Those who have endured adversity become humbled by life, and as a result, are more open, compassionate and real. We may not like suffering when it visits us, but it serves us so very well: it cracks the shell that covers our hearts and empties us of the lies we have clung to about who we are, why we are here and how this remarkable world of ours really functions. Once emptied, we can be refilled with all that is good, noble and true. Troubles can transform, if we choose to allow them to do so. As Joseph Campbell wrote: “Where you stumble, there your treasure lies.”

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