The Office Jungle. Judi James
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Название: The Office Jungle

Автор: Judi James

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: О бизнесе популярно


isbn: 9780007460137


СКАЧАТЬ Winning public praise.

      16 Winning a prize from the company for your work.

      17 Seeing your name in the press or on TV.

      18 Owning a company.

      19 Gaining respect from others.

      20 Gaining friendship from others.

      21 Leaving the office at the end of the day.

      22 Being promoted to a job with a higher-ranking title but for no extra pay.

      23 Keeping your same title and duties but being given a pay rise.

      24 Learning new skills.

      25 Moaning about the boss.


      1 Take time to learn about your own personal ‘buzz’ factor. What makes you happy in your career?

      2 Then begin setting goals to achieve your objectives.Make lists and long-term plans.

       5 Over the Barricades

      ‘You can achieve anything in this life if you only try hard enough.’ Would that this were true. Remember, you’re going to target more realistic solutions. You know you could be a multimillionaire if you really set your mind to it; but you also know you can be a lazy, undisciplined, little toe-rag deep down, too – however positive you manage to appear most of the time.

       The Only Way is Up

      Once you’ve worked out your objectives, the next step is to take a good look at any barricades that you feel are blocking your path to achieving them.


      Settle down with a sturdy felt-tip and as much ire and angst as you can muster and fill a sheet of paper with all the things that you believe are barriers between yourself and true happiness, business success and achievement.

      Anger and resentment are vital for this exercise, so let rip. If you’re such a decent type and feel the need of a little stimulation to get started, try a few of these options:

      Unsupportive/pushy mother/father.

      Bullied at school.

      Bullied at work.

      Unhelpful teachers.

      Critical boss.

      Unsupportive boss.

      Unsupportive staff.

      Kids/husband/wife/dog/gerbil in need of maintenance.

      Sneering colleagues.

      The glass-ceiling syndrome.




      The wrong government in power.

      Constant change at work.

      Fear of change.



      Lack of qualifications.

      Too many qualifications.

      Lack of confidence.

      Managers who can’t manage.

      Staff who can’t work.

      Poor communications at work.



      Nobody understands me, only the dog … etc., etc.

      List what you feel to be your personal barriers. Think randomly and brainstorm as much as possible. Then divide your barriers under three headings:

      • Surmountable

      • Self-inflicted

      • Insurmountable

      Then fit your problems under the appropriate headings.


      These will be barriers that you have decided are totally out of your control. By their very nature you can do nothing about them. You therefore have only one course of action left to take: Let them drop.

      However annoying or unbearable they are, choosing to beat your head against them every day of your working life is self-inflicted torture.

      One thing you always retain power over is your response to their stimulus.

      Maybe you work with an impossible colleague. You can’t change them, but you can change your response. Decide not to get angry, upset or frustrated. This is difficult, but it is your prerogative – and it may result in you feeling calmer, and therefore more positive, at work. This gives a more positive outlook on the outcome of such actions.


      These will usually be personal problems, like shyness or lack of confidence. Or they might encompass problems like a roaring social life, resulting in regular tiredness or hangovers.

      These you do have control over. Make the decision to change.


      There are many business barriers that lie within your control. Look at your list and decide which are of a high priority, the issues which you can choose to do something about. Remember to be realistic. Set achievable targets and deadlines. Monitor your own progress and list the steps you need to take.

       Dealing With Difficult Barriers

      Many of your perceived barriers will include human blockers, such as your boss, colleagues, other staff – and even clients. People are difficult to deal with, and even more difficult to change, because – quite simply – they all think they’re right and believe that their chosen behaviour – however bizarre or repulsive – is justified.

      Sometimes spotting the culprits and recognizing their negative behaviour can be the first step to solving the problem.

      Here СКАЧАТЬ