Sultry. Mary Baxter Lynn
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Название: Sultry

Автор: Mary Baxter Lynn

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современная зарубежная литература


isbn: 9781472046581


СКАЧАТЬ at me. This is serious, and I have a right to know what’s going on.”

      “It’s just a temporary setback,” Tim said lamely.

      She laughed without humor. “A setback? It that what you call this? That’s good, Tim. That’s real good.”

      “I’ll take care of it first thing in the morning,” he said tersely. “Now, can we please drop the subject?”

      Eve walked to the window in the huge living room, decorated to perfection by one of Garnet’s leading interior designers. Tim was proud of this house and the status it represented. The thought of losing it made his stomach do another unwanted tap dance.

      She swung back around, her eyes troubled. “No. I’m afraid it’s not that simple.”

      “Dammit, Eve, I’m tired.”

      “And I’m still humiliated.”

      “You’ll get over it.” He was getting mad himself, and it showed. He would hate to have to get ugly and put her in her place, but he just might have to.

      “Don’t you talk to me like that,” Eve retorted. “Like I’m some imbecile.”

      Tim’s eyes widened in surprise at the venom he heard in her voice. “Now, see here, Eve, I—”

      “What have you done with all our money, Tim? Why is it that a doctor of your caliber and success has a zero bank balance?”

      “I’ve run into a little bad luck in the stock market.”

      She frowned. “But I thought all our investments were protected.”

      “They are, at least—” He broke off, exasperation getting the better of him. “Look, you don’t need to worry your pretty head about all this any longer. You just do your thing, and leave the business end to me.”

      “I know you, Tim, and right now you’re walking on eggshells. So just how broke are we?”

      His mouth tightened. “I told you, it’s nothing I can’t take care of. I’m just in a bind right now.”

      “What about your mother’s trust?”

      “What about it?” he snapped.

      “Get some of it and put it in the account.”

      He didn’t say anything, which was the wrong move. His silence obviously spoke louder than words.

      “Oh, my God!” she cried, though her voice was low. “You’ve depleted that, too, haven’t you.”

      “No, I haven’t,” he lied.

      “I don’t believe you, Tim.”

      “That’s too bad,” he lashed back. “I’m in charge of this household and the money.” His tone dripped with ice. “Now, I suggest you see to dinner.”

      Eve’s eyes brimmed with unshed tears, but she held her ground. “I’ll leave it be for now. But I’m warning you, you’d best make things right at the bank. I refuse to be without money, even if it means borrowing from your sister or your daddy.”

      “That’s not going to happen,” he snapped again, feeling as though the floor under him had shifted. He was losing ground fast.

      “Then take care of the problem,” Eve said in an unsteady tone. “I’ve never been without funds, and I don’t intend to start now.”

      With that, she turned and walked out of the room, leaving a trail of perfume behind that added to his queasiness. He fell into the nearest chair and stared into space.

      What a mess he’d gotten himself into. His gaze fell on the telephone on the nearby table. He headed toward it, but his steps faltered. He had an alternative, but it wasn’t one he was overjoyed about.

      In fact, he hadn’t planned on having to take this route at all. But one bad investment after another had taken its toll, leaving him no choice.

      Lindsay was already on to him. Now Eve. He figured it wouldn’t be long until Cooper found out. There would be hell to pay then, for sure.

      He couldn’t risk that.

      “What the hell!” he muttered, forcing himself to move to the phone. With a racing heart, he lifted the receiver and punched out a number.

      The second he heard the strong voice on the other end of the line, he didn’t waste time. “It’s Newman. I’ve changed my mind.”

      “You won’t regret it.”

      “I’m depending on you to see that I don’t.”

      “Let’s meet.”

      “You say where, and I’ll be there.”

      Long after he’d replaced the receiver, Tim still hadn’t moved. He shuddered to think what he’d gotten himself into.

      Mitch stretched, then flinched.

      “What’s wrong, boss? You stove up?”

      Mitch pinned one of his hands, Jesse Valdez, with tired eyes. “Yeah, as a matter of fact, I am. Every muscle in this old body is creaking.”

      “It’s your own fault, if you don’t mind me sayin’ so.”

      “Damn straight it is, Jesse, but I wanted to do it.”

      “Was no call for you to.” Jesse removed his sweat-stained baseball cap, then shoved a hand through a mop of black hair, all the while never taking his gaze off Mitch. “Me and the others coulda cut up that tree in nothin’ flat.”

      “You’re right,” Mitch said without further explanation.

      Jesse shrugged. “Well, as long as you’re not thinking we can’t do the job.”

      “Give it a rest, Jess. You and the boys are doing great. I couldn’t be more pleased. But right now, I’m calling it a day and heading to the shower. I suggest you do the same.”

      “Got no problem with that,” Jesse said, grinning.

      “Tomorrow’s another big day. The material’s coming for the new greenhouse. If I’m not mistaken, the dirt’s coming, as well.”

      “We’ll be ready.”

      “See you early thirty, then.”

      Jesse nodded, then sauntered off. Mitch couldn’t help but smile as he watched him, thinking the man was going to lose his breeches any second now, they hung so low on his hips.

      Mitch merely shook his head, then turned and scouted the area. After seeing that no tools were left scattered about, he trudged toward his quarters.

      Home sweet home.

      He smiled, though it reeked with СКАЧАТЬ