The Cross. Scott G. Mariani
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Название: The Cross

Автор: Scott G. Mariani

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Ужасы и Мистика


isbn: 9780007342792


СКАЧАТЬ As in, dead and gone? Come on, guys. I’m freezing my arse off standing here.’

      Chloe stabbed her ski sticks in the snow and unzipped her backpack to take out her map. ‘That’s strange,’ she said, studying it. ‘The castle’s not here.’

      Lindsey snatched the map out of Chloe’s fingers and gave it a cursory glance. ‘Guess you’re right. It isn’t. Or else we’ve taken a totally wrong turn somewhere.’

      Chloe shook her head. ‘I know exactly where we are.’

      ‘And I know exactly where I want to be,’ Lindsey said. ‘Somewhere else.’

      ‘I agree,’ Rebecca said. ‘Let’s move on. I don’t like it here.’

      They skied on down the valley, leaving sinuous, intertwined trails behind them on the bright virgin snow. Chloe was the best skier and could have left the others far behind, but she hung back to keep a watch on the less experienced Rebecca. The valley skirted the base of the mountain, sloping steeply away from its rocky foot. The trees were thicker here, and the going was trickier. Chloe was slicing through the powder snow when Rebecca, fifteen yards ahead, gave a muffled yell and took a sudden tumble. With a big spray of snow she rolled flailing down the slope, toppled over a bluff, and disappeared from sight.

      ‘Rebecca!’ Chloe yelled, racing after her. There was no reply. She glanced back over her shoulder. Lindsey was a long way behind, taking it easy over the terrain, and didn’t seem to have noticed anything was wrong. Chloe made it to the edge of the bluff. Her heart was hammering and she was thinking about the long-range walkie-talkie in her backpack that she could use to call out the mountain rescue helicopter in an emergency. Her mind raced. Would they be able to find them? Would they make it out here while it was still daylight?

      ‘Rebecca! Talk to me!’ Chloe yelled as she tore at the quick-release mechanism of her ski boots, kicked the skis away and scrambled to the edge of the bluff.

      She sagged with relief at the sound of Rebecca’s voice calling up to her. Peering down, she saw her friend sprawled ten yards below, near a trickling stream that had melted a stony path through the snow. She’d narrowly avoided hitting a jutting outcrop of rocks at the base of the mountain. Her left ski had become detached and was sticking out of the snow halfway down the slope.

      ‘I’m fine,’ Rebecca called, struggling to her feet as Chloe scrambled down towards her. ‘Must have snagged a root or something.’ Putting weight on her left leg, she made a face and her knee seemed to give way under her. ‘Ouch. Shit. My knee.’

      ‘Sit on that rock and let me take a look.’

      ‘Glad one of us has done all the first-aid courses,’ Rebecca muttered as Chloe checked her over. The knee was grazed, but not swollen.

      ‘That hurt?’ Chloe asked, supporting Rebecca’s ankle and gently flexing the leg.

      ‘No . . . ow. Yes, a little.’

      ‘You’ll have a bruise like a rainbow,’ Chloe told her, ‘but I think you’ll be okay. Could have been a lot worse.’

      ‘I’m frozen,’ Rebecca muttered, hugging her sides.

      ‘Want some hot coffee? I think I have a bit left.’

      ‘You’re a lifesaver.’

      Chloe fished the Thermos flask from her backpack, unscrewed the cap and poured out a steaming cupful. As she leant across to hand it to Rebecca, she knelt on something sharp and looked down to see what it was.

      ‘That’s a funny-looking thing,’ she said, picking up the small, jagged object that had jabbed her leg. It wasn’t anything like the other pebbles and small rocks scattered around the stream bed.

      ‘What is it?’ asked Rebecca through a mouthful of hot coffee.

      Chloe showed her. ‘Looks like a piece of something.’


      ‘More like a stone carving.’ Chloe turned the fragment over in her hands. It was the size of a walnut, made of some kind of pale, glittering rock. The faded markings on it looked like writing, but the language was one she’d never seen before.

      ‘Here’s another piece,’ Rebecca said, reaching down between her feet and picking it up. ‘It’s got the same carvings on it. What do you suppose they mean?’

      ‘No idea. My dad would probably know.’

      ‘He’s a historian, isn’t he?’

      ‘Museum curator,’ Chloe said. ‘Lives in Oxford now. You know what, I think I’m going to take these back to show him.’ There were more pieces strewn across the stream bed, and yet more in the snow. She started gathering them up. ‘Whatever this was, it must have got smashed on those big rocks. The bits are scattered all around here.’

      Rebecca studied the fragment she’d found. ‘They kind of look like ancient runes to me.’

      Chloe found another, larger fragment in the snow. She dusted it off. Her little pile was growing quickly. ‘Runes?’

      ‘You know, ancient script. Spells. Maybe like some kind of talisman for warding off evil spirits.’

      ‘Oh, come on. You don’t believe in that stuff, do you?’

      Rebecca shrugged. She pointed upwards at the looming mountain above them. ‘You think maybe it fell from up there?’

      Chloe looked up. Far above in the distance, she could just about make out the tips of the castle battlements.

      ‘Something seriously creepy about that place,’ Rebecca said darkly. ‘Maybe that’s what the talisman was put here for.’

      ‘You don’t know it’s a talisman,’ Chloe said.

      ‘It’s something, though, isn’t it? And what was it doing here?’

      ‘So there you are.’ It was Lindsey’s voice from the top of the slope. She stepped out of her skis and scrambled down the slope to join them. ‘You two decide to hide from me for a secret coffee break?’

      ‘Rebecca took a tumble down the slope,’ Chloe told her. ‘Hey, don’t worry yourself though. She’s fine.’

      Lindsey pointed at Chloe’s little heap of stone fragments, and frowned. ‘Uh, Chloe, what are you actually doing with those?’

      ‘They’re bits of something,’ Chloe said. ‘We found them lying all around here.’

      ‘How fascinating,’ Lindsey said in a flat tone. ‘Listen, I hate to spoil your fun, but we’re really in the middle of nowhere here, guys. We need to move on.’

      ‘Rebecca needs to rest a minute,’ Chloe said.

      ‘Moving on’s okay by me,’ Rebecca said, screwing the empty Thermos cup back onto the flask. ‘I’m fine now.’

      ‘You’re sure?’ Chloe asked her. Rebecca nodded and smiled. Chloe started stuffing the fragments into her backpack.

      ‘I СКАЧАТЬ