The Wasteland Saga: The Old Man and the Wasteland, Savage Boy and The Road is a River. Nick Cole
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СКАЧАТЬ We could come back here and search these planes. There’s medicine, axes, pillows. These things would be good for the village. For a moment he saw movement underneath the wings of faraway planes. He crouched low, looking.

      It was the savage. Dragging a leg, he came limping toward the Old Man.

      Quickly the Old Man packed his ruck with supplies. He donned the vest and rolled up his hat, stuffing it in the rucksack. He grabbed the fire axe from the nose wheel where he’d left it to lean.

      You can’t lead him back to the village.

      I’ll head south for now. I must go to Fort Tucson.

      At the perimeter fence, as the Old Man crossed onto the road leaving the air park, the savage gave a cry that pierced the still desert air. The savage had seen him.

      Looking back, he saw the boy limping furiously after him. The boy was slow and the effort he exerted great. But the Old Man felt he could stay ahead of the savage. Turning his back he hustled off down the road.

      A few hours later he entered a series of rocky rolling hills. Saguaro cacti littered the sides of the hills, their arms upraised. The road began to twist and he passed a weather-beaten granite sign. He was now entering the Saguaro National Monument.

      Aha, I am west and north of Tucson. I can follow this road and it will take me to Gates Pass. I remember that. From Gates Pass it’s a short downhill walk into Tucson. I’ll see the city from there. If it is gone, then I can turn west and head back to the village.

      What will you do about the boy?

      He turned back to see. The boy was falling farther behind. For a while, flailing his good arm, he’d chased the Old Man. Now he seemed to be stumbling. Weaving. Sometimes he would raise his head and scream at the Old Man, then return to his efforts, limping forward in angry determination.

      The Old Man set off into the park. In the afternoon the clouds began to build up thick and white, and the Old Man could smell the musty scent that came before the desert rain. His bones felt tired and his muscles remained cold. When he stopped at a covered picnic area to rest, he felt dizzy.

      Maybe the water? Or maybe the food from the plane?

      Maybe it’s been too much.

      When the rain came a few minutes later he felt hot and sweaty. He’d lost sight of the boy.

      I can’t rest.

      Shouldering his pack, he started off into the rain moving steadily, slowly but steadily up the winding road.

      Can he still be behind me?

      It got dark early and the air became cold. The rain continued as a slight mist. Standing in the gloom, the Old Man smelled the pavement and wondered what he should do.

      If it comes to a fight I have the axe.

      He’s a boy. Your granddaughter’s age.

      I think he means to harm me.

      He smelled woodsmoke from a breeze that came at him out of the north. In the distance he saw a small orange fire farther down the valley.

      He has fallen far behind.

      It could be a trick. To make you think he has stopped for the night.

      The Old Man shouldered the pack and set off into the evening drizzle. Moments later, a flash of light caught the image of him receding into the negative, against the photograph of a land turned bone white and shadow.

      Himbradda heard the thunder and sat shivering in front of his fire. He ate the last handfuls of the seed. He took out the peyote and fingered it, chanting over and over his nonsense words.

      He threw more brush on the fire and white smoke issued up as the fire slowly caught. He ate the peyote. He felt tired as he sat there staring into the fire. Later when the laughter came upon him, he got up and the leg felt numb. The pain was gone. He began to circle the fire, laughing and muttering. The rain stopped and he stared at the stars twirling and moving faster.

      The Dragon was dead and the People were the stars.

      The Dragon was old and now he was just an old man, chased through the desert by Himbradda. Chased by a hero across the stars.

      He shouldered his club and set off into the night. The Old Dragon was sticking to the hard roads. Himbradda didn’t need to track him through the desert. He would stay on the hard path and he would find him.

      At the bottom of Gates Pass, the Old Man turned back to look along the way he had come. He didn’t see the boy.

      Ahead, a serpentine road wound its way up the rocky face of the pass. At the top he would be able to see Tucson. He would be in the suburbs of Tucson.

      He shivered and felt chilled to the bone. He drank an entire packet of water and thought about eating a protein bar, but his throat felt as though it were on fire.

      I am at the last of it and I am too sick to go on.

      You must.

      The boy is asleep no doubt. I can afford to borrow a little rest against the lead I have taken.

      Your friend in the book would tell you, “First you borrow, then you beg.”


      The moon was out as ghostly white clouds skidded off into the deep blue of night. It was quiet.

      I heard coyotes a while back and I am just thinking of it now. I think I am very sick.

      If there is a Fort Tucson they can help you.

      “If” is the question.

      The savage boy loped into view on the road below. Using his club as a cane, he was pumping hard to catch the Old Man. The Old Man tightened his grip around the axe resting across his shoulder and knew he was too weak to swing it to any effect.

      Himbradda charged forward seeing the Old Dragon. The night air burned clean and fresh in his lungs. He screamed and thought of victory and dipping his hands in the blood of the Old Dragon, and covering the rock walls where he had chased the Old Dragon to, making the sign of the People. He screamed and felt better than he had ever felt in all his short life. He felt alive.

      The Old Man labored hard up the steep grade. The next stretch of the cracked and broken highway was extremely steep.

      Another bend or two and I’ll be at the top.

      He’ll be on you by then.

      He is my shark. I must try until there is nothing left like my friend did with first the harpoon, then the paddle, and finally the club.

      He spared a glance back at the boy and knew the boy was nothing human. Humanity hadn’t been something the child had ever possessed, been taught, experienced.

      The flare gun might scare him off.

      The Old Man reached into the ruck. He had four flares. He loaded one and took aim. Himbradda labored up the first grade below. He fired and Himbradda stopped, watching the flare СКАЧАТЬ