The Thirties: An Intimate History of Britain. Juliet Gardiner
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Название: The Thirties: An Intimate History of Britain

Автор: Juliet Gardiner

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Историческая литература


isbn: 9780007358236


СКАЧАТЬ marked differences between classes: in Lancashire and Cheshire the number of childhood deaths varied from around thirty-one per thousand among the well-off to ninety-three in the poorest class. Deaths in childbirth were 2.6 per thousand in the South of England, but 5.2 in the North and 4.4 in Wales. Surveys indicated that 80 per cent of children in the mining areas of County Durham and the poorest areas of London showed signs of early rickets, which was put down to both poor diet and lack of sunshine under the smoke-laden industrial skies (hence the preoccupation with sunlight of the health centres); modern estimates suggest that between a quarter and a half of all children living in areas of economic depression survived on a diet that was inadequate to maintain normal growth and health.

      The charge that there was a connection between ill health and government policies was consistently contested during the Depression. Again tuberculosis provides an exemplary study, with the Chief Medical Officer of Health, Sir George Newman, attributing the rise in deaths from the disease in the industrial areas of South Wales (from 131 per 100,000 in young men aged fifteen to twenty-five in 1921–25 to 197 per 100,000 in 1930–32, and for young women from 185 to 268 in the same period) to ‘geographical features of coalmining districts’, by which he meant the lack of sunlight in the deep valleys in which the villages were located. He also allowed social factors, such as ‘the tendency to crowd into small rooms and halls, some lack of playfields and facilities for open-air recreation, sometimes an unsuitable diet and the tendency to conceal the presence of tuberculosis’, while for the mortally afflicted young women it was a question of ‘migration to domestic service’ and not returning home until the disease was in its terminal stage. Nonsense, a member of the Committee against Malnutrition riposted: ‘There is no evidence that the valleys are deeper and narrower today than formerly, and migration to service does not account for the increase in male mortality.’

      Although the Ministry of Health declined to draw a correlation between poverty and the disease, citing ‘a complex interaction of a considerable number of factors’, those on the ground had no such doubts. A former MoH for Cardiff was unequivocal: ‘Poverty has long been recognised as a prime factor in the causation of tuberculosis, principally through its effect on nutrition,’ he wrote in 1933. A tuberculosis officer for Lancashire, asked to conduct a survey in Durham, concluded that ‘The principal means by which poverty is found to cause tuberculosis are the overcrowding and undernourishment which are the chief distinguishing features between the poor and not poor families [some 3,000] studied,’ and considered the link between tuberculosis and undernourishment to be more significant than that between tuberculosis and overcrowding.

      In Jarrow, the death rate from tuberculosis was higher in 1930 than it had been before the turn of the century, at a time when rates across the rest of the country were falling by 50 per cent. The fact that there were fewer cases of spinal, bone and joint tuberculosis in Jarrow than might have been expected could be put down to the fact that fewer of the people who lived there were able to afford fresh milk. (In the 1930s almost 30 per cent of non-pulmonary tuberculosis deaths and 2 per cent of the pulmonary strain were caused by tubercular cows’ milk or infected meat: in 1931 a thousand children under fifteen died of tuberculosis of bovine origin, and many more were crippled, but by the end of the end of the decade still less than 50 per cent of milk was pasteurised.) ‘There is no mystery about the high tuberculosis rate of Jarrow,’ flatly asserted ‘Red Ellen’ Wilkinson, the Labour MP for the town (so named by virtue of both her politics and her flame-coloured hair), scourge of the National Government’s policies towards the unemployed. It was not caused by the supposed facts that ‘“the women do not know how to cook … The Irish have a racial susceptibility to tuberculosis … The families are too large … The geographical formations are unfavourable” … all of which reasons have been put forward by various medical authorities’. Rather, it was caused by the vicious cycle of ‘bad housing, underfeeding, low wages for any work that is going, household incomes cut to the limit by public assistance, or Means Test or whatever is the cutting machine of the time … these mean disease and premature death’.

      But still there were those who preferred to see tuberculosis as an individual responsibility, a sickness of advanced civilisation, when the simple life in the fresh air had been abandoned in favour of irregular hours, too little exercise, the stress of modern life, even ‘the thoughtless misuse of leisure time’. All of which were ills that could be rectified by a stiff dose of self-help, rather than costly programmes of social welfare.

      As the number of unemployed inexorably mounted month on month to over three million by 1931, politicians, economists, scientists, writers and commentators investigated, pronounced, theorised, constituted themselves into committees and wrote reports, and gathered together to lunch and dine, all in an effort to find reasons for and solutions to Britain’s economic and social problems. In October, November and December that year the BBC invited a selection of prominent public figures to ruminate in front of a microphone on ‘What I would do with the world’. Out of ten speakers, three advocated eugenics.

      Lord D’Abernon, a former Ambassador to Berlin and then Chairman of the Medical Research Council, suggested that ‘A wise dictator would devote his attention in the first years of his dictatorship to measures calculated to improve the human race,’ since ‘By excessive latitude given to the weak-minded, by imposing burdens in the shape of taxation on the hard-working to help out the improvidence of the inefficient and less capable, we are doing for the human race exactly what every intelligent breeder avoids in the animal world: we are stimulating breeding from the weak, the inefficient, and the unsound.’ Sir Basil Blackett, a director of the Bank of England, agreed that he would ensure that ‘we make ourselves and the human race better fitted intellectually and physically to use the scientific knowledge which the twentieth century places so freely at man’s disposal’. His programme would make the study of eugenics ‘a compulsory item in the training of every man or woman who is destined to take up administrative service in any part of the world’, while at home ‘we [cannot] afford much longer to follow the aggressively dysgenic course of breeding mainly from the unfit’. Leo Amery, a former (and future) Conservative Minister, decried what he called the ‘short-sighted sentimentalism’ that he felt had characterised the whole trend of British social and fiscal policy in recent years, discouraging ‘thrift and self-reliance’ and encouraging ‘the actual multiplication of the improvident and the incompetent’.

      The term ‘eugenics’ was first used by Francis Galton, a cousin of Charles Darwin, in 1883. Its etymological roots lie in the Greek words for ‘good’ or ‘well’ and ‘born’. Eugenics was to be the science (and practice) of improving human stock ‘to give the more suitable races or strains of blood a better chance of prevailing speedily over the less suitable’. The Eugenic Education Society (as it was originally called) was formed in 1907 in order to spread the knowledge of hereditary factors and how they could be applied to the improvement of the race — the ‘self direction of evolution’, as the logo for the Second International Eugenics Conference in 1921 proclaimed. Membership declined after the First World War, but revived again — though never reaching the same level — in the late 1920s and early 1930s, and by 1932 it had reached 768. Obviously this was a select number, but the Eugenics Society never sought a mass membership: rather it aimed to influence the legislative process by permeating the medical profession, the media and universities, and in the 1930s some very distinguished people took an interest in its work, including Julian Huxley, G.K. Chesterton. George Bernard Shaw, J.M. Keynes, J.B.S. Haldane, Richard Titmuss and A.M. Carr-Saunders (Director of the London School of Economics from 1937).

      Central to eugenics was the conviction that a large part of those who came to be known as the ‘social problem group’ of the dependent and destitute were the result of genetic defects. But how could this be relevant to the Depression, when the number of unemployed (those who were necessarily economically and socially dependent, and sometimes all but destitute) had risen to three million, since three million people could hardly be congenitally ‘unfit’? How did eugenics shed any light on the fact that unemployment was regional, concentrated in certain industries like shipbuilding, mining and heavy engineering, and not in other occupations?

      Eugenicists СКАЧАТЬ