The Teenage Brain: A neuroscientist’s survival guide to raising adolescents and young adults. Frances Jensen E.
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СКАЧАТЬ childhood years (they looked sort of like pirate kittens!), for the rest of their lives they were unable to see out of the eye that had been patched. The scientists also saw that the brain area devoted to the patched eye had been partially taken over by the open eye’s connections. They did another set of experiments where the kittens were raised in visual environments with vertical lines and found that their brains would respond only to vertical lines when they were adults. The point is that the types of cues and stimuli that are present during brain development really change the way the brain works later in life. So my experiment in college showed basically the same thing, not for vision, but rather for touch.

      I actually had some fun showing off this cool imprinting effect in our everyday lives. Our beloved cat had died at the ripe old age of nineteen, and we all missed her so. Of course, it didn’t take long before Andrew, Will, and I were at the local animal shelter, looking at kittens to bring home. We fell in love with the runt of a litter and brought home the most petite and needy little tabby kitten you could ever imagine. The boys came up with a name: Jill. Jill was always on our laps; she was a very people-friendly cat. I remembered the experiments on brain plasticity and said to Andrew and Will, when we hold her, let’s massage her paws and see if she becomes a more coordinated cat. So anytime we had her in our laps, we would massage her paws with our hands, spreading them out, touching the little “fingers” that cats’ paws contain. Sure enough, Jill started to use her paws much more than any other cat we had ever had (and I have had back-to-back cats since the age of eight). She used her paws for things most cats don’t. She was very “paw-centric,” going around the house batting small objects off tables and taking obvious pleasure in watching them hit the ground. This was a source of consternation as not all the things she knocked off were unbreakable. She also often used her left paw to eat, gingerly reaching into the cat food can with her paw and scooping up food to bring to her mouth. Watching her, we started to notice that she almost always used her left paw to do these things. We had a left-pawed cat! Then suddenly we realized that when we picked her up to massage her paws, she was facing us and because we are all right-handed, we were always stimulating her left paw much more than her right! Home neuronal plasticity demonstration project accomplished. I know if we could have looked into her brain, we’d have seen that she had more brain space given over to her paws, and especially her left paw, than the average cat. This same phenomenon of reallocating brain space based on experience during life happens in people, too. We call this part of life the critical period, when “nurture,” that is, the environment, can modify “nature.” But more on that later.

      So what I have just told you is that brain areas for vision and body parts are compartmentalized in different places, but that they can shrink or grow relative to one another during development based on how much the senses are used. Structurally, the human brain is divided into four lobes: frontal (top front), parietal (top back), temporal (sides), and occipital (back). The brain sits on the brainstem, which connects to the spinal cord. In the rear of the brain, the cerebellum regulates motor patterning and coordination, and the occipital lobes house the visual cortex. The parietal lobes house association areas as well as the motor and sensory cortices (which include the homunculus in Figure 2). The temporal lobes include areas involved in the regulation of emotions and sexuality. Language is also located here, more specifically in the dominant hemisphere (the left temporal lobe for right-handed people and 85 percent of left-handed people, and the right temporal lobe for that small group of truly strong lefties). The frontal lobes sit most anteriorly and this area is concerned with executive function, judgment, insight, and impulse control. Importantly, as the brain matures from back to front in the teen years the frontal lobes are the least mature and the least connected compared with the other lobes.


      FIGURE 3. The Lobes of the Brain: A. The brain matures from the back to the front. B. The cortex of the brain can be divided into several main areas based on function.

      The brain is divided into specialized regions for each of the senses. The area for hearing, or the auditory cortex, is in the temporal lobes; the visual cortex is in the occipital lobes; and the parietal lobes house movement and feeling in the motor and sensory cortices, respectively. Other parts of the brain have nothing to do with the senses, and the best example of this is the frontal lobes, which make up more than 40 percent of the human brain’s total volume—more than in any other animal species. The frontal lobes are the seat of our ability to generate insight, judgment, abstraction, and planning. They are the source of self-awareness and our ability to assess dangers and risk, so we use this area of the brain to choose a course of action wisely.

      Hence, the frontal lobes are often said to house the “executive” function of the human brain. A chimpanzee’s frontal lobes come closest to the human’s in terms of size, but still make up only around 17 percent of its total brain volume. A dog’s frontal lobes make up just 7 percent of its brain. For other species, different brain structures are more important. Compared with humans, monkeys and chimpanzees have a much larger cerebellum, where control of physical coordination is honed. A dolphin’s auditory cortex is more advanced than a human’s, with a hearing range at least seven times that of a young adult. A dog has a billion olfactory cells in its brain compared with our measly twelve million. And the shark has special cells in its brain that help it detect electrical fields—not to navigate but to pick up electrical signals given off by the scantest of muscle movements in other fish as they try to hide from this deadly predator.

      We humans don’t have a lot else going for us other than our wile and wit. Our competitive edge is our ingenuity, brains over brawn. This edge happens to take the longest time to develop, as the connectivity to and from the frontal lobes is the most complex and is the last to fully mature. This “executive function” thus develops slowly: we certainly are not born with it!

      So in what order are these brain regions all connected to one another during childhood and adolescence? This could never have been learned before the advent of modern brain imaging. New forms of brain scans, called magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), not only can give us accurate pictures of the brain inside the skull but also can show us connections between different regions. Even better, a new kind of MRI, called the functional MRI, abbreviated fMRI, can actually show us what brain areas turn one another on. So we can actually see if areas that “fire” together are “wired” together. In the last decade, the National Institutes of Health conducted a major study to examine how brain regions activate one another over the first twenty-one years of life.

      What they found was remarkable: the connectivity of the brain slowly moves from the back of the brain to the front. The very last places to “connect” are the frontal lobes (Figure 4). In fact, the teen brain is only about 80 percent of the way to maturity. That 20 percent gap, where the wiring is thinnest, is crucial and goes a long way toward explaining why teenagers behave in such puzzling ways—their mood swings, irritability, impulsiveness, and explosiveness; their inability to focus, to follow through, and to connect with adults; and their temptations to use drugs and alcohol and to engage in other risky behavior. When we think of ourselves as civilized, intelligent adults, we really have the frontal and prefrontal parts of the cortex to thank.

      Because teens are not quite firing on all cylinders when it comes to the frontal lobes, we shouldn’t be surprised by the daily stories we hear and read about tragic mistakes and accidents involving adolescents. The process is not really done by the end of the teen years—and as a result the college years are still a vulnerable period. Recently a friend of mine told me about his son’s college classmate, Dan, an all-around great kid who’d rarely caused his parents to worry. He was popular, had been a star ice hockey player in high school, and was a finance major in college. Over the summer my friend’s son got a phone call from Dan’s mother. Dan had drowned the night before, she told him. He’d been out with friends, drinking, and sometime between three and four in the morning, on their way home, the group—there were eight СКАЧАТЬ