The Mood Cure: Take Charge of Your Emotions in 24 Hours Using Food and Supplements. Julia Ross
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Название: The Mood Cure: Take Charge of Your Emotions in 24 Hours Using Food and Supplements

Автор: Julia Ross

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Здоровье


isbn: 9780007391974



      Reviving Your Thyroid

      There are actually three kinds of thyroid malfunction. The most well-known and common is low thyroid, or hypothyroidism, which we’ve just discussed. The other two kinds of thyroid malfunction are autoimmune (Hashimoto’s) thyroiditis and hyperthyroidism.

      If your thyroid is a problem for you, finding the right solutions for your particular kind of thyroid problem will benefit you, literally from head to toe. Your mood and mental clarity will improve along with your physical energy. Your heart will be immeasurably strengthened, your digestion and assimilation of nutrients will speed up, and you’ll burn calories better. Every cell in your body will benefit by getting your master gland back in action.

      Pregnancy Alert

      If getting pregnant will make you happy, repairing your thyroid may be a godsend. Otherwise, be very careful. Fertility and a healthy thyroid go hand in hand.

      Most of our clearly low-thyroid clients haven’t had much luck with over-the-counter glandular thyroid preparations, perhaps because their potency is so unpredictable. By law, they are supposed to have the truly active ingredients, T3 and T4, removed. Fully potent extracts from animal glands can be had by prescription. That’s the primary reason we’ve had to rely on pharmaceutical help for thyroid revival; but if your thyroid problem is mild to moderate, over-the-counter glandulars can be helpful.

      The other natural remedy that we have seen be effective with some people is the homeopathic thyroid products which contain potent though submicroscopic amounts of animal thyroid tissue. You may need to find a homeopathic practitioner who is familiar with these types of remedies (called “sarcodes”) or one who will research them for you. Or just buy them yourself and see how you respond.

      Most of our low-thyroid clients have had to seek holistic medical assistance to get properly tested and to get full potency medication, whether glandular or synthetic. Please see the “Thyroid Tool Kit” for specific guidance in every step of this campaign to revive your thyroid—from finding an effective physician to determining if a course of medication is really working. The reason I’m going to give you such detail in the “Thyroid Tool Kit” is that this information is very hard to come by. It’s technical and you’ll need to study it, but without it you may never know what your options are and never fully recover from the mental and physical blahs.


      Revving Up Your Brain and/or Your Thyroid

      Before you focus attention on your special anti-blahs supplement strategy, remember that if you don’t use these special supplements in conjunction with the basic supplements and lots of good-mood foods, you’ll be disappointed by the results.

      Your basic supplements are described in chapter 10 and are listed on page 202, in a daily schedule. This is followed by a list of all the special supplements recommended in every chapter of the book, including this one. Check off the special supplements that you think you’ll need from the Action Steps below, and then transfer them to the master supplement schedule, where you will assemble your entire individualized supplement program.

      Be sure to check for any contraindications by studying the “Caution Box” on pages 199–200 before you add nutrients such as tyrosine, phenylalanine, or SAM-e to your master supplement schedule.

      Advanced Support for Your Thyroid


Over-the-counter thyroid glandulars, as directed. Look for GF Thyroid by Systemic Formulas, Thyroid by Nutri-Pak, or TG 100 by Allergy Research


Homeopathic thyroid, as directed.


Glandular or synthetic prescription medications (see the “Thyroid Tool Kit” for details)


      Arem, Ridha, M.D. The Thyroid Solution (New York: Ballantine Books, 2000).

      Shomon, Mary J. Living Well with Hypothyroidism (New York: Avon Wholecare, 2000).

      Shames, Richard, M.D., and Karilee Halo Shames, R.N., Ph.D. Thyroid Power: Ten Steps to Total Health (New York: HarperResource, 2001).

      Langer, Stephen, M.D. Solved: The Riddle of Illness (New Canaan, Conn.: Keats, 1984).

      Braverman, Eric R., M.D., Kenneth Blum, Ph.D., Richard Smayda, and Carl C. Pfeiffer. The Healing Nutrients Within (North Bergen, N.J.: Basic Health Publications, 2002).

      Amen, Daniel, M.D. Healing ADD (New York: Putnam, 2001).

      Taylor, John F., Ph.D. Helping Your ADD Child (Roseville, Calif.: Prima Publishing, 2001).

       CHAPTER 5 All Stressed Out

       How to Recover from Adrenal Overload

      What does the word stress mean to you? Do you immediately think of the threat of war, the pressure of too many deadlines, too much debt, a bitter divorce, or the death of a loved one? If you do, of course you’re right, but these kinds of stressors are only part of the problem. Surprisingly, they’re sometimes the least of it. There are many less obvious but equally potent factors that can keep us feeling overwhelmed: the biological trauma that can be inflicted upon us by things like a punishing diet, brutal workouts, silent infections, or inherited deficiencies in our stress-coping capacity.

      Stress isn’t necessarily a bad thing; in fact, we need a certain amount of stress to keep us alert, help us get things done, and add spice to our lives. But when stress is chronic and relentless, it can have just the opposite effect. It can eventually leave us too depleted to enjoy life or even to function normally.

      The problem is that the human body was designed to deal with entirely different kinds of stresses from those we’re confronted with today. The stress response system we’ve inherited helped our ancestors flee from the occasional wild animal or warring tribe, but is ineffective for the modern kinds of multiple, nagging, continual pressures many of us must endure.

      All stressors trigger the same cascade of powerful biochemical events, and it all begins in the adrenal glands. Small but mighty, your adrenals sit like supercharged golf balls on top of your kidneys in your lower back. Think of them as your “A Team,” and be very grateful that you have them, because without them, life would be literally unbearable.

      The adrenals are very hard workers, producing from thirty to sixty different hormones. When confronted with a stressful situation, they immediately increase the production of two—first adrenaline and then Cortisol. The adrenaline surge alerts you to imminent danger and prepares you to fight or flee. But this is meant to be a short-lived response. After the СКАЧАТЬ