Название: Child of the Phoenix
Автор: Barbara Erskine
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр: Классическая проза
isbn: 9780007320936
She realised that Cenydd had dismounted and was standing at Invictus’s head, looking questioningly at her as he gripped the horse’s sharp bit. She had not flinched from the rain. She sat upright, unmoving, her eyes on the distance.
‘Are you all right, princess?’
She could barely make out his narrowed eyes, his hair plastered to his skin beneath his leather cap.
‘I … I don’t know.’ She felt strangely disorientated. ‘The castle … will they be all right? The rain will help put out the fire …’
Cenydd let go of the bridle long enough to cross himself fervently: ‘You saw a fire?’
She stared at him. ‘You must have seen it. There – ’
Behind them the heath was invisible behind the curtain of rain. Another lightning flash zigzagged across the sky.
‘There is no fire, my lady, and no castle,’ he said gently. ‘And there never has been. Not here.’
BANGOR June 1231
The nuptial mass had been all Isabella had dreamed it would be. The cathedral at Bangor, with its sturdy pillars and its high arched roof, glowed with sunlight as, the marriage completed, Prince Dafydd ap Llywelyn, heir to Gwynedd and Aberffraw and all North Wales, led his young bride to the high altar and knelt beside her there on a faldstool embroidered with silver and gold. Behind him stood his father, alone. In spite of a stream of desperate, contrite letters from Joan, begging his forgiveness, she was still imprisoned. She had not been permitted to attend the wedding of her lover’s daughter to her son.
Nearby, tight-lipped, stood Eva de Braose, her lovely face hidden by a black silk veil. Was she, she wondered, as she stared around the packed cathedral, the only person there to remember that her husband had been hanged by these people? She clenched her fists angrily as the voices of the choir soared aloft. Then a hand touched hers. Standing next to her, Gwladus, now married to Ralph Mortimer, remembered. She too had loved her dead husband’s dashing son. In sorrow the two women bowed their heads and prayed.
Isabella was not thinking of her father. She ran her hands quickly over the front of her richly embroidered gown, then folded them meekly in prayer. On her thick curtain of black hair, brushed loose almost to her waist, sat a golden coronet studded with pearls.
She stole a look at her handsome husband. He was tall, his red-gold hair gleaming in the stray beams of sun which slanted across the hills behind the cathedral and in through the stained-glass windows. The air curled and moved with the smoke of incense.
Dafydd smiled at her. He found his curvaceous young bride much to his taste. Her dark eyes and hair showed off a naturally white skin; she was small – not yet fourteen – but the breasts beneath her bodice were well grown and her hips beneath the slender lines of the gown and kirtle were provocatively curved.
He had thought long and hard about the problem of her father and at last had cautiously brought up the subject with the prince.
‘However right we were to hang him,’ he said, with a wary eye on his father’s face, ‘the child is bound to feel resentment. It’s only natural. Her mother does.’ He grimaced; he did not like the stone-faced Eva.
‘She must learn that the wages of sin are death,’ Llywelyn replied, his face grim.
‘I think she knows that,’ Dafydd said slowly. ‘But still it must be hard to bear. Can I …’ he hesitated, ‘can I tell her that it was Eleyne who discovered them together? It might be easier for her to come to terms with that idea, and if she can’t,’ he shrugged, ‘no doubt it will take less time to get over it. And as Eleyne has left Gwynedd it hardly matters anyway.’
Llywelyn examined his son’s face for a moment, surprised at the young man’s cynicism. ‘You mean you think Isabella needs a focus for her hate?’
‘Of course she does.’ Dafydd smiled. ‘And Eleyne has gone. What better way of handling it?’ He did not add that he had guessed that his father had done the same thing; only in his case he had shifted on to his daughter the blame of his wife. It was well known throughout the palace that Llywelyn had given orders for his wife’s imprisonment to be made less harsh; that he missed her intolerably – and that he had sent no messages or gifts to the Countess of Huntingdon save one book, grudgingly, at her husband’s request.
Isabella’s reaction to his frank discussion was all Dafydd had hoped. Several days before the wedding he had drawn her aside into one of the window embrasures in the newly built stone keep at Caernarfon Castle, out of earshot of their chaperones.
‘My dear, the shadow of your father is coming between us,’ he said slowly, taking her hand gently in his. A master of the chivalric art of courtship, he had already plied his betrothed daily with poems and flowers and little gifts of love: scented kerchiefs and ribbons. ‘I cannot bear that to be so.’ He glanced at her solemnly and was touched to see her eyes had filled with tears. ‘There is something you should know, Isabella.’ He lowered his voice even more, so she had to bend close to hear him and he could feel the soft brush of her breath on his brow, see the fine bloom of youth on her rounded cheeks. He felt a sudden rush of desire and had to close his eyes to keep his feelings under control. ‘I know she was your friend, but I have to tell you. It was Eleyne who betrayed your father. He trusted her; he loved her almost as a daughter, and yet she betrayed him.’
There was a long silence. ‘No? Not Elly?’ It was a plea.
‘I am sorry, Isabella. But you would have found out in the end.’
She had cried a little, discreetly, so the chaperones would not see and interrupt their tête-à-tête, then slowly she began to realise what he had said. Eleyne, her friend, had killed her father! Anger replaced the tears, and then fire-spitting fury. ‘How could she! I hate her! I’ll never forgive her!’ She had forgotten, as Dafydd had intended, that her father had not been alone in his sin. That Dafydd’s – and Eleyne’s – mother had been with him, and that they had both been in her bed.
The wedding feast dragged on for hours; course succeeded course, trenchers and plates were piled high with spiced food: sucking pig, swan, hare, pike, quail, partridge, stews, broths, mussels, trout, leek tarts, custards and honey cakes, and cask upon cask of Gascon wine, Welsh mead, ale and whisky were emptied, rolled away and replaced. Beside her husband Isabella was hot, tired and overexcited, and she had begun to feel sick. She stared around the hall uncomfortably, wondering if she should excuse herself again and run to the nearest range of chambers of ease, where she would have to brave a queue of jeering drunken men. It was that or the shame of being sick in the corner. She was still trying to make up her befuddled mind as she stared at the wheels of dripping candles when she found her husband beside her, helping her to her feet. ‘Go, sweetheart. Make ready for me.’ He pushed her gently towards a group of giggling ladies who seemed to be waiting for her. Swaying slightly, she stumbled towards them, only half conscious of the СКАЧАТЬ