C. S. Lewis: A Biography. Walter Hooper
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Название: C. S. Lewis: A Biography

Автор: Walter Hooper

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Биографии и Мемуары


isbn: 9780007404476


СКАЧАТЬ this time Lewis lunched on most days of the week with F.H. Lawson, the law tutor at Univ. and D.L. Keir, the historian,§ whom he found a more entertaining companion than the erudite lawyer: ‘The usual brisk but not really interesting conversation’,16 Lewis confided to his diary after one of these meals.

      Lewis seems to have had a deep craving for ritual and pageantry all his life, a craving that finds expression in most of his works of fiction, notably the cosmic celebrations near the end of both Perelandra and That Hideous Strength. But he fought shy of it, felt ‘lumpish and embarrassed’ when he came across it in actual experience – from university ceremonies to ritual in religious services – and avoided it whenever possible.

      Before setting to work on the necessary preparation for his first term at Magdalen, Michaelmas 1925, Lewis spent a few days with the Barfields in London (as soon as he had finished the exam correcting for which he had already signed on) and then went with Mrs Moore and Maureen for three weeks’ holiday, 17 August to 6 September, at Oare on the borders of Exmoor. There he spent many days walking, usually alone, in the Doone country, reading for enjoyment, and only towards the end turning to works that he might be teaching the following term.

      While in Belfast during this same Long Vacation Jack discussed the furnishing of his rooms in Magdalen, for he was writing to his father on 21 October in dismay over the quantity of furniture he was expected to supply – far more than they had planned on transporting from Ireland. ‘At one time I thought I should have to take pupils in my bedroom as the bed was the only thing to sit down on,’ he remarked ruefully. But