Fun Start: An idea a week to maximize your baby’s potential from birth to age 5. June Oberlander R.
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СКАЧАТЬ further awareness of left and right

       enhancement of the sense of touch when the baby’s body is rolled, also when the ball is rolled

       eye-hand coordination

       motivation to increase attention span

       skill in playing a simple ball game with another person


      Place the baby on the floor where there is a wide empty space. Lay the baby on his back and gently roll his body from left to right several times in succession. As you do this, talk to the baby and as he is being rolled say,‘Whee-ee,’or some other words to make the rolling activity more interesting. When you stop rolling the baby’s body, observe his reaction. Does he attempt to continue to roll himself, or does he appear to want to stop? If there is no further interest, try again later. This activity is important because it involves the coordination of many muscles. It also assists in reinforcing left and right laterality as the baby’s entire body is placed in motion from left to right.

      At another time, obtain a large ball that can be rolled easily to the baby. Sit on the floor and place the baby in a sitting position facing you. Roll the ball to the baby and encourage the baby to roll the ball back to you. Praise the baby for any positive response that he makes and continue with this activity as long as the baby appears interested. This is an activity that should be repeated often. It would also be beneficial for the baby to repeat some of the previous activities, especially those in which the baby showed little or no interest the first time.


      This activity develops

       eye-hand coordination

       free choice exploration

       enhances the sense of touch

       an awareness of ‘rough’ and ‘soft’ textures


      Obtain a small, smooth bottle cap. Make six holes in two polystyrene picnic plates by pressing the cap firmly on the plates. Be sure to press hard and twist the cap to make smooth holes in the plates. If the holes are ragged, use small sharp fingernail scissors to make the holes neat. Cut a large sheet of sandpaper the size of one plate and lay it inside one of the inverted plates so that the rough side faces the holes in that plate. Pack loose cotton, cotton balls or polystyrene on top of the smooth side of the sandpaper sheet. Place the other polystyrene plate facing down on top of the other plate. Staple or tape the two plates containing the sandpaper and cotton together.

      Poke your index finger in each of the holes on the sandpaper side. This is the rough side. Turn the connected plates over and poke your index finger at random in the holes on that side. This side feels soft. Encourage the baby to use his index finger to poke it in the holes at random. Show him both sides of the plates and allow him to feel and explore both sides independently.

      The baby may be reluctant to poke his finger in the holes. He may just look at it and let it be, and he may need some encouragement to poke his finger in the holes of the plate. If you have a Chinese Chequer board, the baby will probably enjoy poking his finger in the holes in it. It makes no difference if the baby chooses another finger for poking. Encouragement, praise and good voice inflection will serve to increase the baby’s interest. Use the words‘rough’ and ‘soft’as you talk to the baby. This will increase his understanding of these concepts.

       Drop It in a Container

      This activity develops

       eye-hand coordination

       enhances the sense of touch

       skill in following directions



      Take a large empty can with a plastic lid and remove the metal piece from the bottom end with a can opener. Place masking tape on any rough or sharp edges. Trace and then cut a hole in the plastic lid with a pair of kitchen scissors or a sharp pointed instrument. The hole should be circular and a little larger than a large empty cotton reel. One or more reels may be used for this activity. Coloured reels are more appealing to the baby. Felt markers can be used to colour neutral coloured reels.

      Place the plastic lid on one end of the can and put it on a flat surface. Take a cotton reel and drop it in the hole of the plastic lid. Lift the can and find the reel. Repeat this activity several times. Give the baby a cotton reel and encourage him to drop it in the hole in the plastic lid. He may need a little help coordinating at first, but with several attempts he should meet success. If you use several reels, they may all be dropped individually into the can through the hole in the plastic lid. The baby will enjoy lifting the lid and finding the reels.

      This activity can be used later for the baby to do independently. Encouragement and praise are necessary for motivation; therefore, remember to encourage and praise even though you may be busy with something else.

       Pull and Let Go

      This activity develops

       eye-hand coordination


       motivation to increase attention span


      Use a large rubber band or a piece of elastic and fasten it securely to any small safe object such as a cotton reel, a rattle, a plastic lid, etc. Tie this securely to a chair, table, play pen rail or a door knob so that the attached object will hang freely.

      Show the baby how you can pull the object and let it go. The baby will see that the object returns to its original position. Pull the attached object several more times while the baby watches you. Does the baby attempt to help you or does he just watch? Encourage the baby to help you pull, or allow the baby to pull the object independently. Continue doing this until he loses interest. Be sure to praise the baby for any positive response that he makes.

      At another time, different objects can be used for this same activity. Babies of this age enjoy pulling, poking and pushing objects around, and will work independently if a few safe objects are made available.

      Hint: If the cotton reel makes too much noise, you may deaden the sound in the following manner. Cut the toe from an old sock. Place the cotton reel in the toe and stuff a rag, polystyrene or an old stocking around the spool. Attach the toe of the sock, containing the cotton reel and stuffing, to the elastic with a rubber band.

       Name and Find

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