The Familiars: Secrets of the Crown. Adam Epstein
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Название: The Familiars: Secrets of the Crown

Автор: Adam Epstein

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Природа и животные


isbn: 9780007460175


СКАЧАТЬ is the only one with the ability to harness its powers.”

      Aldwyn had been told of the Shifting Fortress, a secret tower whose location changed each day. From the top of the Fortress, powerful spells could be cast that affected all of Vastia. He knew that while under the control of the queen, the Fortress had been used to protect the lands – but he shuddered to think how Paksahara would wield its ancient magic.

      “Well, I will not just lay down my wand and give up,” a bearded wizard called from the crowd. “I’ll defend myself with sword, and shield, and bare fists if needed!”

      “Urbaugh won’t be the only one. I’ll be at my brother’s side,” said another citizen in the hall, who definitely shared a family resemblance to the bearded wizard. “Who here is frightened by a carrot-eating hare anyway?”

      Defiant laughter briefly lightened the mood. They wouldn’t be laughing, Aldwyn thought, if they had seen Paksahara’s skills of sorcery or the coldness behind her pink eyes.

      “Her spell will never hold!” shouted a townswoman. “This will all be over by the morning’s sun.”

      These boasts, as unsubstantiated as they might have been, still seemed to lift the morale of the masses and rally the hall.

      Queen Loranella raised her hand to quieten the people. “I’d like to hear what the council—”

      Just then, what sounded like nails scraping across a mirror screeched through the hall. Aldwyn looked up to see the circular pane of stained glass – the one that depicted the Kailasa mountains – begin to transform. The triangles of different-coloured glass began to shift, rearranging on their own to form a different picture – that of the grey hare, Paksahara. The image smiled down menacingly on the assembled, and then the lips of the stained-glass hare started forming words.

      “Question: What’s a wizard without magic?” Paksahara’s voice taunted them. “Dragon food,” she continued, as her nose twitched happily.

      Dalton had to hold Skylar by her tail feathers to keep her from flying up, so spitting mad was the blue jay.

      “Now, I’d love to take all the credit for this cruel turn of events, but you have Loranella to thank as well,” continued the face in the glass. “If it wasn’t for my old loyal foolishly underestimating me, I never would have been able to betray her.”

      “I know how much you desire my crown,” said Queen Loranella, “but what good will it be if no one is there to follow you?”

      “You may rule with the will of the people,” replied Paksahara, “but I shall do it under the fear of clenched paw.”

      “When I find you, you’ll face the sharp end of my blade,” threatened Urbaugh, rising to his feet.

      “And while you’re off searching for me, who will be there to protect your family?” asked Paksahara, a frightening chill in her voice.

      The word ‘family’ made Aldwyn snuggle closer to Jack. It was perhaps the thing he longed for more than any other.

      “We defeated you once,” shouted Skylar, her voice bold and trumpeting. “Don’t think we won’t come after you again.”

      Gilbert cowered inside Marianne’s shirt pocket. “Speak for yourself,” he said out of the corner of his mouth.

      The pink panes that formed Paksahara’s stained-glass eyes turned to the three familiars in the back row.

      “Such animosity,” said the hare, “when we’re on the same side. If you were smart, you’d leave your loyals behind and join me. Many animals already have.”

      “We’re the Prophesised Three.” Aldwyn jumped in. “It’s our destiny to stop you.”

      “Prophesies are made to be broken,” said Paksahara. “I won’t underestimate you this time. I even considered disenchanting animal magicians, just to eliminate you as a threat. But that would have left me in a bit of a pickle.”

      Queen Loranella spoke up again, and this time her voice sounded fierce.

      “Why do you choose to show yourself like this?” she enquired of her former trusted companion. “What is it you want?”

      Paksahara turned her glass face back to the queen. “For all on two feet to bow down before me. For you to relinquish your throne and pledge your allegiance to the original rulers of Vastia. For you to let me enslave you, the way you did me – you called me familiar, but in reality I was nothing more than your servant.”

      “I was your loyal and you my companion. We were a team,” said the queen. “I will never bow down to you.”

      “I was hoping you’d say that. I’m quite looking forward to hearing you beg for mercy.” The sunlight gleamed through Paksahara’s stained-glass visage – it was strange for something so terrifying to be so beautiful too. “Upon the arrival of the next full moon, a new Dead Army will rise, one comprising animals, and it will not stop marching and conquering until every human has surrendered to it.”

      The glass panes began to shake once more, but this time, instead of reforming into their original picture, the window shattered. Triangles of coloured glass, sharp as knives, rained down upon the queen and her councillors. Elders ducked beneath the table, while the gathered townsfolk covered their heads with their arms. With no magic to protect them, the shattered glass impaled itself in flesh and fur. It was only after the last shards had settled that humans and animals came out from their hiding spots. But they did so cautiously, fearing that Paksahara could return at any moment. A quick survey told Aldwyn that, fortunately, no one was badly hurt from the blast; as far as he could see, there were just cuts and grazes. Queen Loranella signalled everyone to return to their seats.

      “Let’s not panic,” she said, trying to bring a sense of peace back to the grand hall.

      “If we are to have any hope at all of regaining our magic, we must find the Shifting Fortress,” said Sorceress Edna, rising to her feet. “It is the only way to stop Paksahara’s plot.”

      One of the council elders, wearing a blue scarf on her head, spoke up. “We can put together a team of trackers and a volunteer citizen army. Try to have eyes everywhere at once.”

      “No, Vastia is too big,” responded Queen Loranella thoughtfully. “We have only eight days until the full moon rises. Without the bracelet, finding the Fortress is a hopeless task.”

      A hush descended on the hall, and there was a silence that seemed to go on for ever, until the elder from the Estovian province, recognisable by his black gown, spoke up. “There might be another way,” he offered. He had grey, lifeless skin and eyes sunk back deep into his sockets. Only patches of long stringy hair remained on his scalp, as if the rest had fallen out in clumps.

      “If you hold truths, speak now, Feynam,” said the queen.

      “I have no knowledge of the Shifting Fortress’s secrets. But if I still had my magic, there’s someone I would talk to – the famed architect Agorus, the man who built the Fortress itself. Of course, given the circumstances, I’m unable to commune with the dead.”

      “Then why did you even bring it up?” shouted a voice from the crowd. “You’re just wasting our time.”

      “We СКАЧАТЬ