The Keepsake. Sheelagh Kelly
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Название: The Keepsake

Автор: Sheelagh Kelly

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Исторические любовные романы


isbn: 9780007391677


СКАЧАТЬ realising that her mood had changed, he laughed and butted in. ‘Well, if you’ve been taking the ugly pills I can tell you they’re not working.’

      But she would not look up at him. ‘– because that’s the second reference you’ve made to it.’

      Taken aback at her sudden coolness, Marty cocked his head and studied her pose for a second, wondering why his intended praise had for some strange reason inflicted huge displeasure. ‘Begging your pardon, but what’s so wrong with that?’ Having sisters, he was not inexperienced in the ways of females, was aware that their moods could turn from honey to vitriol at the drop of a hat, but never had he known one who eschewed compliments.

      Eyes still downcast, Henrietta picked at her satin skirt and took a deep breath. ‘I’ve just poured out my heart telling you of the lack of regard my father has for me, yet you –’ She broke off, angry and hurt at having her joy ruined so quickly.

      Still frowning and totally confused as to how a remark on her beauty could be so misconstrued, Marty was desperate to make things right but did not know how. What did her father have to do with this? Then, as he continued to stare at her forlorn figure, his heart plunging from its former heights to hang like a leaden pendulum in his chest, he was suddenly granted a deeper understanding of this beautiful creature. Confident she might be in her looks, but the years of parental neglect had left Henrietta with the assumption that she was worthless for anything other than to adorn the house of some magnate, to be used as bargaining power for her father’s gain. His heart went out to her and he cupped her hand gently in both of his. ‘Of course I think you’re gorgeous, and I can’t deny that was the thing which first attracted me – but it’s not the only thing – and I don’t mean your clothes or your wealth.’

      ‘My father’s wealth,’ she reminded him.

      ‘That’s as may be, but it doesn’t count. It wouldn’t matter who or what y’are, I’d still like you…more than like.’ His voice was tenderly coaxing. ‘I thought, I hoped you felt the same.’

      She forced her woebegone eyes up to meet his droopy-lidded gaze, her belly performing a somersault as she admitted in a little voice, ‘I do.’

      ‘And what was it attracted you?’ he asked gently.

      ‘Well, the way you –’ She broke off, her pink lips curling in a half-smile of self-mockery.

      ‘The way I look,’ provided Marty, smiling too now as he gave her hand an accusing but playful shake. ‘So it’s not just me that’s guilty, is it?’

      ‘No.’ Under his teasing, Henrietta melted, fighting back the tears.

      ‘I mean, it stands to reason that it’s a person’s physical appearance that first attracts someone, doesn’t it? Though what the devil you see in me is anyone’s guess,’ he added incredulously.

      She rose then. Tapered little fingers stroked him, as did her voice. ‘I’m sorry, Martin, I didn’t mean to sound harsh or arrogant or ungrateful, it’s just that –’

      ‘I know,’ he told her kindly, going so far as to caress her cheek with his knuckle, wanting to go much further and pull the pins from her hair and the clothes from her body, forgetting that he should not even be there at all. ‘It might be the first thing that attracted us but we both know it goes far beyond that, don’t we?’

      She nodded, blinking away the moisture of emotion. Their eyes held each other adoringly for a while, both still reeling from the impact of their meeting, trying to understand what had happened to them but unable to voice it, until the magnetic charge between them became too strong to resist and they finally pressed their lips together, tentatively at first, but quickly yielding to such fierce passion that it terrified them into breaking away, although not completely.

      Marty swallowed, took a deep breath and emitted a delighted laugh. His hands gripping her waist, his eyes unable to tear themselves from hers, he pondered on their glittering depths. ‘So what now, Miss Ibbetson? Or should I say Henrietta?’

      Equally ecstatic, she said, ‘I think you should, especially after that. But call me Etta, I much prefer it.’ Then she sighed and laid her head against his warm chest, leaving it there even though one of his metal buttons hurt her ear. ‘You know, I really do wish you had a caravan, then you could spirit me away.’

      He rubbed his chin atop her head, breathing in her scent and smiling. ‘Ah, now don’t go making rash statements like that or I might.’

      ‘I’m serious.’

      ‘You are?’ He pushed her gently away so that he could read her face.

      ‘Completely! Caravan or no, I can’t wait here for Father to get back. I’m desperate to leave…but not without you. I never want to leave you, Martin, ever.’ She squeezed him tightly.

      Marty let out a happy roar. ‘To think when I came to work this morning the only thing I had in mind to tackle was boots! Little did I know I’d be kissing me future wife.’

      ‘And I my future husband!’ Etta laughed emotionally, and they hugged again amorously.

      Marty was on the verge of announcing that he would run away with her there and then, but how could he do this with no funds? He was lucky if he earned nine bob a week. He wondered if she had any money, but was not about to appear so mercenary for that would indeed ruin his case. Still wondering how to broach the subject, he was forestalled by Etta who urged excitedly, ‘Let’s leave this minute!’

      ‘Oh, that’d be really bright, us walking through the hotel lobby together. The manager’d be delighted.’ He grinned to show he was ribbing. ‘Isn’t it enough that you’re about to sacrifice everything, without me losing my job too?’

      ‘There’s nothing for me to sacrifice but wealth, and that means absolutely nothing.’

      ‘It might when you’ve nothing to eat. If I walk out of here I’ve lost my income. How would I support you?’

      ‘You could get another job! I’d help.’

      ‘Etta, I’d love nothing more than to run away with you right now, but one of us has to be sensible. I can’t promise to keep you in the manner to which you’re accustomed but I can at least hang on to the job I have. Now, we must think of a plan. Where are we to go? Where are we to live? I couldn’t raise enough for a month’s rent so quickly, not to mention what it’d cost even to secure the key.’

      ‘But you won’t allow these stumbling blocks to come between us, will you?’ she implored him with little kisses.

      Marty closed his eyes in ecstasy, fighting carnal urges. ‘Do I look as if I’d give up so easily? I’m going to have to enlist help, that’s all.’

      ‘From your parents?’

      He sobered. ‘Ah, no, I certainly couldn’t take you home just like that.’ Nor could he allow her to think this was some jolly jape. ‘It might be that your father’s not the only one who doesn’t take kindly to this. I don’t mean any insult, I’m sure Ma and Da’ll be fine once they get used to the idea of me marrying a lady – if the shock doesn’t kill them first – but I can’t just spring it on them. Besides, what kind of a man would I be if I expected my parents to look after us? No, but I have quite a few friends I can turn to.’

      ‘I СКАЧАТЬ