The Sedona Method: Your Key to Lasting Happiness, Success, Peace and Emotional Well-being. Hale Dwoskin
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СКАЧАТЬ it for checking.”

      I suggest that you take for checking everything you’re exposed to in this book. Give yourself permission to be as open to the message as you can be without accepting it on blind faith. The material will have much more value for you once you’ve explored and applied it, or checked it, under real life conditions.

      The ideas in The Sedona Method may appear to contradict what you’ve learned from other methods and modalities. But there’s no need to throw out the other material that you’ve learned. Merely set it aside, as best you can, while you explore this book. I highly recommend that you suspend comparison and judgment, if only for the moment. Once you’ve had time to draw your own conclusions, you can then go back and compare this material to everything else you’ve learned and see where it fits. People usually find releasing a wonderful adjunct to the other techniques and therapies they already use.

      Contradiction is inevitable when you compare different paths or traditions of growth. This does not necessarily invalidate the different points of view. When it comes to self-discovery, if you can embrace multiple possibilities, you’ll find yourself understanding and applying the insights you gain on a deeper, more heartfelt, and much more useful level. There are many rays that lead to the one sun.

      It’s a Matter of Resonance

      From my perspective, everything in the world has its own vibration, or resonance, including you and everyone you meet. Have you ever noticed that some people tend to pull you up when you’re with them while others seem to pull you down, and that they often don’t need to say or do anything to have this effect on you? As we let go and grow in understanding, our resonance, or frequency, tends to go up. But it’s not just a matter of “higher” or “lower.” We all relate better to some people than others, even if they’re on the same level of vibration as us. Of course, the same thing is true for teachers and ideas.

      As you read The Sedona Method, you may find that you resonate intensely with certain chapters while others leave you feeling a little confused or unmoved. Sections of this book will have more value to you on different occasions. Over time, as you work with releasing, other sections will stand out more than they did initially. That is because you’ll have changed and become ready to see things from a new perspective. When this happens, allow yourself to honor the change and shift your focus accordingly.

      Adopt a Gentle, Playful Attitude

      Above all, nurture yourself as you engage in the processes in this book. Be your best friend and supporter, rather than a drill sergeant or taskmaster. Transform yourself through the experience of joy. Soon you’ll be making many interesting and inspiring discoveries about ways that you’ve been limiting yourself. Then, as these limitations drop away one by one, you’ll be lighter, happier, more relaxed, and at ease.

      The Sedona Method reminds us of what our spirits already recognize intuitively. We can have freedom and happiness now. We don’t have to wait for it to arrive some far off day in the future when we’ve worked hard enough to deserve it, or when we’ve succeeded somehow in making ourselves ready. We have reason for joy, and to delight, now!


      Part One covers most of the material that’s usually covered in both the live and audio versions of the Sedona Method Basic Course. It also covers material from the Advanced Courses, and some altogether new material, so that you can take all these tools, turn your life around, and keep it on track from here on. Although these techniques are extremely simple—as you’ll soon discover—they are also much more powerful than you can probably imagine at this stage. As you continue to apply these techniques and principles in your life, however, their ease and power will grow on you exponentially.

      Over a quarter of a century after first learning these processes myself, I am still seeing them each day through newly-amazed eyes. When I watch how easily people can make positive changes in their lives, I am always filled with wonder and gratitude at being given the chance to share this elegantly powerful process with the world.

       Chapter 1 Beyond the Suppression-Expression Cycle

      The rapid and positive changes that took place in Joe’s life as soon as he began using the Sedona Method are an ideal model of what can happen for us all. Persistent difficulties clear up, exciting new possibilities emerge, and serendipity smoothes the flow of events. When Joe learned the Method, he was at a low point both personally and professionally. A year and half earlier, he’d been in a plane crash that had left him wheelchair bound for seven months, his company was forcing him out of his job, and his estranged wife and he had been tied up in legal knots for three years hammering out their divorce agreement. Within a few weeks, everything turned around 180 degrees. First, Joe’s ex-wife agreed to go to mediation where they reached an amicable settlement. Then, he happened to run into the chairman of the company he was suing for wrongful termination at a charity ball. The chairman hadn’t known about Joe’s severance until then, and the next Monday Joe’s lawyer called with news of a favorable settlement that was more than the original offer.

      Even better, Joe decided to take a long weekend trip to a warm island paradise to celebrate his good fortune. Sitting and reading a book on the beach in Nassau, he pursued an idle conversation with a woman who turned out to be the love of his life. He wasn’t looking for a date because he had to catch the plane home in a couple of hours. But Jean seemed familiar, and after she told him that she also lived in Toronto, he asked, “Look, this isn’t a line, but do you live at such and such a corner?”

      “Yes, I do,” she answered.

      “That’s funny,” said Joe. “I go to physiotherapy there. I must have seen you on the subway. Do you also go to the theater downtown?”

      “Yes, once or twice a week,” Jean replied.

      “I work in downtown Toronto,” Joe then mentioned, “in Scotia Plaza on the 53rd floor.”

      “That’s strange … I work on the 30th floor!”

      An hour went by. When Joe got up to leave, they traded phone numbers, and he didn’t give her another thought for a couple of weeks until that same slip of paper fell out of his notebook and reminded him. When he called, they connected amazingly well. They soon fell in love, and Joe asked Jean to marry him.

      The more Joe applied the Sedona Method, the faster his career as an executive in the investment banking industry took off, and the higher it flew. His income grew at an exponential rate. In terms of wealth and money, the Method has been absolutely incredible for him. In addition, Joe continued using the Method to let go of his worries about his physical condition. In the plane crash, he was crippled from breaking 32 bones, including bones in his left leg, his right kneecap, his hand, and his skull. Although his doctors told him he would never walk well again, today he walks perfectly with virtually no pain. Joe uses the same Sedona Method techniques that you’ll be learning in this book—morning and night and all through the day. As a result, he is happy and successful, life is fun, and he is peacefully flowing from event to event. In his words: “I feel blessed. The Sedona Method turns big issues into small issues.”

      Life as We Know It

      Harmony СКАЧАТЬ