Dead Little Mean Girl. Eva Darrows
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Название: Dead Little Mean Girl

Автор: Eva Darrows

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Книги для детей: прочее


isbn: 9781474068888


СКАЧАТЬ again for four days.

       Chapter Three

      Art class started as the sole thing Quinn and I shared in common, but quickly morphed into “the hour I spend with that chick I abhor.” Her stock rose after she screwed over Nikki. People were curious about her. A handful of people called her homophobic, yes, but others justified her behavior, saying it was Nikki’s fault for hitting on a straight girl in the first place. Far more people applauded Quinn’s “bravery” than condemned her insensitivity, which was all sorts of messed up.

      I wondered how the perception would have changed if Nikki told everyone the truth. I had no issue with Quinn identifying as straight and screwing a girl—plenty of gay folks had straight sex, and experimentation was a legit thing. But Quinn was cruel when she talked about the gay people in her circle. Even if she hadn’t been getting her hump on with Nikki, look at her mother, at our mothers, and how she’d accused my mother of inappropriate staring. How could she be so horrible?

      I stewed about it for days. The conclusions I reached weren’t heartening. Even if Nikki set the record straight, Quinn couldn’t lose. Most of the guys in my school would have been more interested in the fap material than the injustice of what Quinn did to Nikki. Quinn would go from being the hot, interesting new girl to the walking boner fodder of Westvale.

      The only thing I could do was extend an olive branch to Nikki. Her first day back after her hiatus, I found her at lunch. I was so nervous, I got slimy-sweaty and worried about pit stains. A few deep breaths, a few prayers to my benevolent, godly maker, and I approached her table, my lunch tray clasped tight between my hands. She stopped eating her pudding midspoonful. Her expression was empty, like this was a stranger wearing a Nikki mask and not the girl herself.

      “What Quinn did was wrong and I’m sorry.” I couldn’t look her in the eye so I concentrated on the rhinestone barrettes in her hair instead. “If you want to tell people that she’s a liar, I’ll back you up. That wasn’t cool.”

      I expected her to tell me to screw off, but after a long pause, she kicked out the empty chair across from her in invitation.

      “Not worth it,” she said, returning her attention to her pudding.

      I ate with Nikki every day after that, Tommy and Laney joining us to round out our quartet. It marked the last day of the Quinn/Emma alliance. Quinn didn’t need me anymore. Derek Powers, our star baseball player, asked her out after Nikki’s shamefest and that was it—Quinn had her “in” with the popular kids. She was free to blossom from a petulant, pain-in-the-butt bud to a full-blown terror flower.

      My home life deteriorated to its previous misery while school was “pretend the other one is dead” time. The hostility made art class a chore. Quinn would walk in, see where Nikki sat, and purposefully take the workbench farthest away. I stuck with Nikki so that put me and Quinn on opposite ends of the classroom. One day, while I was sketching, I told Nikki that it was an apt metaphor for my and Quinn’s relationship as a whole—a nation divided, ne’er the twain shall meet.

      “Cool,” Nikki said. “Glad I’m on the non–douche bag side of the Mason-Dixon.”

      So was I.

      * * *

      A week later, Quinn’s trouble with Mr. Riddell started. Once Quinn got popular, she got social. Really social. Our school had a policy that cell phones had to be put away at all times or they would be confiscated. Either Quinn thought she could charm her way out of punishment or didn’t think the rules applied to her in the first place.

      That was a mistake.

      It was a Tuesday, and we were working with watercolors. The exercise was to blend the paints as seamlessly as possible. It wasn’t difficult, but apparently it wasn’t interesting enough for Quinn. I could see her in the front row. She alternated between twisting the paintbrush between her fingers and reaching into her bag to pull out her phone. Every time Mr. Riddell patrolled to look at work, she’d thrust her hands under the table or put the phone away, but Mr. Riddell wasn’t an idiot.

      “Focus on the work, Miss Littleton. Not whatever it is you’re doing over there.”

      “Uh-huh.” She flashed him an oopsie smile, probably hoping her revolting cuteness would sway him, before picking up the paintbrush and doing three swirls across her paper. The moment he walked out of her row, she was back at the phone, her head pointed down, her shoulders hunched so she could hide when Riddell patrolled near. To use my dad’s saying, it was as subtle as a fart in church.

      “Dumbass,” Nikki muttered to me under her breath.


      Three more circuits through the room, two more warnings from the teacher before Mr. Riddell got tired of Quinn’s crap. He didn’t come at her from the front row, but from the row behind. Quinn had her head down, her thumbs flying when he reached over her shoulder to pluck the phone from her grasp. She yelped and whirled around, trying to snatch it from his ham fist, but Riddell shook his head and headed toward his desk, depositing the phone in his top drawer.

      “You may retrieve it at the end of the school day,” he said.

      Quinn’s ears went pink. It wasn’t shame—she wasn’t really capable of shame—so much as annoyed exasperation. “What if there’s an emergency? Like, a school shooter. There’s a billion trench coat kids here. Tommy Nutters has crazy eyes. Hello?”

      Tommy Naughters may have been my ex-boyfriend, but he was still my friend. I glowered at the back of her head, wishing I had heat-ray vision. Sadly, my lack of superpowers meant her strawberry blondeness didn’t erupt into flames.

      Mr. Riddell grimaced. “Back to work, Quinn.”


      “Multiple warnings to put it away means no buts. You may collect the phone at the end of the day. If that doesn’t suit you, I can give it to the principal’s office and they can call your mother to collect it for you.”

      Quinn’s pink face went red. This was a telltale precursor of Quinn having a fit, which at home resulted in headaches and new designer purses from Karen. I almost hoped she’d lose it in class so I could snicker about her rotting in detention for the rest of her natural life, but a pat on the shoulder from Drone A on her left calmed her enough that she kept her trap shut.

      “Whatever,” she snapped, slamming her paintbrush down on her worktable.

      Okay, mostly kept her mouth shut.

      Class was unremarkable after that. Quinn was sullen. The watercolors were watercolors and did what watercolors do, which wasn’t much. By the time the bell rang, Quinn had worked herself into a snit. She grabbed her books and stormed toward Mr. Riddell’s desk, one hand perched on her hip, her shoe tapping against the tile floor.

      “Can I have it now? My last class is across the building and I have plans after school.”

      Mr. Riddell made a show of stacking his papers in a neat pile. “This will be the third time you’ve pushed me, so no, you may not. And now your choice is to pick it up tomorrow after school or I’ll call your mother to pick it up today.”

      “Come on! I’m expecting a call from my dad later. Please?”